On 12/13/11 Dec 13 -10:23 AM, Mark H. David wrote:
Thanks, would like to do this with an easy serial defsystem. Can I get the files on the same line to be a compilation unit in this example?
(asdf:defsystem :example :version "0.0.1" :serial t :components ((:file "packages") (:file "a") (:file "b") (:file "c") ; <- as compilation unit? (:file "d")))
On 12/13/2011 11:04 AM, Robert Goldman wrote:
On 12/13/11 Dec 13 -9:28 AM, Mark H. David wrote:
Is there any way to have ASDF compile several files with with-compilation-unit wrapped around the compilation?
I guess my response wasn't clear enough. The /entire/ system compilation will be in the scope of WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. If that isn't happening as you expect, please explain what is going wrong. Cheers, r