I'd prefer main over dev. Mostly because github has (forcibly) renamed master to main (along with other projects) so I'm used to main being what master used to be. Having to remember master, main, and dev is just too much work for my old brain. On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 7:34 AM Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
As we move forward, and try to add some new facilities to ASDF, this seems like a good time to revise the branching structure that we use.
In particular, I would like to add a stable branch that will permit continuation of the 3.3 release series, the need for which is illustrated by Mark E's recent merge request.
If we are going to make that change, it seems like a good time to rename the master branch to either main or dev. Any preferences?
I'd like to have a quick discussion about this over the week, with an eye to getting a solution in place by Friday.
Thanks for your thoughts,
-- Ray