The files are the same. compile-op does not touch them at all. They are just its fake output-files. Is it a good idea to compile a .c to .o/.so in a compile-op? Its doc string says ""Operation for compiling a Lisp file to a FASL". I don't see why there's any issue compiling a .c to a .o in a compile-op, the operation is for compiling in general. Maybe the doc string can be amended to "Operation for compiling source files or
On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 6:13 PM Ilya Perminov <iperminov@gmail.com> wrote: preprocessed source files to object files, fasls, etc.". If they are not otherwise needed at a previous step, I would compile the files during compile-op, as a defmethod perform :before (or :after) on the suitable class. If needed at a previous step, I would copy them to a different filename. Apologies for likely being the author of this bug. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Social peace will come when the socialists will love the poor more than they hate the rich. — Not Golda Meir