Yes, I noticed that ecl doesn't like my trying to reset a system with (change-class (change-class system 'standard-object) 'system). It looks like using an ancestor class proto-system instead with a slot name works better. I committed that as 2.018.19. If it still doesn't work portably enough, it seems that this painful manual reset should work (though it isn't very maintainable): (defun* reset-system (system &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys) (change-class system 'system) (dolist (slot '(name version description long-description relative-pathname absolute-pathname around-compile components-by-name author maintainer licence source-file defsystem-depends-on)) (slot-makunbound system slot)) (setf (slot-value system 'operation-times) (make-hash-table) (component-inline-methods system) nil (component-load-dependencies system) nil) (apply 'reinitialize-instance system (append keys `(:in-order-to nil :do-first nil :parent nil :properties nil :components nil :if-component-dep-fails :fail :default-component-class ,*default-component-class*)))) —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org The real danger is that one day machines *will* become intelligent, but we'll lack the mental equipment to notice. — Tiresias, in J.-P. Petit, "Run, Robot, Run" On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:10, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
Running make test-all, I get the following:
Using ecl -norc -load sys:cmp Ran 36 tests: 5 passing and 31 failing failing test(s): asdf-pathname-test.script test-around-compile.script test-builtin-source-file-type.script test-compile-file-failure.script test-configuration.script test-force.script test-missing-lisp-file.script test-module-depend.script test-module-excessive-depend.script test-module-pathnames.script test-multiple.script test-nested-components.script test-package.script test-redundant-recompile.script test-retry-loading-component-1.script test-samedir-modules.script test-source-file-type.script test-static-and-serial.script test-sysdef-asdf.script test-system-pathnames.script test-touch-system-1.script test-touch-system-2.script test-try-recompiling-1.script test-version.script test-xach-update-bug.script test1.script test2.script test3.script test4.script test9.script wild-module.script -#---------------------------------------
Mac OS X 10.6.8
Could this be an error that comes from getting rid of VERSION somehow in the latest patch? Tried this using run-test on asdf-pathname-test.script and see a lot of lines like the following:
non-negative fixnum just seemed to me that it might be a version number....
I suppose it could be a file-write-date.... Oddly, despite the -d flag on run-test, I didn't get thrown into the debugger.
Same test passes on SBCL.
Best, r