I've managed to get asdf-dependency-grovel to load. There is a comment in adg/tests/grovel-test.lisp that ASDF 3.1 is required. Okay, I have ASDF 3.1.5 laying around so I loaded that. Now SBCL can load adg. The test script adg/tests/run-tests.sh runs (with modifications) but all of the tests fail -- it appears that no dependencies are identified. I enabled *DEBUG-TRACE* in variables.lisp, and I get some output which suggests something is happening, which is encouraging. Faré, can you say anything about what one should expect to see in the debug output if stuff is working correctly? Can you see anything amiss in the output shown below? best, Robert PS. Here is the output for adg/tests/u-defconstant.lisp. That file contains just (cl:in-package :asdf-dependency-grovel-test) (defvar test-defconstant-user.1 test-defconstant.1) which references TEST-DEFCONSTANT.1, which is defined in p-defconstant.lisp, so that's the dependency that's supposed to be detected. The output for other tests is similar. ----- begin output ----- DEBUG: Perform load-source-op #<ASDF-DEPENDENCY-GROVEL:INSTRUMENTED-CL-SOURCE-FILE "test-serial-system" "u-defconstant"> DEBUG: Operating on (:ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) DEBUG: Operating on (:FILE #P"/home/robert/by-others/asdf-dependency-grovel-master/tests/u-defconstant.lisp" :ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) DEBUG: Operating on ((:FORM 0 :FILE #P"/home/robert/by-others/asdf-dependency-grovel-master/tests/u-defconstant.lisp" :ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) 0 "(IN-PACKAGE :ASDF-DEPENDENCY-GROVEL-TEST)") DEBUG: Done operating on ((:FORM 0 :FILE #P"/home/robert/by-others/asdf-dependency-grovel-master/tests/u-defconstant.lisp" :ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) 0 "(IN-PACKAGE :ASDF-DEPENDENCY-GROVEL-TEST)") DEBUG: Operating on ((:FORM 1 :FILE #P"/home/robert/by-others/asdf-dependency-grovel-master/tests/u-defconstant.lisp" :ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) 44 "(DEFVAR TEST-DEFCONSTANT-USER.1 ...)") DEBUG: Done operating on ((:FORM 1 :FILE #P"/home/robert/by-others/asdf-dependency-grovel-master/tests/u-defconstant.lisp" :ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) 44 "(DEFVAR TEST-DEFCONSTANT-USER.1 ...)") DEBUG: Done operating on (:FILE #P"/home/robert/by-others/asdf-dependency-grovel-master/tests/u-defconstant.lisp" :ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) DEBUG: Done operating on (:ASDF ("test-serial-system" "u-defconstant") :ASDF ("test-serial-system") . T) ----- end output -----