I haven't really tried it yet. I'm still on a road trip without much time at computer or net connectivity, will be home this weekend, and plan to get asdf testing set up starting next week. Once the basics are working I will have a go with Windows configurations (at least with Allegro and CCL). 

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
Faré wrote:
> 3- Does the test suite run on Windows at all? I've never tried.

Dave Cooper had a whack at it, and it didn't work out of the box, but it
didn't seem like it would be impossible, if a cygwin installation could
appropriately be wired together with lisp.

I'm not sure how one would handle/test the oddities of the dual
Unix-style/Windows-style pathnames.  I'm mostly familiar with Allegro,
which makes Unix-style pathnames work on Windows.


My Best,

Dave Cooper, Genworks Support
david.cooper@genworks.com, dave.genworks.com(skype)
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UK: 0191 645 1699