Hi, Faré Sorry, actually I'm using a old ASDF, now the latest. It's from latest Quicklisp, the version is 2.014.6 I'm on LispWorks. Currently, every time I manually eval a definition, I was prompted that the definition has been redefined from one file to another ... But if I upgrade to latest ASDF after Quicklisp being loaded, I cannot do ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM to those packages behind Quicklisp: CL-USER 1 > (upgrade-asdf) ;; compile latest asdf.lisp and load it ... lots of redefinition warnings ... CL-USER 2 > (asdf:load-system :snmp) ; Loading system definition from /Users/binghe/Lisp/cl-net-snmp/snmp/branches/6/snmp.asd into #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/binghe/Lisp/cl-net-snmp/snmp/branches/6/snmp.asd ; Registering #<SYSTEM "snmp"> ; Loading system definition from /Users/binghe/Lisp/usocket/branches/0.5.x/usocket.asd into #<The ASDF0 package, 0/16 internal, 0/16 external> ; Loading text file /Users/binghe/Lisp/usocket/branches/0.5.x/usocket.asd ; Registering #<SYSTEM "usocket"> Error: Component :IRONCLAD not found, required by #<ASDF:SYSTEM "snmp"> 1 (continue) Retry loading IRONCLAD. 2 (abort) Return to level 0. 3 Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed. Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options. Here, IRONCLAD was managed by Quicklisp, but I cannot load it any more. --binghe 在 2011-6-16,00:58, Faré 写道:
Recently I found a strange behaivour in latest ASDF: it internally converts all my pathname namestrings into lower-case, although I'm using a case-insentive HFS on Mac.
I have following items in asdf:*central-registry*, these packages are either maintained/modified by me or not yet with Quicklisp:
That's weird. I don't remember doing anything recently that might affect the central-registry. Which implementation are you using? Did you upgrade it recently? What version of ASDF are you using now, and which were you using previously?
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