Currently, ASDF ignores all file types supplied by the user when specifying a :PATHNAME value for a component. This did not happen before, though. This is kind of annoying and hard to deal with, due to ECL's need of prebuilt ASDF files -- these are ASDF components that contain files with precompile sources, whose file extension need not coincide with the one being used by ASDF at the time. For instance, ECL may be launched with the bytecodes compiler as default (file extension is ".fasc"), but require to load sockets.asd, which contains the precompiled binary file sockets.fas, as in (DEFSYSTEM "sockets" :CLASS ASDF::PREBUILT-SYSTEM :LIB #P"SYS:LIBSOCKETS.A" :DEPENDS-ON NIL :COMPONENTS ((:COMPILED-FILE "sockets" :PATHNAME #P"SYS:SOCKETS.FAS"))) What would be the appropriate fix for this? Juanjo -- Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain) http://juanjose.garciaripoll.googlepages.com