On 11/24/10 Nov 24 -9:59 AM, Faré wrote:
On 24 November 2010 09:46, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
1- you should probably be using (default-directory) instead of *default-pathname-defaults* I will modify the code accordingly.
Scratch that. You should be using *default-pathname-defaults*, but to save work, bind it to (default-directory) around the call to inherit-source-registry in flatten-source-registry.
Done. Look for push to come, after I've checked to make sure these changes don't break the tests. BTW, if there's a condition you think I ought to add to the tests, please let me know. I covered a reasonable set of cases, but there are certainly more. I'm not sure which are "interesting" --- i.e. likely to reveal bugs. ....
3- you can wrap the whole body of process-source-registry (pathname &key ...) in a (let ((*proper-variable* (pathname-directory-pathname pathname))) ...)
I wasn't confident of what would happen in the third branch of the COND --- the one with
(inherit-source-registry inherit :register register)
if I did that. If you're sure I won't mess something up that way, I'll make the change. I'm looking at the test suite, and I'm pretty sure I could bork ASDF by messing up I-S-R without the test suite noticing.
You're totally right, my suggestion was wrong on point 2, because of your point 3 below. We probably want to a- distinguish "here" (relative to config file) from "default" (something global set by the user). b- reset "here" to "default" when processing something that's not a file, around the body of inherit-source-registry.
That's what I was trying to do by taking :here to mean *default-pathname-defaults* when *here-directory* is unbound. That was the only expedient I could think of that would make :here do something sensible when it was used interactively.... Cheers, r