No. Library authors have *already* largely adopted UTF-8. See previous analysis by Orivej Desh: "I did a ckeck of quicklisp systems. There are 263 lisp files in 107 systems which assume non-ASCII, and only 31 of them in 20 systems assume non-UTF-8"
I saw those statistics. I have no idea what "assume non-ASCII" means. That there are files that have non-ascii characters in them? And that only 31 files are not in utf-8 already?
Yes, of which only 13 files were actually managed by ASDF as opposed to examples, one is a MCL-only file that doesn't support UTF-8 anyway, two have already been fixed, and the rest are only latin1 or such in comments. Bugs filed for all the other systems (but no response so far). IOW, I believe we're mostly arguing about a non-issue. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org