2011/10/5 Сергей Катревич <linkfly1@newmail.ru>:
Hi Lispers! Привет Sergey!
I research sources ASDF Library. I am not understand: Why repeat the compilation of a file (below code and details)?
Probably a bug. Those retry state machines date from before my time, and though I tried not to touch them, they may have been slightly buggy then, or I may have broken them when I took over. However, I admit I didn't quite understand your description of events. Could you just retry your failure while you (trace asdf::perform asdf::perform-with-restarts compile-file asdf::make-sub-operation) and maybe insert format statements to print the state of the state variable everytime it has been modified? Alternatively, if someone who is not afraid of headaches can give a look at the state machines in "perform-with-restarts", I'll be glad. Thanks! —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org