Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> écrivait:
I stubbed my toe on this absent-mindedly compiling Didier's decLt system on Allegro Common Lisp. That system doesn't, and cannot, function on ACL, but ASDF tells us it has compiled successfully.
Following up to our private conversation on this...
I think there's an error on my part to begin with. The core system of Declt has an :if-feature :sbcl, which prevents it from being loaded outside SBCL. This is mostly what's needed, but I hadn't realized that it /silently/ does so, instead of throwing an error if the feature is absent.
So the question is: can I declaratively state that a system (or maybe more generally a component) depends on a feature, so that loading fails with an error otherwise ? I don't currently see a way.
#-feature (error "FEATURE missing") at toplevel, so you get an error on reading the .asd file. -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.