Several more lisps completed, the report is updated. Currently it presents results form these lisps: ccl-1.10-r16196-f96-linux-x86 ccl-1.11-r16635-f96-linux-x86 ccl-1.9-r15756-f96-linux-x86 clisp-2.49-unix-x86 cmu-snapshot-2016-12__21b_unicode_-linux-x86 ecl-16.1.2-unknown-linux-x86-bytecode ecl-16.1.2-unknown-linux-x86-lisp-to-c sbcl-1.3.12-linux-x86 Do you need help understanding the results? 21.12.2016, 02:36, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
cl-test-grid tests are running and results started to come. This diff compares results of when ASDF is uses vs the ASDF deployed with each particular implementation: https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-51.html
I haven't analyzed them, but there are some failures you might be interested in, like Undefined function ASDF/INTERFACE::OPERATION-FORCED called with arguments (#<LOAD-OP>) . or ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:FORMATTED-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : OPERATION instances must only be created through MAKE-OPERATION.