This discussion makes me worried that if-feature dependencies may not function properly in ASDF. AFAIK ASDF still relies only on the file system to determine whether a file needs recompilation. But changing feature values are not, in general, visible in the file system. So I believe that use of :if-feature could cause ASDF to fail to recompile files when it should.

See this issue:

If anyone has time to check my work on this, I would be grateful.

We may need to project feature state into the filesystem in order to fix this problem.

On 18 May 2022, at 6:27, Didier Verna wrote:

Wilfredo Velazquez <> wrote:

Sorry in advance for not exactly answering your question, but out of
curiosity, what would 'conditionally included' entail exactly?

Conditional in the ASDF sense, that is...

BTW See ASDF's `:if-feature` option.

... exactly that, or :feature, etc.

Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.

Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: