Hi, Well, if you were using the DEFPACKAGE, the way to arrange a continued export of an inherited symbol is to declare it as exported, possibly after importing from a specific package, if not already in the use-list. But you aren't using DEFPACKAGE here. So between LW DEFPACKAGE and your synthesis system, LW must be doing some magic under the hood that your synthesis code is not performing in the same way -- right or wrong. AFAIK I am using ASDF in a correct manner, have been for years now. I don't see the difference between what I'm doing and what you suggested. It is somewhat irksome to be told by strangers that you are doing something wrong, when they haven't even seen what you are doing. I do appreciate the goal to which you all strive -- that of having a perfectly logical system across numerous Lisp implementations. But invariably, it becomes a quest of tilting at windmills -- a lot like the FPL guys striving for typed-perfection. Seems like a lost cause in the end, and people like me just want to get it going and move along. I never intended my suggested changes to become part of some release. That is for the maintainers to wrestle with. But in the interim I thought my findings might help a few folks out there now using the new LW6. Cheers, - DM On Feb 26, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
Hello, David
First, what you're talking here is not LispWorks 6.0 specific, but happens in all LispWorks versions.
Second, you're using ASDF in a wrong way. I assume your final goal is to automatically load some ASDF-based CL packages when LispWorks starts up. This can be done by putting forms as below into your ".lispworks" file:
(compile-file "asdf.lisp" :load t) ; or just (load "asdf") if you have already compile it into fasl. (pushnew ... asdf:*central-registry*) (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :xxx)
What you changed in asdf.lisp will cause a few symbols not being exported any more. Wrong.
Chun Tian (binghe)
在 2010-2-26,23:00, David McClain 写道:
No, I take a stock LW6 system and want to load up the ASDF package as soon as possible, so that I can then use ASDF to load in systems. When I take a look at the PACKAGE-USE-LIST of CL-USER, it shows COMMON-LISP, HARLEQUIN-COMMON-LISP, and LISPWORKS.
Have a look at the very front of the asdf.lisp file --- it places itself into package :CL-USER. So we are screwed up from the get go.
All I did was conditionalilze exports of two symbols that were already exported from another package and which performed identical functionality, and then I added a section to the rather elaborate package construction kit for ASDF to permit the declaration of some shadowed symbols. Simple. Effective. It works.
- DM
On Feb 26, 2010, at 07:31 AM, Faré wrote:
I don't understand. Do you mean that there is a problem when you (load "asdf") itself, or are you trying to (use-package :asdf) from cl-user? The latter is probably a bad idea, and wasn't supported so far (so far I know).
[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] Can anyone please squash this butterfly in Tokyo? I'm sick with its flapping wings changing the outcome of my life.
2010/2/26 David McClain <dbm@refined-audiometrics.com>:
... rather, in package :CL-USER, not :LW-USER. But apparently, LISPWORKS is automatically being used in CL-USER...
- DM
On Feb 26, 2010, at 01:13 AM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
Hi, David
I don't think it's necessary to make ASDF and LISPWORKS two packages live together. What you met can only happen when you try to defined a package which use above two packages at the same time:
(defpackage xxx (:use :cl :asdf :lispworks))
I don't think you have any good reason to use such a package.
Chun Tian (binghe)
在 2010-2-26,15:44, David McClain 写道:
I just installed the latest available source for ASDF and had to make a few minor changes to the way the ASDF Package was being defined, for compatibility with Lispworks 6.0: (changes highlighted in red -- if you can see them)
(ensure-shadow (package symbols) (shadow symbols package))
(ensure-package (name &key nicknames use export unintern shadow) (let* ((p (ensure-exists name nicknames))) (ensure-use p use) (ensure-unintern p unintern)
(ensure-shadow p shadow)
(ensure-export p export) p))) (ensure-package ':asdf-utilities :nicknames '(#:asdf-extensions) :use '(#:common-lisp) :export '(#:absolute-pathname-p #:aif
#-:LISPWORKS #:appendf
#:asdf-message #:coerce-name #:directory-pathname-p #:ends-with #:ensure-directory-pathname
#-:LISPWORKS #:getenv
#:get-uid #:length=n-p #:make-collector #:pathname-directory-pathname #:pathname-sans-name+type ;; deprecated. Use pathname-directory-pathname #:read-file-forms #:remove-keys #:remove-keyword #:resolve-symlinks #:split #:component-name-to-pathname-components #:system-registered-p #:truenamize)) (ensure-package ':asdf :use '(:common-lisp :asdf-utilities) :unintern '(#:*asdf-revision*)
:shadow #+:LISPWORKS '(#:load-system #:compile-system #:defsystem) #-:LISPWORKS '()
:export '(#:defsystem #:oos #:operate #:find-system #:run-shell-command #:system-definition-pathname #:find-component ; miscellaneous #:compile-system #:load-system #:test-system #:compile-op #:load-op #:load-source-op
Dr. David McClain dbm@refined-audiometrics.com
Dr. David McClain dbm@refined-audiometrics.com