Gary King wrote:
Hi Robert,
I didn't know about --tags; please try now and see what shakes out.
That seems to have fixed it: [rpgoldman-2:~/lisp/asdf] rpg% git describe --tags 1.362-2-g07f9837
We should think more about
This, by the way, was my birthday and therefore some sort of sign of the cosmic unconscious.
I believe that if we were to get your tags into our clones of your repository, we could figure out a way to get the *ASDF-REVISION* set properly.
Any reason why we shouldn't just butcher a version number string into the file when we release it, instead of doing the current rigamarole? Or is there a git wizard, who can supply a better alternative?
Well, the tag is in the _released_ file; just not in the repo; that'll be the next step.
I have been pondering this, admittedly from the point of view of someone who is git-illiterate (ilgiterate?), and the more I think about it, the more I like this solution: (defvar *asdf-revision* "1.362") This has the immense advantage of simplicity going for it. The alternatives that I gather from reading Linus, et al. all seem ill-suited for the CL world. They seem to rely on (1) source to source textual translation /outside/ the lisp environment (e.g., Linus proposes to push the version number from git tags into into the Makefile) and (2) easy access to the standard unix toolchain (make, perl, git). But access to the unix toolchain, portably, from CL is not a nice thing, and it doesn't come cheap. Worse, getting this right relies on some tricky logic to detect the fact that you're running from a git working directory (so you haven't had textual substitution performed during the export process), and so need to take an excursion through git-describe. I'm OK with coming up with an elegant solution that fixes this automagically using git tagging, git describe and so on, but until the messiah comes, how about we do the dumb thing and just stick in a string constant?* "Il meglio, e l'inimico del bene" [the best is the enemy of the good] --- Voltaire *If you want, you could make a shell script that wraps around the git tag command, incrementing the release number, pushing the release number into the *asdf-revision* defvar, committing the change, and then applying the tag. That would be pretty much automatic, but the logic wouldn't have to be replicated everywhere that asdf is loaded.