Hello Robert, Your description of what we are trying to accomplish is accurate. In short, we aim to: - Use existing binaries when they are installed as OS packages. - Allow things to work as expected when those binaries are not installed, i.e., write binaries to the user's cache. Your suggestion to write configuration files along with the packages to control output translation seems like a good approach. That is, when a user installs the cl-alexandria-sbcl package, we could write ${PREFIX}/etc/common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d/10-cl-alexandria-sbcl.conf. Without that package installed, I believe the default behaviour - writing to the user's cache - works. I'm working on implementing this approach but have encountered hurdles: 1. Custom Configuration Directory Our packages should only write under ${PREIX} (typically /usr/local/). Is it possible to tell ASDF to read from /usr/local/etc/common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d instead of /etc/common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d? Ideally, we could do this from our asdf-init.lisp. I notice that #:system-output-translations-pathname is exported. Could it be used for this purpose? 2. Configuration Error I manually created a test configuration file at /etc/common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d/10-asdf-sbcl.conf, with this DSL: % cat /etc/common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d/10-asdf-sbcl.conf (:output-translations :inherit-configuration ("/usr/local/lib/common-lisp/asdf/**/" "/usr/local/lib/common-lisp/asdf/sbclfasl/**/")) However, ASDF reports an error: % sbcl This is SBCL 2.4.10, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>. SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the distribution for more information. ;;; loading #P"/usr/local/lib/common-lisp/asdf/sbclfasl/build/asdf.fasl" * (asdf:load-system :foo) debugger invoked on a ASDF/OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS:INVALID-OUTPUT-TRANSLATION in thread #<THREAD tid=103125 "main thread" RUNNING {1103F50093}>: Invalid asdf output-translation (:OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS :INHERIT-CONFIGURATION ("/usr/local/lib/common-lisp/asdf/**/" "/usr/local/lib/common-lisp/asdf/sbclfasl/**/")) in #P"/etc/common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d/10-asdf-sbcl.conf" (will be skipped) Do you know what's wrong with this DSL? 3. Distinguishing Lisp Implementations This approach will only work if we can distinguish the running Lisp implementation. The manual mentions, "You may use #+features to customize the configuration file." Can we use something like #+sbcl in the .conf files to conditionally set up the output translations for SBCL? Thank you for your time and insight. Kind regards, Joe