Faré wrote: ...
* try to keep asdf.lisp itself small and recommend that unnecesary features should be put in contribs instead.
Do we have a protocol for loading ASDF that ensures that by virtue of loading it "authorized" contribs (i.e., contribs distributed with ASDF) will also be loadable. One of the reasons I liked having asdf-binary-locations folded in is that it has been a pain to get all my colleagues to have this critical contrib. I'm happy to see asdf be kept slim, but not at the expense of having people need to pull a large number of different repositories or tarballs to get a full environment running. Similarly, I would prefer to have ASDF not fall into the SLIME trap. SLIME configuration seems to involve mastering an ever-changing number of contribs to get the features you really want.... [Hm. Now that I've typed all this, I wonder if I'm actually saying "I'd rather not work too hard to keep asdf itself small."] Best, r