On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Zach Beane <xach@xach.com> wrote:
Here are a few failures:
- Weblocks: http://report.quicklisp.org/weblocks/2012-12-20/failtail.txt
I could not reproduce this one. The mention of SWANK suggests some previous use of SLIME. Did you previously try to compile weblocks while in SLIME?
- GBBopen also has the issue with :PARENT in the system file
GBBopen is trying to do something unnecessarily complex with its asdf setup. I'll contact Dan Corkill to slash through this complexity. I haven't looked at the other ones in detail, but they In the meantime, I've moved the parent slot from child-component to component, to improve backward compatibility. With this change, hu.dwim.reiterate and lisp-executable-example also pass. folio depends on fset, which needs to be fixed in its gratuitous abuse of ASDF.
- hu.dwim.reiterate: http://report.quicklisp.org/hu.dwim.reiterate/2012-12-20/failtail.txt - lisp-executable-example has the same :PARENT issue - folio: http://report.quicklisp.org/folio/2012-12-20/failtail.txt
I don't really understand 'em, just passing them along.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org "I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it." — Monty Python