On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
I still would recommend 1.601 as it is an "official" release (whatever
that means) whereas 1.596 isn't.

Thanks. That is all I was asking for.
Note that ECL passes tests, if only I tell the test suite to not worry
about the warnings ECL issues while compiling asdf.lisp. It is
probably a bug in ECL that it should issue these warnings: plenty of
unused variable warnings for variables used while dispatching methods,
warnings about an unused variables CLOS::.GENERIC-FUNCTION.SI::TEMP as
introduced by ECL itself in some macro. Also annoying notes about
.COMBINED-METHOD-ARGS. was undefined. Compiler assumes it is a global.
Unknown type (VALUES &REST T)
And one about ECL expecting two arguments from unintern.
The problem with ignoring warnings from ECL is that, though I ignore
bogus warnings now, I may be ignoring valid warnings tomorrow.

I was aware of some of those warnings (.combined-method-args., *next-method*), as reported by other users and now fixed in the upcoming release, but not of others (temp?). In this case you should have immediately reported that problem so that I look at it, which I will do before the next release.


Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC
c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain)