Dear Anton, thanks to your cl-test-grid machine, I could run tests. All the systems that you told me had trouble with the latest ASDF now pass. For the record, I had to: 1- fix ASDF (see commit 2.26.59) 2- patch buildapp (sent a pull request upstream) 3- patch asdf-system-connections (had already sent patch upstream earlier) 4- export LANG=en_US.utf-8 5- use the latest ironclad and nibbles (may or may not have been useful) 6- patch xcvb-bridge (committed upstream, need to release for quicklisp) 7- patch weblocks (sent upstream some time ago) 8- patch qbook (patch sent upstream) 9- patch lisp-executable (patch sent upstream) Exception: * lapack dies with some low-level failure in DGESVD... heap exhausted. I'll blame the build machine's limits. So... things are looking good. I'll wait for everything to be settled before I issue an official release candidate. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• Money is like an arm or leg — use it or lose it. — Henry Ford