On 16 June 2011 08:45, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
On 6/15/11 Jun 15 -9:05 PM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
Hi, Faré
It's caused by LispWorks' ASDF integration feature [1], it's also in attach. I have following line in my LispWorks init file:
(example-compile-file "misc/asdf-integration.lisp" :load t)
I didn't use it much, so I disabled it to make my life easier. But it's also quite hard to determine which version of ASDF2 broke it.
There's nothing obvious in that asdf-integration file that should break asdf's normal functioning. They define a number of behaviors that exploit ASDF data structures, but I don't see anything there that should redefine existing behavior. Of course, I may be overlooking something.
Using either ASDF 2.014.6 or ASDF 2.016.2 on LispWorks Personal 6.0.1 on Macintosh on a hfs volume, I cannot reproduce your issue. Is there something magic about the specific file you're seeing in the otherwise magic cl-net-snmp system you're using? [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]