OK, sorry about that. I did the bin/bump-version, and pushed. No problem. Thanks. Just be sure to bump-version before you push to master.
As for pushing to master, while I am not perfectly confident in the patch, it passes all the tests, and I'm as confident as I can get without people on the bleeding edge giving it a test.
I looked at the code, it looks great. I like how you implement those reinitialize-instance methods.
I believe only the SYSTEM objects will be reused, since once the children slot of the SYSTEM is cleared, the previous child COMPONENTs should become unreachable.
Maybe we could have made the whole thing simpler by only implementing reinitialize-instance for SYSTEM objects? But your approach is cleaner, in a way, so I wouldn't revise that.
I understand you are busy with other things, but if you get a chance, LMK what you think.
Looks great to me. BTW, if you have more time than I for ASDF, you might give a look to Juanjo's latest patch for ECL... —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org