6 Dec
6 Dec
3:15 a.m.
Hi, Could anybody show me what's the recommended approach to make all the compiled files to be stored in a relative directory, either in .asd file or by lisp code? I'm using ASDF 2.010 Say, if I have a project in $HOME/prj/ with prj.asd defined, and all it's dependencies in $HOME/prj/lib/. When I load the project in sbcl, I want all the compiled fasl files to be stored under $HOME/prj/fasl/sbcl/. I can only find configuration files in manual and am not sure about the usage of other APIs. An pseudo-code example would be very helpful. P.S. I was doing (setf asdf::*user-cache* ...) and it worked fine in 2.009, but it seems not working in 2.010. -- Jianshi Huang