On 6/28/15 Jun 28 -12:44 PM, edgar wrote:
Am Sun, 28 Jun 2015 12:22:10 -0500 schrieb Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net>:
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Robert Goldman .... why does (RUN-PROGRAM '("pwd" "-P")) work on Unix variants? Doesn't
On 6/27/15 Jun 27 -11:40 PM, Faré wrote: pwd require a shell?
At least here on Debian Linux there exist the external binary versions /bin/echo and /bin/pwd additionally to the built-in shell commands.
Thank you. I mistakenly looked only in /usr/bin. Fixed... This means that G-F-R-P was correct all along: because pwd is a runnable program, we don't need to specify :FORCE-SHELL for Unix variants. Because the Windows command is a string, instead of a list, we don't have to force a shell. And there's /bin/pwd on Mac OS X, too.