I was wondering if it was possible for some better error reporting. For example, when i was compiling kenny's cl-opengl, this is what i get: ; compiling (DEFVAR *OPENGL-DLL* ...) ; compiling (DEFUN CL-OPENGL-LOAD ...) ; compiling (CL-OPENGL-LOAD) ; compiling (DEFUN GL-BOOLEAN-TEST ...) ; compiling (DFENUM STORAGETYPE ...) ; compiling (DFENUM FILTERTYPES ...) ; /home/seth/install/lisp/cello/cl-opengl/sbcl-1.0.38-linux-x86/cl-opengl.fasl written ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.045 WARNING: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<COMPILE-OP NIL {CB49DA9}> on #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "cl-opengl" {BD132C1}>. And then i get thrown into the slime debugger with a very nonhelpful error: compile-opp nil? Cant asdf give us the actual error thrown? This has happened multiple times on many libraries.