Zach Beane wrote:
"Robert P. Goldman" <> writes:
Zach, when ASDF reads a system name from a symbol, it takes the symbol name and down cases it. So loading :foo is the same as loading "foo".
So I don't think this should break anything for you, unless quicklisp has some systems with camel-cased names.
My mistake, I read the situation backwards. Quicklisp currently coerces system names to downcase before loading.
Also, according to the hyperspec, a logical pathname can only contain upper case letters, so it can't distinguish files whose names differ by case alone. (Cf.19.3.1).
Sure, one logical pathname cannot map to multiple physical pathnames, but any single logical pathname can map to *any* single physical pathname.
Right, but the concern is the case (unlikely, but not impossible), where we have systems "fOo" and "foo" which must map to the same file.... I don't see any huge win from permitting this that makes up for the downsides of name collision, and treating strings and symbols non-orthogonally in a hard-to-understand way. I'm certainly willing to entertain counter-arguments if anyone has them. Cheers, r