No, I didn’t break LispWorks 7, as Robert has already confirmed. Besides, I’ve tested latest ASDF also on LispWorks 5.0 on Linux, all 67 tests passed: LispWorks(R): The Common Lisp Programming Environment Copyright (C) 1987-2006 LispWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. Version 5.0.2 Saved by binghe as lispworks-5-0-2-64-bit-console, at 31 Aug 2017 2:55 User binghe on debian5 CL-USER 1 > (quit) Using lispworks-console, wild-module.script passed -#--------------------------------------- Using lispworks-console Ran 67 tests: 67 passing and 0 failing all tests apparently successful -#——————————————————— I must say ASDF team has done a great job for not breaking old versions of supporting platforms, even when you may not have all the testing environments. Regards, Chun Tian
Il giorno 31 ago 2017, alle ore 05:09, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> ha scritto:
That is, instead of using with-upgradability, now we use EVAL-WHEN directly and disable :compile-toplevel for LispWorks. It’s a solution for LispWorks 5 and 6, and won’t cause any problem in LispWorks 7.
If that's what it takes to make it work without warnings, that sounds good to me.
With this further changes, now I can run the test suite and all your 67 tests passed in LispWorks 6.1.1:
-#--------------------------------------- Using lispworks-6-1-1-console.exe Ran 67 tests: 67 passing and 0 failing all tests apparently successful -#———————————————————
Great. And I suppose you also tested that you didn't break LispWorks 7.0.0 ?
For LispWorks 6.0.1, however, there’re 3 failures:
-#--------------------------------------- Using lispworks-6-0-1-console.exe Ran 67 tests: 64 passing and 3 failing failing test(s): test-deprecation.script test-sysdef-asdf.script test-utilities.script -#———————————————————
For LispWorks 5.1.2, unfortunately the test scripts cannot quit from LW environment after each test, I have to manually quit by pasting a (quit) into REPL. But after doing such things 67 times, all tests have passed:
-#--------------------------------------- Using lispworks-5-1-2-console.EXE Ran 67 tests: 67 passing and 0 failing all tests apparently successful -#———————————————————
LispWorks 5.1 is the oldest non-free LispWorks edition I own on Windows. (On Linux I have LispWorks 5.0 purchased in 2007)
Attached new patch is a further enhancement of my previous patch. I think the 3 failures in LispWorks 6.0 must be caused by separated issues specified for that LW version, which I can try to fix later.
I don't think anyone else but you is using those versions of LispWorks. Certainly neither Robert nor I. We will gladly accept your patches, as long as you make sure you don't break anything by passing all tests on all recent implementations that could be affected by your changes (including notably LispWorks 7, but also, say, SBCL, for good measure).
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org It ain't what a man don't know that makes him a fool; it's the things he knows that ain't so. — Josh Billings