Cher JCB,
The whole fix is in MKCL's git repo master head. I tried it on my copy of ASDF syntax-control branch head and it worked OK. Could you please confirm that it also works for you?
I ran cl -l mkcl -ip :ok which worked with both asdf 3.1.2 and the syntax-control branch, which is progress as compared to my attempts yesterday or so. The upgrade test also worked (on the syntax-control branch). Congratulations!
This will be part of MKCL 1.1.9 that I will push out the door as a released version in a few days from now.
Thank you for your help solving this MKCL's issue.
Can you upgrade your ASDF from to 3.1.2? Does 3.1.2 require a patch? If it does, then let's get it pushed upstream into e.g. NB: please send a diff; I can review it, but Robert should commit and push it — I'm out of this business (except for the branches I wrote and would like to see merged — Robert, any news about them?) PS: minor issue, but when I (quit), I get this annoying message:
;; MKCL shutdown: Thread refused to be interrupted: Sleeping thread: #<thread "Imported thread pool filler daemon" active detached (27380) 0x7f1aa19d0700 0000000003286000>, in file threads.d at line 1076. ;; MKCL shutdown: Killing thread #<thread "Imported thread pool filler daemon" active detached (27380) 0x7f1aa19d0700 0000000003286000>. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org "Ask not what the government can do for you. Ask what the government is doing to you." — David Friedman, "The Machinery of Freedom", p. 21