Hi, I know this has been discussed, but what is currently the best practice for registering a preloaded system after loading Quicklisp? That is, I have a pre-built image with some Quicklisp/ASDF systems in it, which were loaded through so-called monolithic-fasls (now known as compile-bundles). So the pre-built image doesn’t itself have ASDF or Quicklisp. A downstream user then loads Quicklisp and ASDF (I take steps to ensure that they are loading the matching version of ASDF and Quicklisp as was used to build the image). Now I need to do something to tell Quicklisp and ASDF that certain systems are already loaded in this image, so it won’t try to re-load them as depended-upon systems. In this specific case, I don't want it to try to fetch and reload Gendl when the user does (ql:quickload ...) on an application which :depends-on :gendl (because gendl is already built into this image). asdf/find-system:register-preloaded-system seems like it should be the answer if we’re talking about plain ASDF, because it will prevent ASDF from raising a “missing-component” error for the system in question, if some other system :depends-on it and yet no source code is found. But in my case I can’t guarantee that “no source code is found.” The source might be there in the quicklisp dist directory. So apparently I need something stronger than register-preloaded-system? Or something else? -- My Best, Dave Cooper