I'm afraid I have been very busy at work, but also the linux box I have been using as my Jenkins platform had a disk failure, taking it out of action. No data was lost, but my employer has been supplying this, and I have to wait in the queue, after business requirements, for the IT folks to get me a new server configured for this purpose. This has unavoidably hindered my work on ASDF. I'm open to suggestions about alternative resources for running these tests, but there are special challenges because I need to be able to put commercial software (Allegro CL and LispWorks) on any test server, which I think rules out using Travis. If anyone has hosting suggestions, please let me know: otherwise I'm afraid we'll be limping along till September, which is unfortunate, since we have a bunch of fixes and bug reports, and I would very much like to be able to get these wrapped up into a bug fix release. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy!