test-multiple works for me with asdf, mkcl on Linux 4.14 x64. This is all long gone from my mental cache. The test could be better commented, but I suppose the purpose can be extracted by looking at its history then looking at related commits, bugs, bug fix commits, mailing-list messages, etc. A starting point: git log --stat test/test-multiple.* Apparently, it tests support for what is now considered misnamed secondary systems, but was once a kind-of-supported feature, seen in the wild, with nasty consequences sometimes (e.g. infinite loop with quicklisp until relevant fix). A variable not being rebound is a test that a file hasn't been reloaded. I'd rather not add comments, but I'll review them gladly. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Everyone hates a martyr. It's no wonder martyrs were burnt at a stake. — E.W. Howe, "Country Town Sayings", p.7 On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
Faré ---
Would you please add some comments to test-multiple? I got a failure on that with MKCL under jenkins on linux, but cannot replicate that failure running it myself.
There's no comment saying what this is supposed to test, other than the name, which suggests that it's about testing where there are ... multiple systems defined (incorrectly) in one .asd file? the same systems defined in multiple .asd files?
The test checks to make sure (I believe) that a variable is not rebound when we ask to reload a system, but not how this pertains to correct ASDF function.
thanks! r