Hi Guys,

I don't have a problem dealing with LW. But I want to have them work on things that are within their purview. 

The script problem is being reported by Bash, not LWM. The environment is Mac OS X 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard). 

I can invoke LWM from a command line just fine, including passing an initial SExpr for eval. Here is a direct example, performed in Emacs in Shell mode:

bash-3.2$ lwm64 -siteinit - -init - -eval "(print :hello)"
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Version 6.0.0
Saved by dbmcclain as lwm64, at 27 Feb 2010 6:37
User dbmcclain on RoadKill.local


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So the problem is one of the script in getting Bash to properly interpret the synthesized command.

Dr. David McClain