Running under Linux Mint 18.1 64 bit, and either ccl or sbcl Apologies, I'm afraid I have made a mess of configuring the path to some .asd files. I believe that items 3,4,6,7,8 of Section 8.1 Configurations do not exist. I believe I have used item 5 as in Section 4.1 Configuring ASDF to find your systems. In ./config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d I once created the file gb-lisp.conf containing the single line (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests") <- no trailing / instead of (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests/") <- trailing / I have since replaced that file with source.conf holding just the line (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests/") In the asdf-tests directory there is a file gb-a.asd and associated lisp files When I try (asdf:load-system "gb-a") I get (under ccl64 Version 1.11-r16812M)
Error: Is a directory : #P"/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests" While executing: CCL::MAKE-FILE-STREAM, in process listener(1).
Under sbcl 1.3.18 I get an analogous message, always pointing to the same pathname. If I remove the .conf file completely, restart either lisp, retry the load-system, the error persists. Some how I seem to have managed to get the incorrect specification squirreled away in asdf's memory in a way which survives not just restarting either lisp, but restarting linux too. What in the world have I managed to do ? More usefully, how do I undo it ? Thanks for advice and assistance. Cheers Greg Bennett

Probably your .asd or .lisp files themselves are bad. If you want help, please provide a github repository or tarball with reproducible errors. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:04 PM, Greg Bennett <gwbennett@sentex.ca> wrote:
In ./config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d I once created the file gb-lisp.conf containing the single line (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests") <- no trailing / instead of (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests/") <- trailing / This is not the central-registry (which you should NOT be using, anyway), and you do not need a trailing / when specifying a :tree as a string.
In the asdf-tests directory there is a file gb-a.asd and associated lisp files
What does this file contain?
When I try (asdf:load-system "gb-a") I get (under ccl64 Version 1.11-r16812M)
Error: Is a directory : #P"/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests" While executing: CCL::MAKE-FILE-STREAM, in process listener(1).
You fail to provide enough of a backtrace to tell what's happening.
Under sbcl 1.3.18 I get an analogous message, always pointing to the same pathname.
This suggests some pretty obvious bug in your code.
If I remove the .conf file completely, restart either lisp, retry the load-system, the error persists.
Doesn't help. First, stop having two things to debug at once. Please make sure your configuration works with some known-working system (say alexandria). Only after you debugged your configuration should I try to debug your code.
Some how I seem to have managed to get the incorrect specification squirreled away in asdf's memory in a way which survives not just restarting either lisp, but restarting linux too.
What in the world have I managed to do ? More usefully, how do I undo it ?
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Let me make a suggestion: if you have any doubts, do NOT use conf files. Instead, put a call to initialize the registry into a lisp file (like your init file). That way you know exactly what and when is happening. If you spatter configuration files all over the place, then suddenly you have a big problem trying to even figure out WHAT is configuring ASDF for you. Also, the configuration files get read early, which means you can't do what I would do, which is: 1. start up lisp. 2. load ASDF. 3. find the functions that set up the configuration. 4. trace them. 5. load your configuration. 6. see what happens. I've been meaning to get to dealing with ##3 and 4 by providing a recipe, and possibly some updates (there are some lambdas in there, which make tracing non-trivial). But all my available time is eaten right now by other ASDF chores.... r On 7/19/17 Jul 19 -10:04 PM, Greg Bennett wrote:
Running under Linux Mint 18.1 64 bit, and either ccl or sbcl
Apologies, I'm afraid I have made a mess of configuring the path to some .asd files.
I believe that items 3,4,6,7,8 of Section 8.1 Configurations do not exist.
I believe I have used item 5 as in Section 4.1 Configuring ASDF to find your systems.
In ./config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d I once created the file gb-lisp.conf containing the single line (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests") <- no trailing / instead of (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests/") <- trailing /
I have since replaced that file with source.conf holding just the line (:tree "/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests/")
In the asdf-tests directory there is a file gb-a.asd and associated lisp files
When I try (asdf:load-system "gb-a") I get (under ccl64 Version 1.11-r16812M)
Error: Is a directory : #P"/home/gwbennett/asdf-tests" While executing: CCL::MAKE-FILE-STREAM, in process listener(1).
Under sbcl 1.3.18 I get an analogous message, always pointing to the same pathname.
If I remove the .conf file completely, restart either lisp, retry the load-system, the error persists.
Some how I seem to have managed to get the incorrect specification squirreled away in asdf's memory in a way which survives not just restarting either lisp, but restarting linux too.
What in the world have I managed to do ? More usefully, how do I undo it ?
Thanks for advice and assistance.
Cheers Greg Bennett
participants (3)
Greg Bennett
Robert Goldman