[asdf-devel] Still having problems on upgrade tests

The upgrade test for ACL from 1.85 fails reliably with this error: Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. TEST ABORTED: #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" does not exist, cannot load Evaluation stack: ; Autoloading for make-broadcast-stream: ; Fast loading /usr/local/acl/acl82.64/code/streamc.003 ;;; Installing streamc patch, version 3. ; Fast loading from bundle code/efft-utf8-base.fasl. ; Fast loading from bundle code/efft-void.fasl. ; Fast loading from bundle code/efft-latin1-base.fasl. ->(sys::..runtime-operation #11="applyn" . #1=(:unknown-args)) (tpl:do-command #2="zoom" . #<non-lisp object @ #x7>) (sys::..runtime-operation #5="lisp_apply" . #1#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let . #3=(((*terminal-io* stream) (*standard-output* stream) (tpl:*zoom-print-circle* *print-circle*) (tpl:*zoom-print-level* *print-level*) (tpl:*zoom-print-length* *print-length*)) (tpl:do-command #2# :from-read-eval-print-loop nil :count t :all t))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/image:raw-print-backtrace (let . #3#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/image:raw-print-backtrace :stream #4=#<excl:terminal-simple-stream [initial terminal io] fd 0/1 @ #x1000251122> :count 69) (sys::..runtime-operation #10="comp_to_interp" :stream #4# :count 69) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* . #7=(((#6=#:g822995 . #19=((cons (load-time-value excl::.ignore-errors-1.) (excl::fast excl::*handler-clusters*)))) (excl::*handler-clusters* #6#)) (declare (dynamic-extent #6# . #21=(excl::*handler-clusters*))) (progn . #8=((apply 'asdf/image:raw-print-backtrace asdf/image::keys))))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (catch #22='excl::ignore-errors-1 (let* . #7#)) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let . #9=(((*print-readably* nil) (*print-circle* t) (*print-miser-width* 75) (*print-length* nil) (*print-level* nil) (*print-pretty* t)) (ignore-errors . #8#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let ((*package* (find-package :cl))) . #16=((let . #9#))) [... excl::%eval ] ((:internal asdf/image:print-backtrace)) (sys::..runtime-operation #10#) (sys::..runtime-operation #11# . #1#) (funcall #15=#<Interpreted Closure (:internal asdf/image:print-backtrace) @ #x10026adba2> . #32=#<Function funcall>) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let . #12=(((*package* (find-package package)) (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float) (*print-readably* nil) (*read-eval* nil)) (funcall asdf/stream::thunk))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let nil . #13=((let . #12#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let . #14=(((*print-case* (excl:if* excl::*forced-readtable-case-raw* #87=then :downcase #89=else :upcase)) (*readtable* excl::std-lisp-readtable)) (locally . #13#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (progv excl::with-standard-io-syntax-vars excl::with-standard-io-syntax-vals (let . #14#)) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/stream:call-with-safe-io-syntax (with-standard-io-syntax . #13#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/stream:call-with-safe-io-syntax #15#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #15#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/image:print-backtrace (asdf/stream:with-safe-io-syntax (:package :cl) . #16#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/image:print-backtrace :stream #4# :count 69) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# :stream #4# :count 69) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::%eval ] (excl::eval-as-progn #17=((asdf/image:print-backtrace :stream stream :count count) (when condition (asdf/stream:safe-format! stream "~&Above backtrace due to this condition:~%~A~&" condition)))) (block asdf/image:print-condition-backtrace . #17#) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/image:print-condition-backtrace #18=#<excl:file-does-not-exist-error @ #x100269bc42> :count 69 :stream #4#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #18# :count 69 :stream #4#) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf-test:acall (apply (apply 'asdf-test:asym (if (consp asdf-test::name) asdf-test::name (list asdf-test::name))) asdf-test::args)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf-test:acall :print-condition-backtrace #18# :count 69 :stream #4#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# :print-condition-backtrace #18# :count 69 :stream #4#) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* . #23=(((#20=#:g822994 . #19#) (excl::*handler-clusters* #20#)) (declare (dynamic-extent #20# . #21#)) (progn . #24=((asdf-test:acall :print-condition-backtrace asdf-test::c :count 69 :stream *error-output*))))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (catch #22# (let* . #23#)) [... excl::%eval ] (excl::eval-as-progn #94=((ignore-errors . #24#) (asdf-test:leave-test "Script failed" 1))) [... excl::%eval ] ((:internal asdf-test::call-with-test) #18#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #18#) (signal #18#) (error excl:file-does-not-exist-error :pathname #25=#P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" :format-control "~s does not exist, cannot load" :format-arguments (#25#)) (excl::load-2 #25# t #26=(#P"" #P(:type "fasl") #P(:type "cl") #P(:type "lisp")) :error nil nil nil nil nil nil nil :default nil nil) (excl::load-1 #25# t #26# :error nil nil nil nil nil nil nil :default nil nil) (load #25#) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let ((#27=#:g822982 asdf/lisp-build::x)) (typecase #27# #30=(#28=(or pathname string) (apply 'load asdf/lisp-build::x asdf/lisp-build::keys)) #31=(stream (let ((*package* *package*) (*readtable* *readtable*) (*load-pathname* nil) (*load-truename* nil)) (asdf/stream:eval-input asdf/lisp-build::x))) (otherwise (excl::.case-failure 'etypecase #27# '(or . #29=(#28# stream)) '#29#)))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/lisp-build:load* (etypecase asdf/lisp-build::x #30# #31#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/lisp-build:load* #25#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #25#) [... excl::%eval ] ((:internal asdf/lisp-action:perform-lisp-load-fasl)) (sys::..runtime-operation #10#) (sys::..runtime-operation #11# . #1#) (funcall #38=#<Interpreted Closure (:internal asdf/lisp-action:perform-lisp-load-fasl) @ #x1002697c42> . #32#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* ((#33=#:g822981 (cons 't #36=#'(lambda (asdf/utility::c) (when (asdf/utility:match-any-condition-p asdf/utility::c asdf/utility::conditions) (muffle-warning asdf/utility::c))))) (#34=#:g822979 (list #33#)) (#35=#:g822980 (cons #34# . #80=((excl::fast excl::*handler-clusters*)))) (excl::*handler-clusters* #35#)) (declare (dynamic-extent #34# #35# #33# . #82=(excl::*handler-clusters*))) . #37=((funcall asdf/utility::thunk))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/utility:call-with-muffled-conditions (handler-bind ((t #36#)) . #37#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/utility:call-with-muffled-conditions #38# #39=("No generic function ~S present when encountering macroexpansion of defmethod. Assuming it will be an instance of standard-generic-function." "Overwriting already existing readtable ~S." #(#:finalizers-off-warning :asdf-finalizers))) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #38# #39#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/lisp-build:call-with-muffled-loader-conditions (asdf/utility:call-with-muffled-conditions asdf/lisp-build::thunk (append asdf/lisp-build:*uninteresting-compiler-conditions* asdf/lisp-build:*uninteresting-loader-conditions*))) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/lisp-build:call-with-muffled-loader-conditions #38#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #38#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let (#40=(asdf/lisp-action::fasl (first (asdf-action:input-files asdf/lisp-action::o asdf/lisp-action::c)))) (if (and asdf/lisp-action::fasl) #41=(asdf/lisp-build:with-muffled-loader-conditions nil (asdf/lisp-build:load* asdf/lisp-action::fasl)) nil)) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/lisp-action:perform-lisp-load-fasl (asdf/utility:if-let #40# #41#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/lisp-action:perform-lisp-load-fasl #42=#<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #43=#<asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #42# #43#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf-action:perform (asdf/lisp-action:perform-lisp-load-fasl asdf/lisp-action::o asdf/lisp-action::c)) [... excl::%eval ] ((method asdf-action:perform (asdf/lisp-action:load-op asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file)) #42# #43#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #42# #43#) ((:internal (:effective-method 2 nil nil nil nil) 0) #42# #43#) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) (excl::caching-miss #<standard-generic-function asdf-action:perform> (#42# #43#) #(0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)) [... excl::%eval ] (progn . #44=((asdf-action:perform asdf::op asdf/component:component) (return))) [... excl::%eval ] (return-from . #53=(#61=#:Tag415 #65=(progn . #44#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* ((#49=#:g822528 (excl::make-restart :name 'asdf/find-component:retry :function #54=#'(lambda #45=(&rest excl::temp) (setq #46=#:g822520 . #47=(excl::temp)) (go #60=#:g822524)) :class #48=(and excl::.restart-condition. (list excl::.restart-condition.)) . #55=(:report-function #'#66=(lambda (asdf::s) (format asdf::s "~@<Retry performing ~S on ~S.~@:>" asdf::op asdf/component:component))))) (#50=#:g822529 (excl::make-restart :name 'asdf-action:accept :function #56=#'(lambda #45# (setq #46# . #47#) (go #62=#:g822525)) :class #48# . #57=(:report-function #'#67=(lambda (asdf::s) (format asdf::s "~@<Continue, treating ~S on ~S as ~ having been successful.~@:>" asdf::op asdf/component:component))))) (#51=#:g822526 (list #49# #50#)) (#52=#:g822527 (cons (and t #51#) (excl::fast excl::*restart-clusters*))) (excl::*restart-clusters* #52#)) (declare (dynamic-extent #51# #52# #49# #50# excl::*restart-clusters*)) . #58=((return-from . #53#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* . #59=(nil (excl::restart-bind-if t ((asdf/find-component:retry #54# . #55#) (asdf-action:accept #56# . #57#)) . #58#))) [... excl::%eval ] (excl::evaluate-a-tagbody #63=((let* . #59#) #60# (return-from #61# (apply #'(lambda nil) #46#)) #62# (return-from #61# (apply #'(lambda nil . #68=((setf (gethash (type-of asdf::op) (asdf/component:component-operation-times asdf/component:component)) (get-universal-time)) (return))) #46#)))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let . #64=(((#46# nil)) (tagbody. #63#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block #61# (let . #64#)) [... excl::%eval ] (excl::evaluate-a-tagbody #70=(#69=#:g822519 (progn . #72=((restart-case #65# (asdf/find-component:retry nil :report #66#) (asdf-action:accept nil :report #67# . #68#)))) (go #69#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block nil (tagbody. #70#)) [... excl::%eval ] (excl::evaluate-a-tagbody #73=(excl::next-loop (when (endp #71=#:loop-list-427) (go excl::end-loop)) (excl::loop-really-desetq #75=(asdf::op . asdf/component:component) (car #71#)) (excl::loop-really-desetq #71# (cdr #71#)) #76=(loop . #72#) (go excl::next-loop) excl::end-loop)) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let . #74=(((asdf::op nil) (asdf/component:component nil) (#71# asdf::steps)) (declare (type list #71#)) (tagbody. #73#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block nil (let . #74#)) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block excl::continuation . #90=((loop asdf::for #75# asdf::in asdf::steps do #76#))) [... excl::%eval ] ((flet asdf/operate:operate excl::continuation)) (sys::..runtime-operation #10#) [... excl::%eval ] (multiple-value-prog1 . #83=((excl::continuation) (excl::with-compilation-unit-cleanups))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* ((#77=#:g425 (cons 'excl::compiler-note #84=#'excl::tally-compilation-warnings)) (#78=#:g426 (cons 'warning #85=#'excl::tally-compilation-warnings)) (#79=#:g423 (list #77# #78#)) (#81=#:g424 (cons #79# . #80#)) (excl::*handler-clusters* #81#)) (declare (dynamic-extent #79# #81# #77# #78# . #82#)) . #86=((multiple-value-prog1 . #83#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (progv . #88=((mapcar #'car excl::.with-compilation-unit-bindings.) (excl::with-compilation-unit-values) (handler-bind ((excl::compiler-note #84#) (warning #85#)) . #86#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let nil . #91=((excl:if* (or nil (null excl::.with-compilation-unit.)) #87# (progv . #88#) #89# (excl::continuation)))) [... excl::%eval ] (flet ((excl::continuation nil . #90#)) . #91#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (let* . #92=(((asdf::op (apply #'make-instance asdf::operation-class :original-initargs asdf::args asdf::args)) (asdf/upgrade:*verbose-out* (if (getf asdf::args :verbose t) *trace-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (asdf/system:system (if (typep asdf/system:system 'asdf/component:component) asdf/system:system (asdf/system:find-system asdf/system:system))) (asdf::steps (asdf/plan:traverse asdf::op asdf/system:system))) (with-compilation-unit nil . #90#))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/operate:operate (let* . #92#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/operate:operate asdf/lisp-action:load-op :asdf) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# asdf/lisp-action:load-op :asdf) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf/operate:oos (apply #'asdf/operate:operate asdf::args)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf/operate:oos asdf/lisp-action:load-op :asdf) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# asdf/lisp-action:load-op :asdf) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) (sys::..runtime-operation #5# . #1#) [... excl::%eval ] ((:internal asdf-test:load-asdf-system)) (sys::..runtime-operation #10#) (sys::..runtime-operation #11# . #1#) (funcall #93=#<Interpreted Closure (:internal asdf-test:load-asdf-system) @ #x10006ac4e2> . #32#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf-test::call-quietly (handler-bind () (funcall asdf-test::thunk))) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf-test::call-quietly #93#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #93#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf-test:load-asdf-system (asdf-test:quietly (asdf-test:register-directory asdf-test:*asdf-directory*) (apply (asdf-test:asym :oos) (asdf-test:asym :load-op) :asdf asdf-test::keys))) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf-test:load-asdf-system) (sys::..runtime-operation #10#) (sys::..runtime-operation #11# . #1#) (funcall asdf-test:load-asdf-system . #32#) [... excl::%eval ] ((:internal asdf-test::test-upgrade)) (sys::..runtime-operation #10#) (sys::..runtime-operation #11# . #1#) (funcall #102=#<Interpreted Closure (:internal asdf-test::test-upgrade) @ #x100068c422> . #<Interpreted Function asym>) (sys::..runtime-operation #11# . #1#) (funcall funcall . #32#) [... excl::%eval ] (excl::eval-as-progn #98=((funcall (or (asdf-test:asym :call-with-asdf-cache) 'funcall) asdf-test::thunk) (asdf-test:leave-test "Script succeeded" 0))) (let* ((#95=#:g138 (cons 'error #99=(lambda (asdf-test::c) (ignore-errors (format *error-output* "~&TEST ABORTED: ~A~&" asdf-test::c)) (asdf-test::finish-outputs*) (cond (asdf-test::*debug-asdf* (format t "~&It's your baby, fix it!~%") (break)) (t . #94#))))) (#96=#:g136 (list #95#)) (#97=#:g137 (cons #96# . #80#)) (excl::*handler-clusters* #97#)) (declare (dynamic-extent #96# #97# #95# . #82#)) . #98#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (catch . #100=(:asdf-test-done (handler-bind ((error #99#)) . #98#))) [... excl::%eval ] (let . #101=(((asdf-test::result (catch . #100#))) (when asdf-test::*quit-when-done* (asdf-test::exit-lisp asdf-test::result)))) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf-test::call-with-test (asdf-test::redirect-outputs) (let . #101#)) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf-test::call-with-test #102#) (sys::..runtime-operation #10# #102#) [... excl::eval-as-progn ] (block asdf-test::test-upgrade (asdf-test:with-test nil (asdf-test::verbose t nil) (when asdf-test::old-method (cond ((string-equal asdf-test::tag "REQUIRE") (format t "Requiring some previous ASDF ~A~%" asdf-test::tag) (ignore-errors (funcall 'require "asdf")) (if (member "ASDF" *modules* :test 'equalp) (format t "Your Lisp implementation provided ASDF ~A~%" (asdf-test::get-asdf-version)) (asdf-test:leave-test "Your Lisp implementation does not provide ASDF. Skipping test.~%" 0))) (t (format t "Loading old asdf ~A via ~A~%" asdf-test::tag asdf-test::old-method) (funcall asdf-test::old-method asdf-test::tag)))) (when (find-package :asdf) (asdf-test::configure-asdf)) (format t "Now loading new asdf via method ~A~%" asdf-test::new-method) (funcall asdf-test::new-method) (format t "Testing it~%") (asdf-test:register-directory asdf-test:*test-directory*) (asdf-test:load-test-system :test-asdf/all) (assert (asdf-test:asymval '#:*file1* :test-package)) (assert (asdf-test:asymval '#:*file3* :test-package)))) [... excl::%eval ] (asdf-test::test-upgrade asdf-test:load-asdf-lisp asdf-test:load-asdf-system #103="1.85") (sys::..runtime-operation #10# asdf-test:load-asdf-lisp asdf-test:load-asdf-system #103#) [... excl::%eval ] (eval (asdf-test::test-upgrade 'asdf-test:load-asdf-lisp 'asdf-test:load-asdf-system #103#)) (excl::sharp-dot #104=#<excl:string-input-simple-stream "'(#.(load\"te..." pos 117 @ #x1000643ca2> #\. nil) (excl::read-dispatch-char #104# #\#) [... sys::funcall-check ] (excl::read-maybe-nothing #104# #\#) (excl::read-list #104# #\() [... sys::funcall-check ] (excl::read2 #104# t nil t nil nil) (excl::read1 #104# t nil t nil nil) (read #104# t nil t) (excl::read-quote #104# #\') [... sys::funcall-check ] (excl::read2 #104# t nil nil nil nil) (excl::read1 #104# t nil nil nil nil) (read #104# t nil) (read-from-string "'(#.(load\"test/script-support.lisp\")#.(in-package :asdf-test)#.(test-upgrade 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system \"1.85\"))") (excl::do-command-line-processing) (excl::start-lisp-execution t) Above backtrace due to this condition: #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" does not exist, cannot load Script failed upgrade FAILED for allegromodern from 1.85 using method 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system Interestingly, when I paste the replication string into bash: ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS="1.85" ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS="'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system" ./test/run-tests.sh -u allegromodern this works fine. So this only fails for me when running in the context of make.... r

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
The upgrade test for ACL from 1.85 fails reliably with this error:
Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. TEST ABORTED: #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" does not exist, cannot load [...] Script failed upgrade FAILED for allegromodern from 1.85 using method 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system
Interestingly, when I paste the replication string into bash:
ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS="1.85" ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS="'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system" ./test/run-tests.sh -u allegromodern
this works fine.
So this only fails for me when running in the context of make....
Works for me, at least with Allegro 9.0: make u l=allegro ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85 make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85 I can't try allegro 8.2, because my license has expired, and Franz only offers one until January 31st 2013, and I don't feel like cheating on the system date: http://www.franz.com/products/express/ Is it a case of confusion whereby we changed the way the implementation identifier is computed, and asdf creates the fasl in one directory but somehow looks for it in another? What is the command that makes it fail, already? —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org The kingly office is entitled to no respect. It was originally procured by the highwayman's methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can never be anything but the symbol of a crime. It is no more entitled to respect than is the flag of a pirate. — Mark Twain

On 3/3/13 Mar 3 -5:38 PM, Faré wrote:
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
The upgrade test for ACL from 1.85 fails reliably with this error:
Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. TEST ABORTED: #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" does not exist, cannot load [...] Script failed upgrade FAILED for allegromodern from 1.85 using method 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system
Interestingly, when I paste the replication string into bash:
ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS="1.85" ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS="'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system" ./test/run-tests.sh -u allegromodern
this works fine.
So this only fails for me when running in the context of make....
Works for me, at least with Allegro 9.0:
make u l=allegro ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85 make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85
I'm stumped. It fails for me on Allegro 9.0 just as with 8.2 Note that this happens for me in the context of 'make test-all' make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85 also fails... Somehow the build is not working: rpg% ls /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-9.0m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl ls: cannot access /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-9.0m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl: No such file or directory For some reason, I have no asdf.fasl there, but I *do* have an asdf.lisp... I see this, which indicates that the fasl is being written in the wrong location: ; Registering #<system "asdf"> ;;; Writing fasl file /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.fasl ;;; Fasl write complete Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. And that's the file, alright: pg% head build/asdf.fasl ?z??#<<AcL>> /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.lisp by rpg on rpgoldman-3.local at 2013-03-03T19:40:46+06\ using 9.0 [64-bit Mac OS X (Intel)] (Feb 26, 2013 9:53)\ fasl version = 63\ runtime version = 33\ for non-smp lisps; #+8-bit-specific code; #+16-bit-specific code\ Optimization settings at wfasl time:\ ((safety 3) (space 1) (speed 2) (compilation-speed 1) (debug 2))\ So is there something going awry in the build process? Best, r
I can't try allegro 8.2, because my license has expired, and Franz only offers one until January 31st 2013, and I don't feel like cheating on the system date: http://www.franz.com/products/express/
Is it a case of confusion whereby we changed the way the implementation identifier is computed, and asdf creates the fasl in one directory but somehow looks for it in another?
What is the command that makes it fail, already?
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org The kingly office is entitled to no respect. It was originally procured by the highwayman's methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can never be anything but the symbol of a crime. It is no more entitled to respect than is the flag of a pirate. — Mark Twain

I don't understand what could be going on. Of course, and especially so when we're testing upgrades, there's plenty of pathname magic and configuration switching going on. But I can't imagine what's at stake to make it work for me and not for you. Are you using the latest checkout from the master branch, as opposed to the release branch? Did you try to make mrproper and/or git clean -xfd to remove any parasite files from your checkout? —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology: There's always one more bug. On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
On 3/3/13 Mar 3 -5:38 PM, Faré wrote:
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
The upgrade test for ACL from 1.85 fails reliably with this error:
Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. TEST ABORTED: #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" does not exist, cannot load [...] Script failed upgrade FAILED for allegromodern from 1.85 using method 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system
Interestingly, when I paste the replication string into bash:
ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS="1.85" ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS="'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system" ./test/run-tests.sh -u allegromodern
this works fine.
So this only fails for me when running in the context of make....
Works for me, at least with Allegro 9.0:
make u l=allegro ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85 make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85
I'm stumped. It fails for me on Allegro 9.0 just as with 8.2
Note that this happens for me in the context of 'make test-all'
make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85
also fails...
Somehow the build is not working:
rpg% ls /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-9.0m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl ls: cannot access /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-9.0m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl: No such file or directory
For some reason, I have no asdf.fasl there, but I *do* have an asdf.lisp...
I see this, which indicates that the fasl is being written in the wrong location:
; Registering #<system "asdf"> ;;; Writing fasl file /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.fasl ;;; Fasl write complete Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">.
And that's the file, alright:
pg% head build/asdf.fasl ?z??#<<AcL>> /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.lisp by rpg on rpgoldman-3.local at 2013-03-03T19:40:46+06\ using 9.0 [64-bit Mac OS X (Intel)] (Feb 26, 2013 9:53)\ fasl version = 63\ runtime version = 33\ for non-smp lisps; #+8-bit-specific code; #+16-bit-specific code\ Optimization settings at wfasl time:\ ((safety 3) (space 1) (speed 2) (compilation-speed 1) (debug 2))\
So is there something going awry in the build process?
Best, r
I can't try allegro 8.2, because my license has expired, and Franz only offers one until January 31st 2013, and I don't feel like cheating on the system date: http://www.franz.com/products/express/
Is it a case of confusion whereby we changed the way the implementation identifier is computed, and asdf creates the fasl in one directory but somehow looks for it in another?
What is the command that makes it fail, already?
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org The kingly office is entitled to no respect. It was originally procured by the highwayman's methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can never be anything but the symbol of a crime. It is no more entitled to respect than is the flag of a pirate. — Mark Twain

On 3/3/13 Mar 3 -8:08 PM, Faré wrote:
I don't understand what could be going on. Of course, and especially so when we're testing upgrades, there's plenty of pathname magic and configuration switching going on. But I can't imagine what's at stake to make it work for me and not for you. Are you using the latest checkout from the master branch, as opposed to the release branch?
Did you try to make mrproper and/or git clean -xfd to remove any parasite files from your checkout?
Yes, and I did a git diff to check. The following seems to be the crux of the issue: ; Upgraded ASDF from version 1.85 to version 2.31.8 ; Registering #<system "asdf"> ;;; Writing fasl file /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.fasl this should be in an implementation-specific subdirectory, but isn't. Is there any chance this could be because I am not running bash? Or somehow something is briefly turning off the output-redirection? I'll try to pry into this tomorrow. best, r
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology: There's always one more bug.
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
On 3/3/13 Mar 3 -5:38 PM, Faré wrote:
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
The upgrade test for ACL from 1.85 fails reliably with this error:
Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. TEST ABORTED: #P"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-8.2m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl" does not exist, cannot load [...] Script failed upgrade FAILED for allegromodern from 1.85 using method 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system
Interestingly, when I paste the replication string into bash:
ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS="1.85" ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS="'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-system" ./test/run-tests.sh -u allegromodern
this works fine.
So this only fails for me when running in the context of make....
Works for me, at least with Allegro 9.0:
make u l=allegro ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85 make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85
I'm stumped. It fails for me on Allegro 9.0 just as with 8.2
Note that this happens for me in the context of 'make test-all'
make u l=allegromodern ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=1.85
also fails...
Somehow the build is not working:
rpg% ls /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-9.0m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl ls: cannot access /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/fasls/acl-9.0m-macosx-x64/asdf/build/asdf.fasl: No such file or directory
For some reason, I have no asdf.fasl there, but I *do* have an asdf.lisp...
I see this, which indicates that the fasl is being written in the wrong location:
; Registering #<system "asdf"> ;;; Writing fasl file /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.fasl ;;; Fasl write complete Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">. Warning: COMPILE-FILE failed while performing #<compile-op > on #<cl-source-file "asdf" "build" "asdf">.
And that's the file, alright:
pg% head build/asdf.fasl ?z??#<<AcL>> /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.lisp by rpg on rpgoldman-3.local at 2013-03-03T19:40:46+06\ using 9.0 [64-bit Mac OS X (Intel)] (Feb 26, 2013 9:53)\ fasl version = 63\ runtime version = 33\ for non-smp lisps; #+8-bit-specific code; #+16-bit-specific code\ Optimization settings at wfasl time:\ ((safety 3) (space 1) (speed 2) (compilation-speed 1) (debug 2))\
So is there something going awry in the build process?
Best, r
I can't try allegro 8.2, because my license has expired, and Franz only offers one until January 31st 2013, and I don't feel like cheating on the system date: http://www.franz.com/products/express/
Is it a case of confusion whereby we changed the way the implementation identifier is computed, and asdf creates the fasl in one directory but somehow looks for it in another?
What is the command that makes it fail, already?
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org The kingly office is entitled to no respect. It was originally procured by the highwayman's methods; it remains a perpetuated crime, can never be anything but the symbol of a crime. It is no more entitled to respect than is the flag of a pirate. — Mark Twain

The following seems to be the crux of the issue:
; Upgraded ASDF from version 1.85 to version 2.31.8 ; Registering #<system "asdf"> ;;; Writing fasl file /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/asdf.fasl
this should be in an implementation-specific subdirectory, but isn't.
Well, 1.85 doesn't have asdf-output-translations. Considering that about no one should be using asdf 1 (except that my work laptop still runs an antique ubuntu with common-lisp-controller 6.18 and asdf 1.374), we could eschew the upgrade tests from asdf 1.x. What if you edit run-tests.sh function upgrade_tags to NOT try to upgrade from the 1.x versions? And/or edit valid_upgrade_test_p to avoid upgrade tests on allegro and 1.x?
Is there any chance this could be because I am not running bash? Or somehow something is briefly turning off the output-redirection?
Well, it's vaguely possible that something happens on your system that interferes with proper output translations and/or cleanup. Note that the first ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS is 'load-asdf-lisp'load-asdf-lisp-clean precisely to clean the fasl from previous lisps or lisp versions used. If you overrode that variable, it could explain why some things are wrong. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org When you are young you are afraid people will steal your ideas; when you are old you are afraid they won't. — David D. Friedman
participants (2)
Robert Goldman