I tried to load the asdf tools interactively, under SLIME, and they fail to launch, although everything seems to run from make. I get this error: Component "cl-launch/dispatch" not found, required by #<PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM "cl-scripting/commands"> and, indeed: ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ find . -name '*.asd' ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ I see this: ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ git status HEAD detached at 220b8ca nothing to commit, working directory clean ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ Is this another oddity of git submodules? Is the version of cl-launch in our git repo not sufficiently up-to-date? Actually, when I look at xcvb/cl-launch, there is no cl-launch.asd there, either. This is crippling my ability to fix 1532464

cl-launch extracts the .asd file from cl-launch.sh, and thus doesn't include it in its git. Usually it's extracted by the Makefile's target source or install_source, but we try to keep the git checkout pristine except for the build/ directory (though, unhappily, test/ is also touched, and even the main asdf/ directory, by some test and release scripts). The asdf-tools script has its own defsystem "cl-launch/dispatch" to work around that. What are you trying to do? You may want to make -C ext/cl-launch source, or to emulate the defsystem used by asdf-tools. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org If the human mind were simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it. — Pat Bahn On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I tried to load the asdf tools interactively, under SLIME, and they fail to launch, although everything seems to run from make.
I get this error:
Component "cl-launch/dispatch" not found, required by #<PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM "cl-scripting/commands">
and, indeed:
~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ find . -name '*.asd' ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $
I see this:
~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ git status HEAD detached at 220b8ca nothing to commit, working directory clean ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $
Is this another oddity of git submodules? Is the version of cl-launch in our git repo not sufficiently up-to-date?
Actually, when I look at xcvb/cl-launch, there is no cl-launch.asd there, either.
This is crippling my ability to fix 1532464

I was trying to use the Dresden Sent from my iPad
On Jan 10, 2016, at 23:38, Faré <fare@tunes.org> wrote:
cl-launch extracts the .asd file from cl-launch.sh, and thus doesn't include it in its git. Usually it's extracted by the Makefile's target source or install_source, but we try to keep the git checkout pristine except for the build/ directory (though, unhappily, test/ is also touched, and even the main asdf/ directory, by some test and release scripts).
The asdf-tools script has its own defsystem "cl-launch/dispatch" to work around that.
What are you trying to do? You may want to make -C ext/cl-launch source, or to emulate the defsystem used by asdf-tools.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org If the human mind were simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it. — Pat Bahn
On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote: I tried to load the asdf tools interactively, under SLIME, and they fail to launch, although everything seems to run from make.
I get this error:
Component "cl-launch/dispatch" not found, required by #<PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM "cl-scripting/commands">
and, indeed:
~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ find . -name '*.asd' ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $
I see this:
~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ git status HEAD detached at 220b8ca nothing to commit, working directory clean ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $
Is this another oddity of git submodules? Is the version of cl-launch in our git repo not sufficiently up-to-date?
Actually, when I look at xcvb/cl-launch, there is no cl-launch.asd there, either.
This is crippling my ability to fix 1532464

On 1/10/16 Jan 10 -11:38 PM, Faré wrote:
cl-launch extracts the .asd file from cl-launch.sh, and thus doesn't include it in its git. Usually it's extracted by the Makefile's target source or install_source, but we try to keep the git checkout pristine except for the build/ directory (though, unhappily, test/ is also touched, and even the main asdf/ directory, by some test and release scripts).
The asdf-tools script has its own defsystem "cl-launch/dispatch" to work around that.
What are you trying to do? You may want to make -C ext/cl-launch source, or to emulate the defsystem used by asdf-tools.
Sorry about the last. Wrestling with auto-correct on the iPad. The error I got WAS from using the defsystem in asdf-tools, trying to load asdf-tools into a CL REPL in SLIME. When I try to do this cl-scripting/commands depends on cl-launch/dispatch, which cannot be found by ASDF. If an ASD file must be generated from the Makefile, then ASDF *must do this without manual invocation of make*. The whole claim of the minimakefile was that the scripting could be moved to CL, and the architecture of cl-launch seems to break this. Will you please either fix cl-launch so that it can auto-run make, if that's possible, or abandon the "pristine" git checkout? Otherwise cl-launch foils the very intent of the minimakefile. Thank you, Robert
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org If the human mind were simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it. — Pat Bahn
On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I tried to load the asdf tools interactively, under SLIME, and they fail to launch, although everything seems to run from make.
I get this error:
Component "cl-launch/dispatch" not found, required by #<PACKAGE-INFERRED-SYSTEM "cl-scripting/commands">
and, indeed:
~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ find . -name '*.asd' ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $
I see this:
~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $ git status HEAD detached at 220b8ca nothing to commit, working directory clean ~/lisp/asdf/ext/cl-launch $
Is this another oddity of git submodules? Is the version of cl-launch in our git repo not sufficiently up-to-date?
Actually, when I look at xcvb/cl-launch, there is no cl-launch.asd there, either.
This is crippling my ability to fix 1532464

I went to cl-launch and did "make" and after that asdf-tools loads, but with the following warning: ; Fast loading ; /Users/rpg/.cache/common-lisp/acl-9.0-macosx-x64/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/tools/release.fasl Warning: While compiling these undefined functions were referenced: INFERIOR-SHELL::PROCESS-WAIT from character position 5216 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp INFERIOR-SHELL::MAKE-PIPE from character position 4086 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp INFERIOR-SHELL::RESULT-AND from character position 3252 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp INFERIOR-SHELL::RESULT-OR from character position 2958 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I went to cl-launch and did "make" and after that asdf-tools loads, but with the following warning:
; Fast loading ; /Users/rpg/.cache/common-lisp/acl-9.0-macosx-x64/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/tools/release.fasl Warning: While compiling these undefined functions were referenced: INFERIOR-SHELL::PROCESS-WAIT from character position 5216 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp INFERIOR-SHELL::MAKE-PIPE from character position 4086 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp INFERIOR-SHELL::RESULT-AND from character position 3252 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp INFERIOR-SHELL::RESULT-OR from character position 2958 in /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/ext/inferior-shell/run-generic.lisp
I fixed these by disabling run-generic in inferior-shell (it was an unsuccessful experiment contributed by a user to have inferior-shell support pipes natively rather than by spawning a shell with run-program, only ever ran on sbcl, and then again, not perfectly). But then Allegro chokes later on inferior-shell, with this very weird error: ;;; Writing fasl file /home/tunes/.cache/common-lisp/acl-10.0-linux-x86/home/tunes/cl/inferior-shell/process-spec-tmpsoqm5w7d.fasl ; While FILE-COMPILING #'"process-spec.lisp" in #P"/home/tunes/cl/inferior-shell/process-spec.lisp": Error: Object (QUOTE PIPE) cannot be written to a compiled file unless an applicable method is defined on make-load-form. [condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR] There is a `(pipe ,@args) using fare-quasiquote, but it is read as a regular list, so I don't understand what allegro is complaining about. I may have to file a bug against allegro, but in the meantime, it can't load inferior-shell or asdf-tools. Sigh. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org It's not ignorance that does so much damage; it's knowing so darned much that ain't so. — Josh Billings

But then Allegro chokes later on inferior-shell, with this very weird error: ;;; Writing fasl file /home/tunes/.cache/common-lisp/acl-10.0-linux-x86/home/tunes/cl/inferior-shell/process-spec-tmpsoqm5w7d.fasl ; While FILE-COMPILING #'"process-spec.lisp" in #P"/home/tunes/cl/inferior-shell/process-spec.lisp": Error: Object (QUOTE PIPE) cannot be written to a compiled file unless an applicable method is defined on make-load-form. [condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR]
There is a `(pipe ,@args) using fare-quasiquote, but it is read as a regular list, so I don't understand what allegro is complaining about. I may have to file a bug against allegro, but in the meantime, it can't load inferior-shell or asdf-tools. Sigh.
The problem was my using an overly old version of optima. Updating optima solved it, and allegro can load inferior-shell and asdf-tools. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Profit is the signal which tells us what we must do in order to serve people we do not know. By pursuing profit, we are as altruistic as we can possibly be, because we extend our concern to people who are beyond our range of personal conception. — Friedrich Hayek
participants (4)
Robert Goldman
Robert P. Goldman