On Linux, I checked:
ccl sbcl cmucl allegro allegromodern allegro8 allegromodern8 lispworks clisp ecl ecl_bytecodes mkcl
All passed, except ECL and ECL with bytecodes, both of which failed test-xach-update-bug.script
But I have only ECL 13.5.1, so this may be wrong.
Also note that I checked only with ACL 9. I don't have the ACL 10 release candidate on this machine. But I assume Kevin will have tested that case.
On Mac, I checked:
ccl clisp sbcl cmucl lispworks allegro_64 allegromodern_64 allegro8_64 allegromodern8_64 allegro_64_s allegromodern_64_s allegro8_64_s allegromodern8_64_s abcl
All tests on these lisps pass.
On SBCL on the Mac, with version, the tests failed before running, because the ASDF build failed with a deprecation warning.
That was because we use SB-DEBUG:BACKTRACE (deprecated) instead of SB-DEBUG:PRINT-BACKTRACE. I made that change and pushed. I'm hoping we don't need to protect this patch with checks to avoid earlier versions of SBCL.
For Allegro on the Mac, I checked with both Allegro 9.0 and the Allegro 10.0 pre-release.
I'll try Windows next, and if that works, release 3.1.6.
Cheers, r
Postscript: Divergence between SBCL results on Mac and on Linux revealed that I have antique SBCL on Linux. Retested there, and the BACKTRACE function replacement didn't cause a failure, so I think we are good with PRINT-BACKTRACE.
Cheers, r