I used asdf to load aspectl-0.6. Using overview.html, I extracted the code examples and tried to run them under Lispworks for Windows Professional 4.3.7. I got four errors. Here is my session:
;;;; Problems are noted in comments beginning ;;;; with "Error:"
(defpackage test-aspectl (:use :aspectl :cl-user :cl)) (in-package :test-aspectl)
(define-join-point environment-pointcut do-something) (define-join-point environment-pointcut do-something-else) ; => (#<JOIN-PONT 216EEA1C> #<JOIN-PONT 2068D784>)
(define-aspect-weaver environment-pointcut accept-environment-arg (aspect-weaver join-point) (declare (ignore aspect-weaver)) (create-method (fdefinition (join-point-name join-point)) :qualifiers '(:around) :lambda-list '(args &key (in-environment *some-environment*) &allow-other-keys) :specializers (list (find-class 't)) :declarations '((ignore args)) :body '(progn (if (eq in-environment *some-environment*) (call-next-method) (with-some-environment (in-environment) (call-next-method))))))) ; Error: ; The code from overview.html is missing ; a parenthesis on the last line ; ; Error: ; => Undefined function DO-SOMETHING-ELSE in form ; (SYMBOL-FUNCTION DO-SOMETHING-ELSE)
(defclass person () ((name :accessor name :initarg :name))) ; => #<STANDARD-CLASS PERSON 217ABAD4>
(with-class 'person (class-add :direct-slots '(age :accessor age :initarg :age))) ; => #<STANDARD-CLASS PERSON 217ABAD4>
(setq *p1* (make-instance 'person)) ; => #<PERSON 20687C04>
(inspect *p1*) ; => ; #<PERSON 211E92A4> is a PERSON ; NAME #<unbound slot> ; ; Error: ; The direct slot 'age' was not added to the class ; 'person
(defclass person () ((name :accessor person-name :initarg :name :special t)) (:metaclass special-class)) ; => #<SPECIAL-CLASS PERSON 217ABAD4>
(defvar *p* (make-instance 'person :name "Dr. Jekyll")) ; => *P*
(dletf (((person-name *p*) "Mr. Hide")) (print (person-name *p*))) ; => "Mr. Hide"
(person-name *p*) ; => "Dr. Jekyll"
(defgeneric print-person-list (person-list) (:method (person-list) (mapc #'print-person person-list))) ; => #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION PRINT-PERSON-LIST 211DCDD2>
(define-special-function print-person (person) (:definer print-person*) ;; "print-person" is the name to use for ;; calling the function while "print-person*" ;; is the name to use for defining methods (:method ((scope t) person) (print (person-name person)))) ; => #<SPECIAL-FUNCTION PRINT-PERSON* 211D9D2A>
(defmethod print-person-list :around (person-list) (with-special-generic-function-scope (print-person*) (defmethod* print-person* :before ((scope dynamic) person) (print "This person is part of a person list.")) (call-next-method))) ; => #<STANDARD-METHOD PRINT-PERSON-LIST (:AROUND) (T) 2068C044>
(setq *pl* ()) (push (make-instance 'person :name "Mr. X") *pl*) (push (make-instance 'person :name "Mr. Y") *pl*) (push (make-instance 'person :name "Mr. Z") *pl*) ; => (#<PERSON 2066A5C4> #<PERSON 2069108C> #<PERSON 206883BC>)
(print-person-list *pl*) ; Error: ; => Call (#<closure 206642DA>) has the wrong ; number of arguments.
Jeff Caldwell
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