On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 22:24 +0200, james anderson wrote:
[ironic in this discussion, is that utf-8b is non-conformant - by definition.]
I don't think so. See http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.1.0/ paragraph E: "in processing the UTF-8 code unit sequence <F0 80 80 41>, the only requirement on a converter is that the <41> be processed and correctly interpreted as <U+0041>."
On 2009-04-13, at 20:37 , Dan Weinreb wrote:
From two Unicode experts I have consulted come the following comments:
Cases like this, in which an illegal sequence is explicitly transformed into another illegal sequence, would meet with a lot of resistance from folks who care about security.
It's important not to do anything outside the definition. Your objection to CODE-CHAR returning NIL is incompatible with the Unicode concept of "Noncharacters". See the Unicode report section 16.7.
is not 16.7 concerned with unicode interchange? kuhn's proposal, from which oliviera's 8b efforts follow, is not. it concerns an unambiguous internal representation. in any case, kuhn's proposal would also appear to adhere to tr36's recommendations, in that it neither deletes the initial invalid byte, nor consumes successors.
one may argue, that the result is not a vector with element type character.
Perhaps it would be more correct to say that the result is a vector of characters whose character set is a superset of Unicode.
one may also argue, that the result should be permissible as input to an utf-8b encoding only and any other attempted encoding would be an error.
That's correct
the question remains, should a runtime support efficient decoding of this class of data and, if so, how should it do that with convenient, efficient operations on the respective internal representation? if the answer is "no lisp implementation should," then babel should eliminate utf-8b. if the answer is "there should be some way," then - particularly in light of the security issues, all implementations _should_ behave the same.
There should be some way, and the reason is that not all applications need to *interpret* the data that they receive. Some need to work with the data as-is, for example: *) On most *nix variants, a pathname is just a vector of octets with no predefined encoding. I'd like to be able to list the contents of any directory and be sure that I be able to get all the filenames in it without any decoding error because I may not now the encoding of the files in it(assuming that there is one - some people have been known to use the filesystem as a generic datastore using binary blobs as filenames). I'd also like to be able to decode such filenames into strings instead of instances of (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) **) Ideally, an editor should be able to open a file with mixed encoding and maintain the contents that isn't explicitly modified by the user as-is. For example, if a file that contains mostly UTF8 with some EUC_JP inside and the user modifies only some of the UTF8 parts, upon saving the file the EUC_JP parts should be written back as they were. All decoders I've seen thus far in CL implementations either signal an error which would block the editor from even displaying the file, or replace non-UTF8 contents by U+FFFD or #\? causing loss of data. UTF-8b works as expected because it deals transparently with malformed UTF8 octet sequences and because it outputs strings, which are preferable to bare (unsigned-byte 32) vectors -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.