Hello, I'm running into a problems compiling bdb on sbcl on OS X. Here's the compiler message out of slime - any ideas what could be the cause? p.s. - I was also having issues compiling mycl-util (erring on misc.lisp and setf.lisp with no additional info), but those seem to have gone away now.... Thanks! -Andrew ; file: /Users/andrew/Documents/work/travelmetric/iris/trunk/core/libs/bdb/src/db.lisp ; in: DEFMETHOD DB-DEL (DB-TXN T) ; DEFMETHOD ; ; caught ERROR: ; (during macroexpansion of (DEFMETHOD DB-DEL ...)) ; Execution of a form compiled with errors. ; Form: ; (`(ENV-146 ,ENV) `(TXN-147 ,TXN) `(PARENT-148 ,PARENT) `(NO-SYNC-149 ,NO-SYNC) ; `(NOT-DURABLE-150 ,NOT-DURABLE) `(NO-WAIT-151 ,NO-WAIT) `(SYNC-152 ,SYNC)) ; Compile-time error: ; illegal function call