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[bknr-cvs] r2331 - in branches/bos/projects/bos: . m2 payment-website/images worldpay-test
by bknr@bknr.net 17 Jan '08
by bknr@bknr.net 17 Jan '08
17 Jan '08
Author: hhubner
Date: 2008-01-17 10:24:19 -0500 (Thu, 17 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 2331
Send out re-generated print certificate by email.
Tag mails by sponsor country for filtering.
Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/README
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/README 2008-01-17 15:23:49 UTC (rev 2330)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/README 2008-01-17 15:24:19 UTC (rev 2331)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- - CMUCL 19a installieren, so dass "lisp" im Pfad ist
+ - CMUCL 19c installieren, so dass "lisp" im Pfad ist
- Komplettes cvs auschecken:
$ cvs -d :ext:bknr.net:/home/bknr/cvs co -d bknr.net .
Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp 2008-01-17 15:23:49 UTC (rev 2330)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/m2.lisp 2008-01-17 15:24:19 UTC (rev 2331)
@@ -286,20 +286,34 @@
(defmethod contract-pdf-url ((contract contract))
(format nil "/certificate/~A" (store-object-id contract)))
+(defmethod contract-certificates-generated-p (contract)
+ (and (probe-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract))
+ (or (contract-download-only-p contract)
+ (probe-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t)))))
+(defmethod contract-delete-certificate-files (contract)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (delete-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract))
+ (delete-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t))))
+(defun wait-for-certificates (contract)
+ "Wait until the PDF generating process has generated the certificates"
+ (dotimes (i 10)
+ (when (contract-certificates-generated-p contract)
+ (return))
+ (sleep 1))
+ (unless (contract-certificates-generated-p contract)
+ (error "Cannot generate certificate")))
(defmethod contract-issue-cert ((contract contract) name &key address language)
- (if (contract-cert-issued contract)
- (warn "can't re-issue cert for ~A" contract)
- (progn
- (make-certificate contract name :address address :language language)
- (unless (contract-download-only-p contract)
- (make-certificate contract name :address address :language language :print t))
- (dotimes (i 10)
- (when (probe-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract))
- (return))
- (sleep 1))
- (if (probe-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract))
- (change-slot-values contract 'cert-issued t)
- (error "Cannot generate certificate")))))
+ (when (contract-cert-issued contract)
+ (warn "re-issuing cert for ~A" contract))
+ (contract-delete-certificate-files contract)
+ (make-certificate contract name :address address :language language)
+ (unless (contract-download-only-p contract)
+ (make-certificate contract name :address address :language language :print t))
+ (wait-for-certificates contract)
+ (change-slot-values contract 'cert-issued t))
(defmethod contract-image-tiles ((contract contract))
(let (image-tiles)
Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/mail-generator.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/mail-generator.lisp 2008-01-17 15:23:49 UTC (rev 2330)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/mail-generator.lisp 2008-01-17 15:24:19 UTC (rev 2331)
@@ -214,14 +214,40 @@
:content-type nil
:more-headers t
:text (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (format s "X-BOS-Sponsor-Country: ~A~%" (sponsor-country (contract-sponsor contract)))
(print-mime s
(make-instance 'multipart-mime
:subtype "mixed"
:content parts)
t t))))
- (unless (contract-download-only-p contract)
+ (when (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t)
(delete-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t))))
+(defun mail-print-pdf (contract)
+ (send-system-mail
+ :to (contract-office-email contract)
+ :subject (format nil "PDF certificate (regenerated) - Sponsor-ID ~D Contract-ID ~D"
+ (store-object-id (contract-sponsor contract))
+ (store-object-id contract))
+ :content-type nil
+ :more-headers t
+ :text (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (format s "X-BOS-Sponsor-Country: ~A~%" (sponsor-country (contract-sponsor contract)))
+ (print-mime s
+ (make-instance
+ 'multipart-mime
+ :subtype "mixed"
+ :content (list
+ (make-instance
+ 'mime
+ :type "application"
+ :subtype (format nil "pdf; name=\"contract-~A.pdf\""
+ (store-object-id contract))
+ :encoding :base64
+ :content (file-contents (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t)))))
+ t t)))
+ (delete-file (contract-pdf-pathname contract :print t)))
(defun mail-backoffice-sponsor-data (contract req)
(with-query-params (req numsqm country email name address date language)
(let ((parts (list (make-html-part (format nil "
Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp 2008-01-17 15:23:49 UTC (rev 2330)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/m2/packages.lisp 2008-01-17 15:24:19 UTC (rev 2331)
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@
+ #:mail-print-pdf
Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/payment-website/images/header_ganzneu.gif
(Binary files differ)
Modified: branches/bos/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp
--- branches/bos/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp 2008-01-17 15:23:49 UTC (rev 2330)
+++ branches/bos/projects/bos/worldpay-test/sponsor-handlers.lisp 2008-01-17 15:24:19 UTC (rev 2331)
@@ -304,7 +304,8 @@
(t (error "invalid sponsor or contract id ~A" object-id-string)))))
(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler cert-regen-handler) action (contract contract) req)
- (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Re-generate Certificate")
+ (with-bos-cms-page (req :title (format nil "Re-generate Certificate~@[~*s~]"
+ (not (contract-download-only-p contract))))
((:form :name "form")
@@ -319,12 +320,14 @@
(:tr (:td (submit-button "regenerate" "regenerate")))))))))
-(defun confirm-cert-regen (req)
- (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Certificate generation request has been created")
- (html
- "Your certificate generation request has been created, please wait a few seconds before checking the PDF file")))
(defmethod handle-object-form ((handler cert-regen-handler) (action (eql :regenerate)) (contract contract) req)
(with-query-params (req name address language)
- (bos.m2::make-certificate contract name :address address :language language))
- (confirm-cert-regen req))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (contract-issue-cert contract name :address address :language language))
+ (with-bos-cms-page (req :title "Certificate has been recreated")
+ (html "The certificates for the sponsor have been re-generated.")
+ (unless (contract-download-only-p contract)
+ (mail-print-pdf contract)
+ (let ((sponsor (contract-sponsor contract)))
+ (html "The print certificate has been sent to the relevant BOS office address by email."
+ :br
+ (cmslink #?"edit-sponsor/$((store-object-id sponsor))" "return to sponsor"))))))
\ No newline at end of file
[bknr-cvs] r2296 - in branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble: src website
by bknr@bknr.net 02 Dec '07
by bknr@bknr.net 02 Dec '07
02 Dec '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-12-02 18:36:27 -0500 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 2296
Gameplay fixes.
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp 2007-12-02 23:36:27 UTC (rev 2296)
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
(encode-json-plist (list :type "move"
:participant-login (user-login (player-of (participant-of move)))
:score (score-of move)
+ :player-score (score-of (participant-of move))
:placed-tiles (placed-tiles-of move)
:words (mapcar (lambda (word-cons)
(list (car word-cons) (cdr word-cons)))
@@ -64,12 +65,14 @@
(defmethod encode-json ((move move-withdrawal) stream)
(encode-json-plist (list :type "move-withdrawal"
:participant-login (user-login (player-of (participant-of move)))
+ :player-score (score-of (participant-of move))
:reason (or (reason-of move) ""))
(defmethod encode-json ((move tile-swap) stream)
(encode-json-plist (list :type "tile-swap"
:participant-login (user-login (player-of (participant-of move)))
+ :player-score (score-of (participant-of move))
:reason (count-of move))
@@ -92,6 +95,7 @@
(encode-json-plist (append (list :login (user-login (player-of participant))
:name (user-full-name (player-of participant))
+ :score (score-of participant)
(list (if (eq (player-of participant)
(session-value :user))
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-12-02 23:36:27 UTC (rev 2296)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// -*- Java -*- (really Javascript)
+// -*- JavaScript -*-
var boardScoring = [["triple-word",null,null,"double-letter",null,null,null,"triple-word",
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
// Given the board and list of placed tiles, either throw an error or
// return if the move is legal.
- var positions = map(function (placement) { return [ placement[0], placement[1] ] }, placedTiles)
+ var positions = map(function (placement) { return [ placement.x, placement.y ] }, placedTiles)
.sort(function (a, b) { return (a[0] - b[0]) || (a[1] - b[1])});
if (filter(partial(operator.ne, positions[0][0]), map(function (position) { return position[0] }, positions)).length
@@ -133,6 +133,13 @@
nextTurn.style.textAlign = 'left';
setElementPosition(nextTurn, { x: border + 680, y: border + 665 });
appendChildNodes($('playfield'), nextTurn);
+ var nextTurn = DIV({ id: 'status' }, "");
+ nextTurn.style.position = 'absolute';
+ nextTurn.style.width = '280px';
+ nextTurn.style.textAlign = 'left';
+ setElementPosition(nextTurn, { x: border + 680, y: border + 680 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), nextTurn);
function setLetter(x, y, letter, isBlank) {
@@ -147,22 +154,11 @@
function placeLetter(x, y, tile) {
- var mask = IMG({ src: 'images/mask.png'});
- mask.style.position = 'absolute';
- mask.style.top = '3px';
- mask.style.left = '3px';
- mask.style.zIndex = '20';
- appendChildNodes(board[x][y], mask);
- board[x][y].letterNode = tile;
- board[x][y].letter = tile.letter;
- board[x][y].justPlaced = true;
- tile.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(tile, { points: { to: [ border + x * 44 + 3,
- border + y * 44 + 3 ]}},
- 0.15,
- YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBoth);
- tile.anim.animate();
+function removeLastLetterFromMove() {
function letterAt(x, y) {
return board[x][y].letter && !board[x][y].justPlaced;
@@ -239,28 +235,74 @@
var move = [];
-function makeMove(x, y, letter, isBlank) {
- move[move.length] = [x, y, letter, isBlank];
+function makeMask()
+ var mask = IMG({ src: 'images/mask.png'});
+ mask.style.position = 'absolute';
+ mask.style.top = '3px';
+ mask.style.left = '3px';
+ mask.style.zIndex = '20';
+ return mask;
+function addLetterToMove(x, y, tile) {
+ mask = makeMask();
+ appendChildNodes(board[x][y], mask);
+ board[x][y].letterNode = tile;
+ board[x][y].letter = tile.letter;
+ board[x][y].justPlaced = true;
+ tile.mask = mask;
+ tile.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(tile, { points: { to: [ border + x * 44 + 3,
+ border + y * 44 + 3 ]}},
+ 0.15,
+ YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBoth);
+ tile.anim.animate();
+ move[move.length] = { x: x, y: y, tile: tile };
try {
$('move').onclick = submitMove;
- $('move').innerHTML = move.toString();
+ $('move').innerHTML = "submit move";
+ displayStatus('');
catch (e) {
+ if (typeof e != 'string') {
+ alert(e.message);
+ } else {
+ displayStatus(e);
+ }
$('move').onclick = undefined;
$('move').innerHTML = e.toString();
-function clearMove() {
+function confirmMove() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < move.length; i++) {
+ removeElement(move[i].tile.mask);
+ move[i].tile.mask = undefined;
+ }
+ cursor.clear();
move = [];
$('move').onclick = null;
- $('move').innerHTML = '[no move]';
+ $('move').innerHTML = '';
+function moveAsString() {
+ // We internally keep the move as array of objects, but send it to the server rather unstructured:
+ var serverMessage = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < move.length; i++) {
+ serverMessage.push(move[i].x);
+ serverMessage.push(move[i].y);
+ serverMessage.push(move[i].tile.letterName);
+ serverMessage.push(move[i].tile.letterName == undefined);
+ }
+ return serverMessage.toString();
function submitMove()
- var queryString = MochiKit.Base.queryString({ move: move.toString(), game: gameID });
+ var queryString = MochiKit.Base.queryString({ move: moveAsString(), game: gameID });
var res = MochiKit.Async.doXHR("/place-tiles",
{ method: 'POST',
sendContent: queryString,
@@ -270,20 +312,27 @@
function moveSuccess(result)
- var response;
try {
- response = eval('(' + result.responseText + ')');
+ var response;
+ try {
+ response = eval('(' + result.responseText + ')');
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ alert("invalid JSON reply: " + result.responseText);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (response.error) {
+ alert(response.error);
+ } else {
+ confirmMove();
+ alert(response.move.playerScore);
+ $('playfield')['score-' + response.move.participantLogin].innerHTML = response.move.playerScore.toString();
+ displayMyTray(response.tray);
+ }
catch (e) {
- alert("invalid JSON reply: " + result.responseText);
- return;
+ alert('error during moveSuccess: ' + e.message);
- if (response.error) {
- alert(response.error);
- } else {
- clearMove();
- makeMyTray(response.tray);
- }
function moveFailure(e)
@@ -315,18 +364,17 @@
if (tilePosition == -1) {
- alert("You don't have letter + '" + letter + "'!");
+ displayStatus('you-dont-have-that-letter', letter);
} else {
var isHoriz;
if (move.length > 0) {
- isHoriz = (move[0][0] != x);
+ isHoriz = (move[0].x != x);
if (!letterAt(x, y)) {
var tile = tray[tilePosition];
tray.splice(tilePosition, 1);
- placeLetter(x, y, tile);
- makeMove(x, y, tile.letterName, tile.letterName == undefined);
+ addLetterToMove(x, y, tile);
@@ -362,6 +410,10 @@
if (!letterAt(x, ++y))
+ case backspaceKey:
+ if (move.length) {
+ removeLastLetterFromMove();
+ }
if ((x >= 0) && (x <= 14) && (y >= 0) && (y <= 14)) {
@@ -391,7 +443,7 @@
-function makeMyTray(letters) {
+function displayMyTray(letters) {
map(removeElement, tray);
tray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
@@ -403,7 +455,7 @@
element.style.height = '34px';
element.style.zIndex = '10';
element.onclick = trayClick;
- setElementPosition(element, { x: border + 194 + i * 40, y: border + 665 });
+ setElementPosition(element, { x: border + i * 40, y: border + 665 });
tray[i] = element;
appendChildNodes($('playfield'), tray);
@@ -428,7 +480,9 @@
var otherPlayerIndex = 0;
-function makeTheirTray (name, tileCount) {
+function makeTheirTray (participant) {
+ var tileCount = (typeof participant.remainingTiles == 'number') ? participant.remainingTiles : participant.remainingTiles.length;
var tray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) {
var element = IMG({src: 'images/null.png'});
@@ -441,12 +495,21 @@
appendChildNodes($('playfield'), tray);
- var nameTag = DIV(null, name);
+ var nameTag = DIV(null, participant.name);
nameTag.style.position = 'absolute';
nameTag.style.width = '200px';
nameTag.style.textAlign = 'left';
setElementPosition(nameTag, { x: border + 680, y: border + 80 * otherPlayerIndex + 50 });
appendChildNodes($('playfield'), nameTag);
+ var scoreTag = DIV(null, participant.score);
+ scoreTag.style.position = 'absolute';
+ scoreTag.style.width = '80px';
+ scoreTag.style.textAlign = 'right';
+ setElementPosition(scoreTag, { x: border + 870, y: border + 80 * otherPlayerIndex + 50 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), scoreTag);
+ $('playfield')['score-' + participant.login] = scoreTag;
@@ -465,32 +528,41 @@
return retval;
+function displayWhosTurnItIs(name) {
+ replaceChildNodes($('nextTurn'),
+ "Next: " + name);
function drawGameState (gameState) {
- for (var i = 0; i < gameState.board.length; i++) {
- var x = gameState.board[i][0];
- var y = gameState.board[i][1];
- var char = gameState.board[i][2];
- setLetter(x, y, char, gameState.board[i].length > 3);
- }
- var firstParticipant = gameState.participants[0];
- replaceChildNodes($('nextTurn'),
- "It is "
- + ((typeof firstParticipant.remainingTiles == 'number') ? (firstParticipant.name + "s") : "your")
- + " turn");
- for (var i = 0; i < gameState.participants.length; i++) {
- var participant = gameState.participants[i];
- if (typeof participant.remainingTiles == 'number') {
- makeTheirTray(participant.name, participant.remainingTiles);
- } else {
- makeMyTray(participant.remainingTiles);
+ try {
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.board.length; i++) {
+ var x = gameState.board[i][0];
+ var y = gameState.board[i][1];
+ var char = gameState.board[i][2];
+ setLetter(x, y, char, gameState.board[i].length > 3);
+ var firstParticipant = gameState.participants[0];
+ displayWhosTurnItIs(firstParticipant.name);
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.participants.length; i++) {
+ var participant = gameState.participants[i];
+ makeTheirTray(participant);
+ if (typeof participant.remainingTiles != 'number') {
+ displayMyTray(participant.remainingTiles);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.moves.length; i++) {
+ appendChildNodes($('gameLog'), DIV(null, renderMoveAsText(gameState.moves[i])));
+ }
- for (var i = 0; i < gameState.moves.length; i++) {
- appendChildNodes($('gameLog'), DIV(null, renderMoveAsText(gameState.moves[i])));
+ catch (e) {
+ alert('error ' + e + ' in drawGameState');
-var legalLetters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("");
+function displayStatus(status)
+ replaceChildNodes('status', status);
function init() {
@@ -503,7 +575,7 @@
{ fn: functionKeyPressed, scope: this, correctScope: true });
- var moveDisplay = DIV({ id: 'move' }, "[no move yet]");
+ var moveDisplay = DIV({ id: 'move' }, "");
moveDisplay.style.color = 'white';
moveDisplay.style.position = 'absolute';
setElementPosition(moveDisplay, { x: border + 550, y: border + 665 });
[bknr-cvs] r2295 - in branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime: . CVS contrib contrib/CVS doc doc/CVS
by bknr@bknr.net 02 Dec '07
by bknr@bknr.net 02 Dec '07
02 Dec '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-12-02 13:46:42 -0500 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 2295
update slime from cvs
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/CVS/Entries
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/CVS/Entries 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/CVS/Entries 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
/.cvsignore/1.5/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/ChangeLog/1.1241/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/HACKING/1.8/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/NEWS/1.8/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/PROBLEMS/1.8/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/README/1.14/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/hyperspec.el/1.11/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
@@ -12,24 +8,28 @@
/nregex.lisp/1.4/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/sbcl-pprint-patch.lisp/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-autoloads.el/1.3/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/slime.el/1.877/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/swank-abcl.lisp/1.44/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/swank-allegro.lisp/1.98/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-backend.lisp/1.126/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-clisp.lisp/1.64/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/swank-cmucl.lisp/1.174/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-corman.lisp/1.11/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-ecl.lisp/1.8/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-gray.lisp/1.10/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/swank-lispworks.lisp/1.92/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/swank-loader.lisp/1.74/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/swank-openmcl.lisp/1.120/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/swank-sbcl.lisp/1.185/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-scl.lisp/1.13/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-source-file-cache.lisp/1.8/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-source-path-parser.lisp/1.17/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank.asd/1.5/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/swank.lisp/1.513/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/test-all.sh/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/test.sh/1.9/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/xref.lisp/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
+/ChangeLog/1.1254/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/NEWS/1.9/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/slime.el/1.882/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/swank-cmucl.lisp/1.175/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/swank-lispworks.lisp/1.93/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/swank-loader.lisp/1.75/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/swank.lisp/1.521/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/ChangeLog
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/ChangeLog 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/ChangeLog 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -1,3 +1,118 @@
+2007-12-02 Alan Caulkins <fatman(a)maxint.net>
+ Make it possible to close listening sockets.
+ * swank.lisp (stop-server, restart-server): New functions.
+ (*listener-sockets*): New variable.
+ (setup-server): Store open sockets in *listener-sockets*.
+2007-12-02 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ Add hook to customize the region used by C-c C-c.
+ Useful to recognize block declarations in CMUCL sources.
+ * slime.el (slime-region-for-defun-function): New variable.
+ (slime-region-for-defun-at-point): Use it.
+2007-11-30 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ Handle byte-functions without debug-info.
+ * swank-cmucl.lisp (byte-function-location): Return an error
+ if the component has no debug-info.
+2007-11-30 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ Disable the pretty-printer for backtraces.
+ Would be nice if we could print newlines in strings as \n.
+ * swank.lisp (*backtrace-printer-bindings*): New varaible.
+ (backtrace, frame-locals-for-emacs): Use it.
+2007-11-29 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr(a)freebits.de>
+ * swank.lisp (valid-function-name-p): Fixed wrt. setf functions.
+2007-11-29 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ Prettify package names for slime-repl-set-package.
+ * slime.el (slime-repl-set-package): slime-current-package may
+ have leading colons. Use slime-pretty-package-name to remove
+ them. Reported by Constantine Vetoshev.
+ (slime-pretty-current-package): New function.
+ (slime-set-package): Use it.
+2007-11-24 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ Drop remaining dependencies on nregex.
+ * swank-lispworks.lisp (unmangle-unfun): Use sys::setf-symbol-p
+ instead of regexp matching.
+ * swank-loader.lisp (*sysdep-files*): Don't include nregex.
+2007-11-24 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ Mirror *modules* in Emacs.
+ * slime.el (slime-lisp-modules): New connction variable.
+ (slime-set-connection-info): Load requested modules.
+ (slime-required-modules): New variable.
+ (slime-require, slime-load-contribs): New functions.
+ * swank.lisp (connection-info): Include *modules*.
+ (swank-require): Accept a list of modules as argument.
+2007-11-24 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ * swank.lisp (parse-package): The old version didn't pass the
+ test-suite. Now use the reader directly instead of emulating it
+ half-heartedly.
+ * slime.el (slime-search-buffer-package): Don't remove double
+ quotes or "#:", swank:parse-package takes care of that.
+2007-11-24 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ * swank.lisp (apropos-symbols): Use simple search instead of
+ regexps.
+ (make-apropos-matcher): Used to be make-regexp-matcher.
+ (*sldb-printer-bindings*): Set *print-right-margin* to
+ most-positive-fixnum. This prints each frame in the backtrace in a
+ single long line. But is suboptimal for other purposes, like
+ eval-in-frame.
+ (setup-server): Initialize multiprocessing here, so that is also
+ done for create-server.
+2007-11-23 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr(a)freebits.de>
+ * swank.lisp (swank-require): Fix typo (:key was used instead of
+ :test.) Reported by Stelian Ionescu.
+2007-11-22 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ * swank.lisp (swank-require): Don't search the file if the
+ module-name is present in *modules*. That should avoid problems if
+ swank is included in a core file and moved to a different
+ location. Reported by John Wiegley.
+2007-11-19 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr(a)freebits.de>
+ * slime.el (slime-repl-mode-map, slime-repl-read-mode),
+ (slime-compiler-notes-mode-map, slime-xref-mode-map),
+ (sldb-mode-map, slime-connection-list-mode-map),
+ (slime-inspector-mode-map): Added bindings for [return] in
+ addition to (kbd "RET"). The reason is that pressing enter in X is
+ translated to (kbd "RET") only if no binding for [return] is
+ active; if [return] is bound to something, pressing enter is
+ translated to this key binding henceforth, as was explained to me
+ by Pierre Gaston, thanks! This can cause quite confusing behaviour
+ as Andreas Davour faced in his post <cs9k5ofqbt7.fsf(a)Psilocybe.Update.UU.SE>
+ to comp.lang.lisp.
2007-11-06 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
* slime.el (slime-events-buffer, slime-inspector-buffer): Disable
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/NEWS
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/NEWS 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/NEWS 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -1,5 +1,54 @@
-* SLIME News -*- outline -*-
+* SLIME News -*- outline -*-
+* 3.0 (not released yet)
+** Removed Features
+Some of the more esoteric features, like presentations or fuzzy
+completion, are no longer enabled by default. A new directory
+"contrib/" contains the code for these packages. To use them, you
+must make some changes to your ~/.emacs. For details see, section
+"Contributed Packages" in the manual.
+** Stepper
+Juho Snellman implemented stepping commands for SBCL.
+** Completions
+SLIME can now complete keywords and character names (like #\newline).
+* 2.0 (April 2006)
+** In-place macro expansion
+Marco Baringer wrote a new minor mode to incrementally expand macros.
+** Improved arglist display
+SLIME now recognizes `make-instance' calls and displays the correct
+arglist if the classname is present. Similarly, for `defmethod' forms
+SLIME displays the arguments of the generic function.
+** Persistent REPL history
+SLIME now saves the command history from REPL buffers in a file and
+reloads it for newly created REPL buffers.
+** Scieneer Common Lisp
+Douglas Crosher added support for Scieneer Common Lisp.
+** SBCL
+Various improvements to make SLIME work well with current SBCL versions.
+** Corman Common Lisp
+Espen Wiborg added support for Corman Common Lisp.
+** Presentations
+A new feature which associates objects in Lisp with their textual
+represetation in Emacs. The text is clickable and operations on the
+associated object can be invoked from a pop-up menu.
+** Security
+SLIME has now a simple authentication mechanism: if the file
+~/.slime-secret exists we verify that Emacs and Lisp can access it.
+Since both parties have access to the same file system, we assume that
+we can trust each other.
* 1.2 (March 2005)
** New inspector
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/CVS/Entries
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/CVS/Entries 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/CVS/Entries 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-/ChangeLog/1.64/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/README/1.3/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/bridge.el/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/inferior-slime.el/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
@@ -9,7 +8,6 @@
/slime-editing-commands.el/1.5/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-fancy-inspector.el/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-fancy.el/1.4/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/slime-fuzzy.el/1.4/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-highlight-edits.el/1.3/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-parse.el/1.7/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-presentation-streams.el/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
@@ -19,12 +17,14 @@
/slime-tramp.el/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-typeout-frame.el/1.5/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/slime-xref-browser.el/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/swank-arglists.lisp/1.12/Wed Nov 14 21:30:35 2007//
/swank-asdf.lisp/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-c-p-c.lisp/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
-/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp/1.4/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-fuzzy.lisp/1.6/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-listener-hooks.lisp/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-presentation-streams.lisp/1.4/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
/swank-presentations.lisp/1.4/Thu Oct 11 14:10:25 2007//
+/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp/1.5/Wed Nov 21 20:47:43 2007//
+/ChangeLog/1.68/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/slime-fuzzy.el/1.5/Sun Dec 2 04:22:09 2007//
+/swank-arglists.lisp/1.15/Sun Dec 2 04:22:10 2007//
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/ChangeLog
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/ChangeLog 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/ChangeLog 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
+2007-11-27 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr(a)freebits.de>
+ * swank-arglists.lisp (arglist-dispatch 'defmethod): Use
+ VALID-FUNCTION-NAME-P. Fixes error on certain `(defmethod (setf ...))'
+ forms.
+2007-11-27 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr(a)freebits.de>
+ * swank-arglists.lisp (print-arglist): Print initforms in &optional and
+ &key lambda list specifiers as if by PRIN1 instead of PRINC.
+ Reported by Michael Weber.
+2007-11-24 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ * slime-fuzzy.el: Use slime-require instead of a connected-hook.
+2007-11-20 Helmut Eller <heller(a)common-lisp.net>
+ * swank-fancy-inspector.lisp (inspect-for-emacs function t): Don't
+ specialize the second argument, so that backend methods take
+ precedence. Reported by Maciej Katafiasz.
2007-10-24 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr(a)freebits.de>
* swank-arglist.lisp (decode-arglist): Fix incompatibility with
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/slime-fuzzy.el
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/slime-fuzzy.el 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/slime-fuzzy.el 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -585,14 +585,12 @@
;;; Initialization
(defun slime-fuzzy-init ()
- (add-hook 'slime-connected-hook 'slime-fuzzy-on-connect)
(defun slime-fuzzy-bind-keys ()
(define-key slime-mode-map "\C-c\M-i" 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)
(define-key slime-repl-mode-map "\C-c\M-i" 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol))
-(defun slime-fuzzy-on-connect ()
- (slime-eval-async '(swank:swank-require :swank-fuzzy)))
+(slime-require :swank-fuzzy)
(provide 'slime-fuzzy)
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@
;;; (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE &ANY (compilation-speed 1) (safety 1) ...))
+;; FIXME: This really ought to be rewritten.
(defun print-arglist (arglist &key operator highlight)
(let ((index 0)
(need-space nil))
@@ -290,26 +291,29 @@
(typecase arg
(arglist ; destructuring pattern
(print-arglist arg))
- (optional-arg
- (princ (encode-optional-arg arg)))
+ (optional-arg
+ (let ((enc-arg (encode-optional-arg arg)))
+ (if (symbolp enc-arg)
+ (princ enc-arg)
+ (destructuring-bind (var &optional (initform nil initform-p)) enc-arg
+ (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+ (format t "~A~:[~; ~S~]" var initform-p initform))))))
(let ((enc-arg (encode-keyword-arg arg)))
(etypecase enc-arg
(symbol (princ enc-arg))
- ((cons symbol)
- (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
- (princ (car enc-arg))
- (write-char #\space)
- (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr enc-arg) nil)))
+ ((cons symbol)
+ (destructuring-bind (keyarg initform) enc-arg
+ (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+ (format t "~A ~S" keyarg initform))))
((cons cons)
- (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
- (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
- (prin1 (caar enc-arg))
- (write-char #\space)
- (print-arg (keyword-arg.arg-name arg)))
- (unless (null (cdr enc-arg))
- (write-char #\space))
- (pprint-fill *standard-output* (cdr enc-arg) nil))))))
+ (destructuring-bind ((keyword-name var) &optional (initform nil initform-p))
+ enc-arg
+ (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+ (pprint-logical-block (nil nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+ (format t "~S ~A" keyword-name var))
+ (when initform-p
+ (format t " ~S" initform))))))))
(t ; required formal or provided actual arg
(if (keywordp arg)
(prin1 arg) ; for &ANY args.
@@ -1002,7 +1006,6 @@
(split-form-spec form-spec)
(arglist-dispatch type operator arguments :remove-args remove-args))))
(defmacro with-availability ((var) form &body body)
`(let ((,var ,form))
(if (eql ,var :not-available)
@@ -1039,9 +1042,7 @@
(not (null arguments)) ;have generic function name
(notany #'listp (rest arguments))) ;don't have arglist yet
(let* ((gf-name (first arguments))
- (gf (and (or (symbolp gf-name)
- (and (listp gf-name)
- (eql (first gf-name) 'setf)))
+ (gf (and (valid-function-name-p gf-name)
(fboundp gf-name)
(fdefinition gf-name))))
(when (typep gf 'generic-function)
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
(list label ": " '(:newline) " " docstring '(:newline))))))
-(defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((f function) (inspector fancy-inspector))
+(defmethod inspect-for-emacs ((f function) inspector)
(declare (ignore inspector))
(values "A function."
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/doc/CVS/Entries
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/doc/CVS/Entries 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/doc/CVS/Entries 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
/slime-refcard.tex/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:24 2007//
/slime-small.eps/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:24 2007//
/slime-small.pdf/1.1/Thu Oct 11 14:10:24 2007//
-/slime.texi/1.57/Thu Oct 11 14:10:24 2007//
/texinfo-tabulate.awk/1.2/Thu Oct 11 14:10:24 2007//
+/slime.texi/1.61/Sun Dec 2 04:22:10 2007//
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/doc/slime.texi
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/doc/slime.texi 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/doc/slime.texi 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\input texinfo
--@c %**start of header
+@c %**start of header
@setfilename slime.info
@settitle The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
* SLIME: (slime). Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs.
@end direntry
--@c %**end of header
+@c %**end of header
@set EDITION 3.0-alpha
@set SLIMEVER 3.0-alpha
@c @set UPDATED @today{}
-@set UPDATED @code{$Date: 2007/09/17 13:44:48 $}
+@set UPDATED @code{$Date: 2007/11/27 13:16:52 $}
@set TITLE SLIME User Manual
@settitle @value{TITLE}, version @value{EDITION}
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
@end titlepage
+@c Macros
@macro SLIME
@@ -90,6 +91,10 @@
@end macro
+@c Merge the variable and concept indices because both are rather short
+@synindex cp vr
@c @setchapternewpage off
@c @shortcontents
@@ -110,14 +115,142 @@
* slime-mode::
* REPL::
* Debugger::
-* Extras::
+* Misc::
* Customization::
* Tips and Tricks::
+* Contributed Packages::
* Credits::
-@c * Index to Functions::
-* Key Index::
-* Command Index::
-* Variable Index::
+* Key Index::
+* Command Index::
+* Variable Index::
+ --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
+Getting started
+* Platforms::
+* Downloading::
+* Installation::
+* Running::
+* Setup Tuning::
+Downloading SLIME
+* CVS::
+* CVS Incantations::
+Downloading from CVS
+* CVS Incantations::
+Setup Tuning
+* Autoloading::
+* Multiple Lisps::
+* Loading Swank faster::
+Using slime-mode
+* User-interface conventions::
+* Commands::
+* Semantic indentation::
+* Reader conditionals::
+User-interface conventions
+* Temporary buffers::
+* Inferior-lisp::
+* Multithreading::
+* Key bindings::
+* Programming::
+* Compilation::
+* Evaluation::
+* Recovery::
+* Inspector::
+* Profiling::
+* Other::
+Programming commands
+* Completion::
+* Indentation::
+* Documentation::
+* Cross-reference::
+* Finding definitions::
+* Macro-expansion::
+* Disassembly::
+REPL: the ``top level''
+* REPL commands::
+* Input Navigation::
+* Shortcuts::
+SLDB: the SLIME debugger
+* Examining frames::
+* Restarts::
+* Frame Navigation::
+* Stepping::
+* Miscellaneous::
+* slime-selector::
+* slime-macroexpansion-minor-mode::
+* Multiple connections::
+* Emacs-side customization::
+* Lisp-side::
+* Hooks::
+Lisp-side (Swank)
+* Communication style::
+* Other configurables::
+Tips and Tricks
+* Connecting to a remote lisp::
+* Global IO Redirection::
+* Auto-SLIME::
+Connecting to a remote lisp
+* Setting up the lisp image::
+* Setting up Emacs::
+* Setting up pathname translations::
+Contributed Packages
+* Loading Contribs::
+* Compound Completion::
+* Fuzzy Completion::
+* slime-autodoc-mode::
+* ASDF::
+* Banner::
+* Editing Commands::
+* Fancy Inspector::
+* Presentations::
+* Typeout frames::
+* TRAMP::
+* Documentation Links::
+* Xref and Class Browser::
+* Highlight Edits::
+* inferior-slime-mode::
+* Scratch Buffer::
+* slime-fancy::
+@end detailmenu
@end menu
@c -----------------------
@@ -281,7 +414,7 @@
@section Installation
With a Lisp implementation that can be started from the command-line,
-installation just requires a few lines in your @file{~/.emacs}:
+installation just requires a few lines in your @file{.emacs}:
@vindex inferior-lisp-program
@vindex load-path
@@ -333,7 +466,6 @@
* Autoloading::
* Multiple Lisps::
* Loading Swank faster::
-* Loading Contribs::
@end menu
@node Autoloading
@@ -353,8 +485,8 @@
The only difference compared to the basic setup is the line
@code{(require 'slime-autoloads)}. It tells Emacs that the rest of
-@SLIME{} should be loaded when one of the commands @kbd{M-x slime} or
-@kbd{M-x slime-connect} is executed the first time.
+@SLIME{} should be loaded automatically when one of the commands
+@kbd{M-x slime} or @kbd{M-x slime-connect} is executed the first time.
@node Multiple Lisps
@subsection Multiple Lisps
@@ -391,10 +523,18 @@
is a list of command line arguments.
-the coding system for the connection.
+the coding system for the connection. (@pxref{slime-net-coding-system})
@item INIT
- ... to be written ...
+should be a function which takes two arguments: a filename and a
+character encoding. The function should return a Lisp expression as a
+string which instructs Lisp to start the Swank server and to write the
+port number to the file. At startup, @SLIME{} starts the Lisp process
+and sends the result of this function to Lisp's standard input. As
+default, @code{slime-init-command} is used. An example is shown in
+@ref{init-example,,Loading Swank faster}.
+should be a function which takes no arguments. It is called after
+the connection is established. (See also @ref{slime-connected-hook}.)
@end table
@node Loading Swank faster
@@ -426,15 +566,16 @@
shell$ sbcl
* (load ".../slime/swank-loader.lisp")
-* (save-lisp-and-die "sbcl.core-with-slime")
+* (save-lisp-and-die "sbcl.core-with-swank")
@end example
Then add this to your @file{.emacs}:
(setq slime-lisp-implementations
- '((sbcl ("sbcl" "--core" "sbcl.core-with-slime")
+ '((sbcl ("sbcl" "--core" "sbcl.core-with-swank")
:init (lambda (port-file _)
(format "(swank:start-server %S)\n" port-file)))))
@end lisp
@@ -442,10 +583,6 @@
Similar setups should also work for other Lisp implementations.
-@node Loading Contribs
-@subsection Loading Contribs
-... to be written ...
@node slime-mode
@chapter Using slime-mode
@@ -455,7 +592,6 @@
* User-interface conventions::
-* Key bindings::
* Commands::
* Semantic indentation::
* Reader conditionals::
@@ -473,6 +609,7 @@
* Temporary buffers::
* Inferior-lisp::
* Multithreading::
+* Key bindings::
@end menu
@c -----------------------
@@ -544,10 +681,28 @@
@end example
-@c -----------------------
@node Key bindings
-@section Key bindings
+@subsection Key bindings
+In general we try to make our key bindings fit with the overall Emacs
+style. We also have the following somewhat unusual convention of our
+own: when entering a three-key sequence, the final key can be pressed
+either with control or unmodified. For example, the
+@code{slime-describe-symbol} command is bound to @kbd{C-c C-d d}, but
+it also works to type @kbd{C-c C-d C-d}. We're simply binding both key
+sequences because some people like to hold control for all three keys
+and others don't, and with the two-key prefix we're not afraid of
+running out of keys.
+There is one exception to this rule, just to trip you up. We never
+bind @kbd{C-h} anywhere in a key sequence, so @kbd{C-c C-d C-h}
+doesn't do the same thing as @kbd{C-c C-d h}. This is because Emacs
+has a built-in default so that typing a prefix followed by @kbd{C-h}
+will display all bindings starting with that prefix, so @kbd{C-c C-d
+C-h} will actually list the bindings for all documentation commands.
+This feature is just a bit too useful to clobber!
@i{``Are you deliberately spiting Emacs's brilliant online help facilities? The gods will be angry!''}
@end quotation
@@ -570,7 +725,6 @@
@kbdanchorc{C-h l, view-lossage, ``Woah@comma{} what key chord did I just do?''}
Shows you the literal sequence of keys you've pressed in order.
@c <key> is breaks links PDF, despite that it's not l it's C-h
@c @kbdanchorc{ <key> l, , ``What starts with?''}
@c Lists all keybindings that begin with @code{<key>} for the focus buffer mode.
@@ -591,24 +745,6 @@
@noindent In this situation everywhere you see @kbd{C-h} in the
documentation you would substitute @kbd{F1}.
-In general we try to make our key bindings fit with the overall Emacs
-style. We also have the following somewhat unusual convention of our
-own: when entering a three-key sequence, the final key can be pressed
-either with control or unmodified. For example, the
-@code{slime-describe-symbol} command is bound to @kbd{C-c C-d d}, but
-it also works to type @kbd{C-c C-d C-d}. We're simply binding both key
-sequences because some people like to hold control for all three keys
-and others don't, and with the two-key prefix we're not afraid of
-running out of keys.
-There is one exception to this rule, just to trip you up. We never
-bind @kbd{C-h} anywhere in a key sequence, so @kbd{C-c C-d C-h}
-doesn't do the same thing as @kbd{C-c C-d h}. This is because Emacs
-has a built-in default so that typing a prefix followed by @kbd{C-h}
-will display all bindings starting with that prefix, so @kbd{C-c C-d
-C-h} will actually list the bindings for all documentation commands.
-This feature is just a bit too useful to clobber!
You can assign or change default key bindings globally using the
@code{global-set-key} function in your @file{~/.emacs} file like this:
@@ -659,7 +795,6 @@
* Completion::
-* Closure::
* Indentation::
* Documentation::
* Cross-reference::
@@ -672,6 +807,9 @@
@node Completion
@subsubsection Completion commands
+@cindex Completion
+@cindex Symbol Completion
Completion commands are used to complete a symbol or form based on
what is already present at point. Classical completion assumes an
exact prefix and gives choices only where branches may occur. Fuzzy
@@ -683,89 +821,15 @@
@itemx C-c C-i
@itemx C-M-i
Complete the symbol at point. Note that three styles of completion are
-available in @SLIME{}, and the default differs from normal Emacs
+available in @SLIME{}; the default is similar to normal Emacs
completion (@pxref{slime-complete-symbol-function}).
-@kbditem{C-c C-s, slime-complete-form}
-Looks up and inserts into the current buffer the argument list for the
-function at point, if there is one. More generally, the command
-completes an incomplete form with a template for the missing arguments.
-There is special code for discovering extra keywords of generic
-functions and for handling @code{make-instance} and
-@code{defmethod}. Examples:
-(subseq "abc" <C-c C-s>
- --inserts--> start [end])
-(find 17 <C-c C-s>
- --inserts--> sequence :from-end from-end :test test
- :test-not test-not :start start :end end
- :key key)
-(find 17 '(17 18 19) :test #'= <C-c C-s>
- --inserts--> :from-end from-end
- :test-not test-not :start start :end end
- :key key)
-(defclass foo () ((bar :initarg :bar)))
-(defmethod print-object <C-c C-s>
- --inserts--> (object stream)
- body...)
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object foo) &key blub))
-(make-instance 'foo <C-c C-s>
- --inserts--> :bar bar :blub blub initargs...)
-@end example
-@kbditem{C-c M-i, slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol}
-Presents a list of likely completions to choose from for an
-abbreviation at point. This is a third completion method and it is
-very different from the more traditional completion to which
-@command{slime-complete-symbol} defaults. It attempts to complete a
-symbol all at once, instead of in pieces. For example, ``mvb'' will
-find ``@code{multiple-value-bind}'' and ``norm-df'' will find
-``@code{least-positive-normalized-double-float}''. This can also be
-selected as the method of completion used for
@end table
-@c -----------------------
-@node Closure
-@subsubsection Closure commands
-Closure commands are used to fill in missing parenthesis.
-@table @kbd
-@kbditem{C-c C-q, slime-close-parens-at-point}
-Closes parentheses at point to complete the top-level-form by inserting ')'
-characters at until @code{beginning-of-defun} and @code{end-of-defun}
-execute without errors, or @code{slime-close-parens-limit} is exceeded.
-@kbditem{C-], slime-close-all-sexp}
-Balance parentheses of open s-expressions at point.
-Insert enough right-parentheses to balance unmatched left-parentheses.
-Delete extra left-parentheses. Reformat trailing parentheses
-If @code{REGION} is true, operate on the region. Otherwise operate on
-the top-level sexp before point.
-@end table
-@c -----------------------
@node Indentation
@subsubsection Indentation commands
@table @kbd
-@kbditem{C-c M-q, slime-reindent-defun}
-Re-indents the current defun, or refills the current paragraph.
-If point is inside a comment block, the text around point will be
-treated as a paragraph and will be filled with @code{fill-paragraph}.
-Otherwise, it will be treated as Lisp code, and the current defun
-will be reindented. If the current defun has unbalanced parens,
-an attempt will be made to fix it before reindenting.
@kbditem{C-M-q, indent-sexp}
Indents the list immediately following point to match the level at point.
@@ -774,7 +838,6 @@
be treated as a paragraph. This is useful for filling docstrings."
@end table
@c -----------------------
@node Documentation
@subsubsection Documentation commands
@@ -828,6 +891,9 @@
@node Cross-reference
@subsubsection Cross-reference commands
+@cindex xref
+@cindex Cross-referencing
@SLIME{}'s cross-reference commands are based on the support provided
by the Lisp system, which varies widely between Lisps. For systems
with no built-in @acronym{XREF} support @SLIME{} queries a portable
@@ -884,6 +950,9 @@
@node Finding definitions
@subsubsection Finding definitions (``Meta-Point'' commands).
+@cindex Meta-dot
+@cindex TAGS
The familiar @kbd{M-.} command is provided. For generic functions this
command finds all methods, and with some systems it does other fancy
things (like tracing structure accessors to their @code{DEFSTRUCT}
@@ -919,6 +988,8 @@
@node Macro-expansion
@subsubsection Macro-expansion commands
+@cindex Macros
@table @kbd
@kbditem{C-c C-m, slime-macroexpand-1}
Macroexpand the expression at point once. If invoked with a prefix
@@ -962,6 +1033,8 @@
@node Compilation
@subsection Compilation commands
+@cindex Compilation
@SLIME{} has fancy commands for compiling functions, files, and
packages. The fancy part is that notes and warnings offered by the
Lisp compiler are intercepted and annotated directly onto the
@@ -969,9 +1042,9 @@
see what this means.)
@table @kbd
+@cindex Compiling Functions
@kbditem{C-c C-c, slime-compile-defun}
Compile the top-level form at point.
-@cindex compiling functions
@kbditem{C-c C-y, slime-call-defun}
Insert a call to the function defined around point into the REPL.
@@ -1012,50 +1085,56 @@
@node Evaluation
@subsection Evaluation commands
-These commands each evaluate a Lisp expression in a different way. By
-default they show their results in a message, but a prefix argument
-causes the results to be printed in the @REPL{} instead.
+These commands each evaluate a Common Lisp expression in a different
+way. Usually they mimic commands for evaluating Emacs Lisp code. By
+default they show their results in the echo area, but a prefix
+argument causes the results to be inserted in the current buffer.
@table @kbd
+@kbditem{C-x C-e, slime-eval-last-expression}
+Evaluate the expression before point and show the result in the echo
@kbditem{C-M-x, slime-eval-defun}
-Evaluate the current toplevel form.
-Use @code{slime-re-evaluate-defvar} if the from starts with @code{(defvar}.
+Evaluate the current toplevel form and show the result in the echo
+area. `C-M-x' treats `defvar' expressions specially. Normally,
+evaluating a `defvar' expression does nothing if the variable it
+defines already has a value. But `C-M-x' unconditionally resets the
+variable to the initial value specified in the `defvar' expression.
+This special feature is convenient for debugging Lisp programs.
-@kbditem{C-x C-e, slime-eval-last-expression}
-Evaluate the expression before point.
@end table
-If @kbd{C-M-x} or @kbd{C-x C-e} is given a numeric argument, it inserts the
-value into the current buffer at point, rather than displaying it in the
-echo area.
+If @kbd{C-M-x} or @kbd{C-x C-e} is given a numeric argument, it
+inserts the value into the current buffer, rather than displaying it
+in the echo area.
@table @kbd
-@kbditem{C-c C-p, slime-pprint-eval-last-expression}
-Evaluate the expression before point and pretty-print the result.
+@kbditem{C-c :, slime-interactive-eval}
+Evaluate an expression read from the minibuffer.
@kbditem{C-c C-r, slime-eval-region}
Evaluate the region.
-@kbditem{C-x M-e, slime-eval-last-expression-display-output}
-Display output buffer and evaluate the expression preceding point.
+@kbditem{C-c C-p, slime-pprint-eval-last-expression}
+Evaluate the expression before point and pretty-print the result in a
+fresh buffer.
-@kbditem{C-c :, slime-interactive-eval}
-Evaluate an expression read from the minibuffer.
-Create a @file{*slime-scratch*} buffer. In this
-buffer you can enter Lisp expressions and evaluate them with
-@kbd{C-j}, like in Emacs's @file{*scratch*} buffer.
@kbditem{C-c E, slime-edit-value}
Edit the value of a setf-able form in a new buffer @file{*Edit <form>*}.
The value is inserted into a temporary buffer for editing and then set
-in Lisp when committed with @code{slime-edit-value-commit}.
+in Lisp when committed with @kbd{C-c C-c}.
+@kbditem{C-x M-e, slime-eval-last-expression-display-output}
+Display the output buffer and evaluate the expression preceding point.
+This is useful if the expression writes something to the output stream.
@kbditem{C-c C-u, slime-undefine-function}
-Unbind symbol for function at point.
+Undefine the function, with @code{fmakunbound}, for the symbol at
@end table
@@ -1080,14 +1159,10 @@
@node Inspector
@subsection Inspector commands
-The @SLIME{} inspector is a very fancy Emacs-based alternative to the
+The @SLIME{} inspector is a Emacs-based alternative to the
standard @code{INSPECT} function. The inspector presents objects in
Emacs buffers using a combination of plain text, hyperlinks to related
-objects, and ``actions'' that can be selected to invoke Lisp code on
-the inspected object. For example, to present a generic function the
-inspector shows the documentation in plain text and presents each
-method with both a hyperlink to inspect the method object and a
-``remove method'' action that you can invoke interactively.
The inspector can easily be specialized for the objects in your own
programs. For details see the the @code{inspect-for-emacs} generic
@@ -1120,8 +1195,9 @@
@kbditem{q, slime-inspector-quit}
Dismiss the inspector buffer.
-@kbditem{M-RET, slime-inspector-copy-down}
-Evaluate the value under point via the REPL (to set `*').
+@kbditem{M-RET, slime-inspector-copy-down}
+Store the value under point in the variable `*'. This can
+then be used to access the object in the REPL.
@end table
@@ -1129,6 +1205,10 @@
@node Profiling
@subsection Profiling commands
+The profiling commands are based on CMUCL's profiler. These are
+simple wrappers around functions which usually print something to the
+output buffer.
@table @kbd
Toggle profiling of a function.
@@ -1205,18 +1285,20 @@
@node Reader conditionals
@section Reader conditional fontification
-@SLIME{} automatically evaluates reader-conditional expressions in
-source buffers and ``grays out'' code that will be skipped for the
-current Lisp connection.
+@SLIME{} automatically evaluates reader-conditional expressions, like
+@code{#+linux}, in source buffers and ``grays out'' code that will be
+skipped for the current Lisp connection.
@c -----------------------
@node REPL
@chapter REPL: the ``top level''
+@cindex Listener
@SLIME{} uses a custom Read-Eval-Print Loop (@REPL{}, also known as a
-``top level''). The @REPL{} user-interface is written in Emacs Lisp,
-which gives more Emacs-integration than the traditional
+``top level'', or listener). The @REPL{} user-interface is written in
+Emacs Lisp, which gives more Emacs-integration than the traditional
@code{comint}-based Lisp interaction:
@itemize @bullet
@@ -1255,35 +1337,51 @@
@kbditem{C-j, slime-repl-newline-and-indent}
Open and indent a new line.
+@kbditem{C-a, slime-repl-bol}
+Go to the beginning of the line, but stop at the @REPL{} prompt.
@c @anchor{slime-interrupt}
@kbditem{C-c C-c, slime-interrupt}
Interrupt the Lisp process with @code{SIGINT}.
-@kbditem{C-c M-g, slime-quit}
-Quit slime.
+@c @kbditem{C-c M-g, slime-quit}
+@c Quit slime.
+@kbditem{C-c C-t, slime-repl-clear-buffer}
+Clear the entire buffer, leaving only a prompt.
@kbditem{C-c C-o, slime-repl-clear-output}
Remove the output and result of the previous expression from the
-@kbditem{C-c C-t, slime-repl-clear-buffer}
-Clear the entire buffer, leaving only a prompt.
@end table
@c -----------------------
@node Input Navigation
@section Input navigation
+@cindex Input History
+The input navigation (a.k.a. history) commands are modelled after
+@code{coming}-mode. Be careful if you are used to Bash-like
+keybindings: @kbd{M-p} and @kbd{M-n} use the current input as search
+pattern and only work Bash-like if the current line is
+empty. @kbd{C-<up>} and @kbd{C-<up>} work like the up and down keys in
@table @kbd
-@kbditem{C-a, slime-repl-bol}
-Go to the beginning of the line, but stop at the @REPL{} prompt.
+@kbditempair{C-<up>, C-<down>,
+ slime-repl-forward-input, slime-repl-backward-input}
+Go to the next/previous history item.
@kbditempair{M-n, M-p, slime-repl-next-input, slime-repl-previous-input}
-Go to next/previous in command history.
+Search the next/previous item in the command history using the current
+input as search pattern. If @kbd{M-n}/@kbd{M-n} is typed two times in
+a row, the second invocation uses the same search pattern (even if the
+current input has changed).
-@kbditempair{M-s, M-r,
+@kbditempair{M-s, M-r,
slime-repl-next-matching-input, slime-repl-previous-matching-input}
Search forward/reverse through command history with regex
@@ -1292,22 +1390,24 @@
@c @code{comint}-style input history commands.
@kbditempair{C-c C-n, C-c C-p,
-slime-repl-next-prompt, slime-repl-previous-prompt}
+slime-repl-next-prompt, slime-repl-previous-prompt}
Move between the current and previous prompts in the @REPL{} buffer.
+Pressing RET on a line with old input copies that line to the newest
+@end table
-@kbditempair{C-M-a, C-M-e,
-slime-repl-beginning-of-defun, slime-repl-end-of-defun}
-These commands are like @code{beginning-of-defun} and
-@code{end-of-defun}, but when used inside the @REPL{} input area they
-instead go directly to the beginning or the end, respectively.
+@vindex slime-repl-wrap-history
+The variable @code{slime-repl-wrap-history} controls wrap around
+behaviour, i.e. whether cycling should restart at the beginning of the
+history if the end is reached.
-@end table
@c -----------------------
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@node Shortcuts
@section Shortcuts
+@cindex Shortcuts
``Shortcuts'' are a special set of @REPL{} commands that are invoked
by name. To invoke a shortcut you first press @kbd{,} (comma) at the
@REPL{} prompt and then enter the shortcut's name when prompted.
@@ -1327,24 +1427,15 @@
@item compile-and-load (aka cl)
Compile (if neccessary) and load a lisp file.
-@item compile-system
-Compile (but not load) an ASDF system.
@item defparameter (aka !)
Define a new global, special, variable.
-@item force-compile-system
-Recompile (but not load) an ASDF system.
-@item force-load-system
-Recompile and load an ASDF system.
@item help (aka ?)
Display the help.
-@item load-system
-Compile (as needed) and load an ASDF system.
@item pop-directory (aka -d)
Pop the current directory.
@@ -1378,6 +1469,8 @@
@node Debugger
@chapter SLDB: the SLIME debugger
+@cindex Debugger
@SLIME{} has a custom Emacs-based debugger called @SLDB{}. Conditions
signalled in the Lisp system invoke @SLDB{} in Emacs by way of the
Lisp @code{*DEBUGGER-HOOK*}.
@@ -1391,6 +1484,7 @@
* Examining frames::
* Restarts::
* Frame Navigation::
+* Stepping::
* Miscellaneous::
@end menu
@@ -1461,7 +1555,29 @@
@end table
-@c -----------------------
+@node Stepping
+@section Stepping
+@cindex Stepping
+Stepping is not available in all implementations and works very
+differently in those in which it is available.
+@table @kbd
+@kbditem{s, sldb-step}
+Step to the next expression in the frame. For CMUCL that means, set a
+breakpoint at all those code locations in the current code block which
+are reachable from the current code location.
+@kbditem{x, sldb-next}
+[Step to the next form in the current function.]
+@kbditem{o, sldb-next}
+[Stop single-stepping temporarily, but resume it once the current
+function returns.]
+@end table
@node Miscellaneous
@section Miscellaneous Commands
@@ -1475,29 +1591,24 @@
Return from the frame with a value entered in the minibuffer. (This
command is not available in all implementations.)
-@kbditem{s, sldb-step}
-Step to the next expression in the frame. (This command is not
-available in all implementations.)
@kbditem{B, sldb-break-with-default-debugger}
Exit @SLDB{} and debug the condition using the Lisp system's default
-@kbditem{C-c :, slime-interactive-eval}
+@kbditem{:, slime-interactive-eval}
Evaluate an expression entered in the minibuffer.
@end table
@c -----------------------
-@node Extras
-@chapter Extras
+@node Misc
+@chapter Misc
* slime-selector::
-* slime-autodoc-mode::
* slime-macroexpansion-minor-mode::
* Multiple connections::
-* Typeout frames::
@end menu
@c -----------------------
@@ -1538,24 +1649,6 @@
buffers for @code{slime-selector} to find.
@c -----------------------
-@node slime-autodoc-mode
-@section @code{slime-autodoc-mode}
-@table @kbd
-Autodoc mode is an additional minor-mode for automatically showing
-information about symbols near the point. For function names the
-argument list is displayed, and for global variables, the value.
-This is a clone of @code{eldoc-mode} for Emacs Lisp.
-@end table
-The mode can be enabled by default in the @code{slime-setup} call of your
-(slime-setup '(slime-autodoc))
-@end example
-@c -----------------------
@node slime-macroexpansion-minor-mode
@section slime-macroexpansion-minor-mode
@@ -1648,33 +1741,7 @@
@end table
-@c -----------------------
-@node Typeout frames
-@section Typeout frames
-A ``typeout frame'' is a special Emacs frame which is used instead of
-the echo area (minibuffer) to display messages from @SLIME{} commands.
-This is an optional feature. The advantage of a typeout frame over the
-echo area is that it can hold more text, it can be scrolled, and its
-contents don't disappear when you press a key. All potentially long
-messages are sent to the typeout frame, such as argument lists, macro
-expansions, and so on.
-@table @kbd
-Ensure that a typeout frame exists, creating one if necessary.
-@end table
-If the typeout frame is closed then the echo area will be used again
-as usual.
-To have a typeout frame created automatically at startup you can add
-the @code{slime-connected-hook} to your @file{~/.emacs} file:
-(add-hook 'slime-connected-hook 'slime-ensure-typeout-frame)
-@end example
@c -----------------------
@node Customization
@chapter Customization
@@ -1705,34 +1772,13 @@
@vindex slime-complete-symbol-function
@item slime-complete-symbol-function
The function to use for completion of Lisp symbols. Three completion
-styles are available. The default @code{slime-complete-symbol*}
-performs completion ``in parallel'' over the hyphen-delimited
-sub-words of a symbol name.
-@footnote{This style of completion is modelled on @file{completer.el}
-by Chris McConnell. That package is bundled with @acronym{ILISP}.}
-Formally this means that ``@code{a-b-c}'' can complete to any symbol
-matching the regular expression ``(a)code{^a.*-b.*-c.*}'' (where ``dot''
-matches anything but a hyphen). Examples give a more intuitive
-@itemize @bullet
-@code{m-v-b} completes to @code{multiple-value-bind}.
-@code{w-open} is ambiguous: it completes to either
-@code{with-open-file} or @code{with-open-stream}. The symbol is
-expanded to the longest common completion (@code{with-open-}) and the
-point is placed at the first point of ambiguity, which in this case is
-the end.
-@code{w--stream} completes to @code{with-open-stream}.
-@end itemize
-An alternative is @code{slime-simple-complete-symbol}, which
-completes in the usual Emacs way. Finally, there is
-@code{slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol}, which is quite different from both
-of the above and tries to find best matches to an abbreviated symbol.
-It also has its own key binding, defaulting to @kbd{C-c M-i}.
-@xref{slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol}, for more information.
+styles are available: @code{slime-simple-complete-symbol},
+@code{slime-complete-symbol*} (@pxref{Compound Completion}),
+and @code{slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol} (@pxref{Fuzzy Completion}).
+The default is @code{slime-simple-complete-symbol}, which completes in
+the usual Emacs way.
@vindex slime-filename-translations
@item slime-filename-translations
This variable controls filename translation between Emacs and the Lisp
@@ -1741,7 +1787,13 @@
but have different layouts, as is the case with @acronym{SMB}-based
file sharing.
@vindex slime-net-coding-system
+@cindex Unicode
+@cindex UTF-8
+@cindex ASCII
+@cindex LATIN-1
+@cindex Character Encoding
@item slime-net-coding-system
If you want to transmit Unicode characters between Emacs and the Lisp
system, you should customize this variable. E.g., if you use SBCL, you
@@ -1749,11 +1801,12 @@
(setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
@end example
-To actually display Unicode characters you also need appropriate fonts,
-otherwise the characters will be rendered as hollow boxes. If you are
-using Allegro CL and GNU Emacs, you can also use @code{emacs-mule-unix}
-as coding system. GNU Emacs has often nicer fonts for the latter
+To actually display Unicode characters you also need appropriate
+fonts, otherwise the characters will be rendered as hollow boxes. If
+you are using Allegro CL and GNU Emacs, you can also
+use @code{emacs-mule-unix} as coding system. GNU Emacs has often
+nicer fonts for the latter encoding. (Different encodings can be used
+for different Lisps, see @ref{Multiple Lisps}.)
@end table
@@ -1774,6 +1827,7 @@
buffers. An example use is to enable @code{slime-autodoc-mode}
@vindex slime-connected-hook
@item slime-connected-hook
This hook is run when @SLIME{} establishes a connection to a Lisp
@@ -2075,7 +2129,8 @@
@file{/opt/project/source.lisp} refers to the same file on both
machines. Unfortunetly NFS is usually slow, often buggy, and not
always feasable, fortunetely we have an ssh connection and Emacs'
-@code{tramp-mode} can do the rest.
+@code{tramp-mode} can do the rest.
+(See @inforef{Top, TRAMP User Manual,tramp}.)
What we do is teach Emacs how to take a filename on the remote machine
and translate it into something that tramp can understand and access
@@ -2130,7 +2185,440 @@
(save-excursion (slime)))))
@end example
+@node Contributed Packages
+@chapter Contributed Packages
+In version 3.0 we moved some functionility to separate packages. This
+chapter tells you how to load contrib modules and describes what the
+particular packages do.
+* Loading Contribs::
+* Compound Completion::
+* Fuzzy Completion::
+* slime-autodoc-mode::
+* ASDF::
+* Banner::
+* Editing Commands::
+* Fancy Inspector::
+* Presentations::
+* Typeout frames::
+* TRAMP::
+* Documentation Links::
+* Xref and Class Browser::
+* Highlight Edits::
+* inferior-slime-mode::
+* Scratch Buffer::
+* slime-fancy::
+@end menu
+@node Loading Contribs
+@section Loading Contrib Packages
+@cindex Contribs
+@cindex Contributions
+@cindex Plugins
+Contrib packages aren't loaded by default. You have to modify your
+setup a bit so that Emacs knows where to find them and which of them
+to load, i.e. you should add the contrib directory to
+Emacs' @code{load-path} and call @code{slime-setup} with the list of
+package-names. For example, a setup to load the @code{slime-scratch}
+and @code{slime-editing-commands} looks like:
+(add-to-list 'load-path ".../slime") ; path for core
+(add-to-list 'load-path ".../slime/contrib") ; path for contribs
+(require 'slime-autoloads)
+(slime-setup '(slime-scratch slime-editing-commands))
+@end example
+After starting SLIME, the commands of both packages should be
+@node Compound Completion
+@section Compund Completion
+The package @code{slime-c-p-c} provides a different symbol completion
+algorithm, which performs completion ``in parallel'' over the
+hyphen-delimited sub-words of a symbol name.
+@footnote{This style of completion is modelled on @file{completer.el}
+by Chris McConnell. That package is bundled with @acronym{ILISP}.}
+Formally this means that ``@code{a-b-c}'' can complete to any symbol
+matching the regular expression ``(a)code{^a.*-b.*-c.*}'' (where ``dot''
+matches anything but a hyphen). Examples give a more intuitive
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{m-v-b} completes to @code{multiple-value-bind}.
+@code{w-open} is ambiguous: it completes to either
+@code{with-open-file} or @code{with-open-stream}. The symbol is
+expanded to the longest common completion (@code{with-open-}) and the
+point is placed at the first point of ambiguity, which in this case is
+the end.
+@code{w--stream} completes to @code{with-open-stream}.
+@end itemize
+The variable @code{slime-c-p-c-unambiguous-prefix-p} specifies where
+point should be placed after completion. E.g. the possible
+completions for @code{f-o} are @code{finish-output} and
+@code{force-output}. By the default point is moved after the
+@code{f}, because that is the unambigous prefix. If
+@code{slime-c-p-c-unambiguous-prefix-p} is nil, point moves to
+the end of the inserted text, after the @code{o} in this case.
+@table @kbd
+@kbditem{C-c C-s, slime-complete-form}
+Looks up and inserts into the current buffer the argument list for the
+function at point, if there is one. More generally, the command
+completes an incomplete form with a template for the missing arguments.
+There is special code for discovering extra keywords of generic
+functions and for handling @code{make-instance} and
+@code{defmethod}. Examples:
+(subseq "abc" <C-c C-s>
+ --inserts--> start [end])
+(find 17 <C-c C-s>
+ --inserts--> sequence :from-end from-end :test test
+ :test-not test-not :start start :end end
+ :key key)
+(find 17 '(17 18 19) :test #'= <C-c C-s>
+ --inserts--> :from-end from-end
+ :test-not test-not :start start :end end
+ :key key)
+(defclass foo () ((bar :initarg :bar)))
+(defmethod print-object <C-c C-s>
+ --inserts--> (object stream)
+ body...)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object foo) &key blub))
+(make-instance 'foo <C-c C-s>
+ --inserts--> :bar bar :blub blub initargs...)
+@end example
+@end table
+@node Fuzzy Completion
+@section Fuzzy Completion
+The package @code{slime-fuzzy} implements yet another symbol
+completion heuristic.
+[Somebody please describe what the algorithm actually does]
+It attempts to complete a symbol all at once, instead of in pieces.
+For example, ``mvb'' will find ``@code{multiple-value-bind}'' and
+``norm-df'' will find
+The algorithm tries to expand every character in various ways and
+rates the list of possible completions with the following heuristic.
+Letters are given scores based on their position in the string.
+Letters at the beginning of a string or after a prefix letter at
+the beginning of a string are scored highest. Letters after a
+word separator such as #\- are scored next highest. Letters at
+the end of a string or before a suffix letter at the end of a
+string are scored medium, and letters anywhere else are scored
+If a letter is directly after another matched letter, and its
+intrinsic value in that position is less than a percentage of the
+previous letter's value, it will use that percentage instead.
+Finally, a small scaling factor is applied to favor shorter
+matches, all other things being equal.
+@table @kbd
+@kbditem{C-c M-i, slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol}
+Presents a list of likely completions to choose from for an
+abbreviation at point. If you set the
+variable @code{slime-complete-symbol-function} to this command, fuzzy
+completion will also be used for @kbd{M-TAB}.
+@end table
+@node slime-autodoc-mode
+@section @code{slime-autodoc-mode}
+Autodoc mode is an additional minor-mode for automatically showing
+information about symbols near the point. For function names the
+argument list is displayed, and for global variables, the value.
+This is a clone of @code{eldoc-mode} for Emacs Lisp.
+The mode can be enabled by default in the @code{slime-setup} call of your
+(slime-setup '(slime-autodoc))
+@end example
+@table @kbd
+@cmditem{slime-arglist NAME}
+Show the argument list of the function NAME.
+Toggles autodoc-mode on or off according to the argument, and
+toggles the mode when invoked without argument.
+@end table
+If the variable @code{slime-use-autodoc-mode} is set (default), Emacs
+starts a timer, otherwise the information is only displayed after
+pressing SPC.
+@node ASDF
+@section ASDF
+@acronym{ASDF} is a popular ``system construction tool''. The package
+@code{slime-asdf} provides some commands to load and compile such
+systems from Emacs. @acronym{ASDF} itself is not included with
+@SLIME{}; you have to load that yourself into your Lisp. In
+particular, you must load @acronym{ASDF} before you connect, otherwise
+you will get errors about missing symbols.
+@table @kbd
+@cmditem{slime-load-system NAME}
+Compile and load an ASDF system. The default system name is taken
+from the first file matching *.asd in the current directory.
+@end table
+The package also installs some new REPL shortcuts (@pxref{Shortcuts}):
+@table @kbd
+@item load-system
+Compile (as needed) and load an ASDF system.
+@item compile-system
+Compile (but not load) an ASDF system.
+@item force-compile-system
+Recompile (but not load) an ASDF system.
+@item force-load-system
+Recompile and load an ASDF system.
+@end table
+@node Banner
+@section Banner
+The package @code{slime-banner} installs a window header line (
+@inforef{Header Lines, , elisp}.) in the REPL buffer. It also runs an
+animation at startup.
+@vindex slime-startup-animation
+@vindex slime-header-line-p
+By setting the variable @code{slime-startup-animation} to nil you can
+disable the animation respectivly with the
+variable @code{slime-header-line-p} the header line.
+@node Editing Commands
+@section Editing Commands
+The package @code{slime-editing-commands} provides some commands to
+edit Lisp expressions.
+@table @kbd
+@kbditem{C-c M-q, slime-reindent-defun}
+Re-indents the current defun, or refills the current paragraph.
+If point is inside a comment block, the text around point will be
+treated as a paragraph and will be filled with @code{fill-paragraph}.
+Otherwise, it will be treated as Lisp code, and the current defun
+will be reindented. If the current defun has unbalanced parens,
+an attempt will be made to fix it before reindenting.
+Balance parentheses of open s-expressions at point.
+Insert enough right parentheses to balance unmatched left parentheses.
+Delete extra left parentheses. Reformat trailing parentheses
+If REGION is true, operate on the region. Otherwise operate on
+the top-level sexp before point.
+Insert a set of balanced comments around the s-expression containing
+the point. If this command is invoked repeatedly (without any other
+command occurring between invocations), the comment progressively
+moves outward over enclosing expressions. If invoked with a positive
+prefix argument, the s-expression arg expressions out is enclosed in a
+set of balanced comments.
+@kbditem{M-C-a, slime-beginning-of-defun}
+@kbditem{M-C-e, slime-end-of-defun}
+@end table
+@node Fancy Inspector
+@section Fancy Inspector
+@cindex Methods
+An alternative to default inspector is provided by the package
+`slime-fancy-inspector'. This inspector knows a lot about CLOS
+objects and methods. It provides many ``actions'' that can be
+selected to invoke Lisp code on the inspected object. For example, to
+present a generic function the inspector shows the documentation in
+plain text and presents each method with both a hyperlink to inspect
+the method object and a ``remove method'' action that you can invoke
+interactively. The key-bindings are the same as for the basic
+inspector (@pxref{Inspector}).
+@node Presentations
+@section Presentations
+@cindex Presentations
+A ``presentation''@footnote{Presentations are a feature originating
+from the Lisp machines. It was possible to define @code{present}
+methods specialized to various devices, e.g. to draw an object to
+bitmapped screen or to write some text to a character stream.} in
+@SLIME{} is a region of text associated with a Lisp object.
+Right-clicking on the text brings up a menu with operations for the
+particular object. Some operations, like inspecting, are available
+for all objects, but the object may also have specialized operations.
+E.g. pathnames have a dired operation.
+The package @code{slime-presentations} installs presentations in the
+REPL, i.e. the results of evaluation commands become presentations.
+For some implementations you can also install
+@code{slime-presentation-streams} which enables presentations on the
+Lisp @code{*standard-output*} stream. E.g. printing a list to such a
+stream will create presentions in the Emacs buffer.
+@table @kbd
+@end table
+@node Typeout frames
+@section Typeout frames
+@cindex Typeout Frame
+A ``typeout frame'' is a special Emacs frame which is used instead of
+the echo area (minibuffer) to display messages from @SLIME{} commands.
+This is an optional feature. The advantage of a typeout frame over the
+echo area is that it can hold more text, it can be scrolled, and its
+contents don't disappear when you press a key. All potentially long
+messages are sent to the typeout frame, such as argument lists, macro
+expansions, and so on.
+@table @kbd
+Ensure that a typeout frame exists, creating one if necessary.
+@end table
+If the typeout frame is closed then the echo area will be used again
+as usual.
+To have a typeout frame created automatically at startup you should
+load the @code{slime-typeout-frame} package. (@pxref{Loading Contribs}.)
+The variable @code{slime-typeout-frame-properties} specifies the
+height and possibly other properties of the frame. Its value is
+passed to @code{make-frame}. (@inforef{Creating Frames, ,elisp}.)
+@node TRAMP
+@section TRAMP
+@cindex TRAMP
+The package @code{slime-tramp} provides some functions to set up
+filename translations for TRAMP. (@pxref{Setting up pathname
+@node Documentation Links
+@section Documentation Links
+For certain error messages, SBCL includes references to the ANSI
+Standard or the SBCL User Manual. The @code{slime-references} package
+turns those references into clickable links. This makes finding the
+referenced section of the HyperSpec much easier.
+@node Xref and Class Browser
+@section Xref and Class Browser
+A rudimentary class browser is provied by
+the @code{slime-xref-browser} package.
+@table @kbd
+This command asks for a class name and displays inheritance tree of
+for the class.
+This command prompts for a symbol and the kind of cross reference,
+e.g. callers. The cross reference tree rooted at the symbol is then
+then displayed.
+@end table
+@node Highlight Edits
+@section Highlight Edits
+@code{slime-highlight-edits} is a minor mode to highlight those
+regions in a Lisp source file which are modified. This is useful to
+quickly find those functions which need to be recompiled (whith
+@kbd{C-c C-c})
+@table @kbd
+Turns @code{slime-highlight-edits-mode} on or off.
+@end table
+@node inferior-slime-mode
+@section @code{inferior-slime-mode}
+The @code{inferior-slime-mode} is a minor mode is intended to use with
+a comint buffer. It provides some of the SLIME commands, like symbol
+completion and documentation lookup. To install it, add something
+like this to user @file{.emacs}:
+(slime-setup '(inferior-slime-mode))
+(add-hook 'inferior-lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (inferior-slime-mode 1)))
+@end example
+@table @kbd
+Turns inferior-slime-mode on or off.
+@end table
+@vindex inferior-slime-mode-map
+The variable @code{inferior-slime-mode-map} contains the extra
+@node Scratch Buffer
+@section Scratch Buffer
+The @SLIME{} scratch buffer, in contrib package @code{slime-scratch},
+imitates Emacs' usual @code{*scratch*} buffer. It's just like any
+other Lisp buffer, except for the command bound to @kbd{C-j}.
+@table @kbd
+@kbditem{C-j, slime-eval-print-last-expression}
+Evaluate the expression sexp before point and insert print value into
+the current buffer.
+Create a @file{*slime-scratch*} buffer. In this
+buffer you can enter Lisp expressions and evaluate them with
+@kbd{C-j}, like in Emacs's @file{*scratch*} buffer.
+@end table
+@node slime-fancy
+@section Meta package: @code{slime-fancy}
+@code{slime-fancy} is a meta package which loads a combination of the
+most popular packages.
@c -----------------------
@node Credits
@chapter Credits
@@ -2172,8 +2660,8 @@
This index is currently ingored, because texinfo's built-in indexing
produces nicer results. -- Helmut Eller
-@node Index to Functions
-@appendix Index to Functions
+@c@node Index to Functions
+@c@appendix Index to Functions
These functions are all available (when relevant). To find the
keybinding (if there is one) refer to the function description.
@@ -2456,16 +2944,20 @@
@end ignore
-@node Key Index, Command Index, Credits, top
+@node Key Index
@unnumbered Key (Character) Index
@printindex ky
-@node Command Index, Variable Index, Key Index, top
+@node Command Index
@unnumbered Command and Function Index
@printindex fn
-@node Variable Index, , Command Index, top
-@unnumbered Variable Index
+@node Variable Index
+@unnumbered Variable and Concept Index
@printindex vr
+Local Variables:
+paragraph-start: "@[a-zA-Z]+\\({[^}]+}\\)?[ \n]\\|[ ]*$"
+paragraph-separate: "@[a-zA-Z]+\\({[^}]+}\\)?[ \n]\\|[ ]*$"
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/slime.el
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/slime.el 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/slime.el 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -488,13 +488,18 @@
(defun slime-pretty-package-name (name)
"Return a pretty version of a package name NAME."
- (let ((name (cond ((string-match "^:\\(.*\\)$" name)
+ (let ((name (cond ((string-match "^#?:\\(.*\\)$" name)
(match-string 1 name))
((string-match "^\"\\(.*\\)\"$" name)
(match-string 1 name))
(t name))))
(format "%s" (read name))))
+(defun slime-pretty-current-package ()
+ "Retrun a prettied version of `slime-current-package'."
+ (let ((p (slime-current-package)))
+ (and p (slime-pretty-package-name p))))
(when slime-update-modeline-package
(run-with-idle-timer 0.2 0.2 'slime-update-modeline-package))
@@ -1933,6 +1938,9 @@
"The symbol-names of Lisp's *FEATURES*.
This is automatically synchronized from Lisp.")
+(slime-def-connection-var slime-lisp-modules '()
+ "The strings of Lisp's *MODULES*.")
(slime-def-connection-var slime-lisp-package
"The current package name of the Superior lisp.
@@ -2002,14 +2010,16 @@
"Initialize CONNECTION with INFO received from Lisp."
(let ((slime-dispatching-connection connection))
(destructuring-bind (&key pid style lisp-implementation machine
- features package version &allow-other-keys) info
+ features package version modules
+ &allow-other-keys) info
(or (equal version slime-protocol-version)
(yes-or-no-p "Protocol version mismatch. Continue anyway? ")
(slime-net-close connection)
(setf (slime-pid) pid
(slime-communication-style) style
- (slime-lisp-features) features)
+ (slime-lisp-features) features
+ (slime-lisp-modules) modules)
(destructuring-bind (&key name prompt) package
(setf (slime-lisp-package) name
(slime-lisp-package-prompt-string) prompt))
@@ -2029,6 +2039,7 @@
(slime-generate-connection-name (symbol-name name)))))
(slime-init-output-buffer connection)
+ (slime-load-contribs)
(run-hooks 'slime-connected-hook)
(when-let (fun (plist-get args ':init-function))
(funcall fun)))
@@ -2244,15 +2255,12 @@
;; (in-package #+ansi-cl :cl #-ansi-cl 'lisp)
(defun slime-search-buffer-package ()
(let ((case-fold-search t)
- (regexp (concat "^(\\(cl:\\|common-lisp:\\)?in-package\\>[ \n\t\r']*"
- "\\([^)]+\\)[ \n\t]*)")))
+ (regexp (concat "^(\\(cl:\\|common-lisp:\\)?in-package\\>[ \t']*"
+ "\\([^)]+\\)[ \t]*)")))
(when (or (re-search-backward regexp nil t)
(re-search-forward regexp nil t))
- (let ((string (match-string-no-properties 2)))
- (cond ((string-match "^\"" string) (ignore-errors (read string)))
- ((string-match "^#?:" string) (substring string (match-end 0)))
- (t string)))))))
+ (match-string-no-properties 2)))))
;;; Synchronous requests are implemented in terms of asynchronous
;;; ones. We make an asynchronous request with a continuation function
@@ -2840,6 +2848,7 @@
(slime-define-keys slime-repl-mode-map
("\C-m" 'slime-repl-return)
+ ([return] 'slime-repl-return)
("\C-j" 'slime-repl-newline-and-indent)
("\C-\M-m" 'slime-repl-closing-return)
([(control return)] 'slime-repl-closing-return)
@@ -3302,8 +3311,8 @@
(defun slime-repl-set-package (package)
"Set the package of the REPL buffer to PACKAGE."
- (interactive (list (slime-read-package-name "Package: "
- (slime-find-buffer-package))))
+ (interactive (list (slime-read-package-name
+ "Package: " (slime-pretty-current-package))))
(with-current-buffer (slime-output-buffer)
(let ((unfinished-input (slime-repl-current-input)))
(destructuring-bind (name prompt-string)
@@ -3565,6 +3574,7 @@
'(("\C-m" . slime-repl-return)
+ ([return] . slime-repl-return)
("\C-c\C-b" . slime-repl-read-break)
("\C-c\C-c" . slime-repl-read-break)))
@@ -4167,6 +4177,7 @@
(slime-define-keys slime-compiler-notes-mode-map
((kbd "RET") 'slime-compiler-notes-default-action-or-show-details)
+ ([return] 'slime-compiler-notes-default-action-or-show-details)
([mouse-2] 'slime-compiler-notes-default-action-or-show-details/mouse)
("q" 'slime-temp-buffer-quit))
@@ -5985,6 +5996,7 @@
(slime-define-keys slime-xref-mode-map
((kbd "RET") 'slime-show-xref)
+ ([return] 'slime-show-xref)
("\C-m" 'slime-show-xref)
(" " 'slime-goto-xref)
("q" 'slime-xref-quit)
@@ -6374,7 +6386,7 @@
(defun slime-set-package (package)
(interactive (list (slime-read-package-name "Package: "
- (slime-find-buffer-package))))
+ (slime-pretty-current-package))))
(message "*package*: %s" (slime-eval `(swank:set-package ,package))))
(defun slime-set-default-directory (directory)
@@ -6516,6 +6528,7 @@
("v" 'sldb-show-source)
((kbd "RET") 'sldb-default-action)
("\C-m" 'sldb-default-action)
+ ([return] 'sldb-default-action)
([mouse-2] 'sldb-default-action/mouse)
([follow-link] 'mouse-face)
("e" 'sldb-eval-in-frame)
@@ -7339,6 +7352,7 @@
(slime-define-keys slime-connection-list-mode-map
((kbd "RET") 'slime-goto-connection)
+ ([return] 'slime-goto-connection)
("d" 'slime-connection-list-make-default)
("g" 'slime-update-connection-list)
((kbd "C-k") 'slime-quit-connection-at-point)
@@ -7680,7 +7694,7 @@
(slime-define-keys slime-inspector-mode-map
([return] 'slime-inspector-operate-on-point)
- ([(meta return)] 'slime-inspector-copy-down)
+ ((kbd "M-RET") 'slime-inspector-copy-down)
("\C-m" 'slime-inspector-operate-on-point)
([mouse-2] 'slime-inspector-operate-on-click)
("l" 'slime-inspector-pop)
@@ -7901,6 +7915,27 @@
(run-hook-with-args 'slime-indentation-update-hooks symbol indent))))
+;;;; Contrib modules
+(defvar slime-required-modules '())
+(defun slime-require (module)
+ (assert (keywordp module))
+ (pushnew module slime-required-modules)
+ (when (slime-connected-p)
+ (slime-load-contribs)))
+(defun slime-load-contribs ()
+ (let ((needed (remove-if (lambda (s)
+ (member (subseq (symbol-name s) 1)
+ (mapcar #'downcase (slime-lisp-modules))))
+ slime-required-modules)))
+ (when needed
+ (slime-eval-async `(swank:swank-require ',needed)
+ (lambda (new-modules)
+ (setf (slime-lisp-modules) new-modules))))))
;;;;; Pull-down menu
(defvar slime-easy-menu
@@ -9072,14 +9107,18 @@
(apply #'buffer-substring-no-properties
+(defvar slime-region-for-defun-function nil)
(defun slime-region-for-defun-at-point ()
"Return the start and end position of the toplevel form at point."
- (save-excursion
- (save-match-data
- (end-of-defun)
- (let ((end (point)))
- (beginning-of-sexp)
- (list (point) end)))))
+ (or (and slime-region-for-defun-function
+ (funcall slime-region-for-defun-function))
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (end-of-defun)
+ (let ((end (point)))
+ (beginning-of-sexp)
+ (list (point) end))))))
(defun slime-beginning-of-symbol ()
"Move point to the beginning of the current symbol."
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-cmucl.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-cmucl.lisp 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-cmucl.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -911,16 +911,17 @@
(vm::find-code-object function))
(not (eq closure function))))
-(defun byte-function-location (fn)
- "Return the location of the byte-compiled function FN."
- (etypecase fn
+(defun byte-function-location (fun)
+ "Return the location of the byte-compiled function FUN."
+ (etypecase fun
((or c::hairy-byte-function c::simple-byte-function)
- (let* ((component (c::byte-function-component fn))
- (debug-info (kernel:%code-debug-info component)))
- (debug-info-function-name-location debug-info)))
+ (let* ((di (kernel:%code-debug-info (c::byte-function-component fun))))
+ (if di
+ (debug-info-function-name-location di)
+ `(:error
+ ,(format nil "Byte-function without debug-info: ~a" fun)))))
- (byte-function-location (c::byte-closure-function fn)))))
+ (byte-function-location (c::byte-closure-function fun)))))
;;; Here we deal with structure accessors. Note that `dd' is a
;;; "defstruct descriptor" structure in CMUCL. A `dd' describes a
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-lispworks.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-lispworks.lisp 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-lispworks.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -542,22 +542,10 @@
(defun unmangle-unfun (symbol)
"Converts symbols like 'SETF::|\"CL-USER\" \"GET\"| to
function names like \(SETF GET)."
- (or (and (eq (symbol-package symbol)
- (load-time-value (find-package :setf)))
- (let ((slime-nregex::*regex-groupings* 0)
- (slime-nregex::*regex-groups* (make-array 10))
- (symbol-name (symbol-name symbol)))
- (and (funcall (load-time-value
- (compile nil (slime-nregex:regex-compile "^\"(.+)\" \"(.+)\"$")))
- symbol-name)
- (list 'setf
- (intern (apply #'subseq symbol-name
- (aref slime-nregex::*regex-groups* 2))
- (find-package
- (apply #'subseq symbol-name
- (aref slime-nregex::*regex-groups* 1))))))))
- symbol))
+ (cond ((sys::setf-symbol-p symbol)
+ (sys::setf-pair-from-underlying-name symbol))
+ (t symbol)))
(defun signal-undefined-functions (htab &optional filename)
(maphash (lambda (unfun dspecs)
(dolist (dspec dspecs)
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-loader.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-loader.lisp 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank-loader.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
(defparameter *sysdep-files*
- '("nregex")
+ '()
#+cmu '("swank-source-path-parser" "swank-source-file-cache" "swank-cmucl")
#+scl '("swank-source-path-parser" "swank-source-file-cache" "swank-scl")
#+sbcl '("swank-source-path-parser" "swank-source-file-cache"
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank.lisp 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/slime/swank.lisp 2007-12-02 18:46:42 UTC (rev 2295)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
(:export #:startup-multiprocessing
+ #:stop-server
+ #:restart-server
@@ -103,9 +105,15 @@
(*print-array* . t)
(*print-lines* . 10)
(*print-escape* . t)
- (*print-right-margin* . 70))
+ (*print-right-margin* . 65))
"A set of printer variables used in the debugger.")
+(defvar *backtrace-printer-bindings*
+ `((*print-pretty* . nil)
+ (*print-level* . 4)
+ (*print-length* . 6))
+ "Pretter settings for printing backtraces.")
(defvar *default-worker-thread-bindings* '()
"An alist to initialize dynamic variables in worker threads.
The list has the form ((VAR . VALUE) ...). Each variable VAR will be
@@ -577,19 +585,20 @@
(defvar *coding-system* "iso-latin-1-unix")
+(defvar *listener-sockets* nil
+ "A property list of lists containing style, socket pairs used
+ by swank server listeners, keyed on socket port number. They
+ are used to close sockets on server shutdown or restart.")
(defun start-server (port-file &key (style *communication-style*)
(dont-close *dont-close*)
(coding-system *coding-system*))
"Start the server and write the listen port number to PORT-FILE.
This is the entry point for Emacs."
- (flet ((start-server-aux ()
- (setup-server 0 (lambda (port)
- (announce-server-port port-file port))
- style dont-close
- (find-external-format-or-lose coding-system))))
- (if (eq style :spawn)
- (initialize-multiprocessing #'start-server-aux)
- (start-server-aux))))
+ (setup-server 0 (lambda (port)
+ (announce-server-port port-file port))
+ style dont-close
+ (find-external-format-or-lose coding-system)))
(defun create-server (&key (port default-server-port)
(style *communication-style*)
@@ -610,19 +619,61 @@
(defun setup-server (port announce-fn style dont-close external-format)
(declare (type function announce-fn))
(let* ((socket (create-socket *loopback-interface* port))
- (port (local-port socket)))
- (funcall announce-fn port)
+ (local-port (local-port socket)))
+ (funcall announce-fn local-port)
(flet ((serve ()
(serve-connection socket style dont-close external-format)))
(ecase style
- (spawn (lambda () (loop do (ignore-errors (serve)) while dont-close))
- :name "Swank"))
+ (initialize-multiprocessing
+ (lambda ()
+ (spawn (lambda ()
+ (loop do (ignore-errors (serve)) while dont-close))
+ :name (concatenate 'string "Swank "
+ (princ-to-string port))))))
((:fd-handler :sigio)
(add-fd-handler socket (lambda () (serve))))
((nil) (loop do (serve) while dont-close)))
- port)))
+ (setf (getf *listener-sockets* port) (list style socket))
+ local-port)))
+(defun stop-server (port)
+ "Stop server running on PORT."
+ (let* ((socket-description (getf *listener-sockets* port))
+ (style (first socket-description))
+ (socket (second socket-description)))
+ (ecase style
+ (:spawn
+ (let ((thread-position
+ (position-if
+ (lambda (x)
+ (string-equal (first x)
+ (concatenate 'string "Swank "
+ (princ-to-string port))))
+ (list-threads))))
+ (when thread-position
+ (kill-nth-thread thread-position)
+ (close-socket socket)
+ (remf *listener-sockets* port))))
+ ((:fd-handler :sigio)
+ (remove-fd-handlers socket)
+ (close-socket socket)
+ (remf *listener-sockets* port)))))
+(defun restart-server (&key (port default-server-port)
+ (style *communication-style*)
+ (dont-close *dont-close*)
+ (coding-system *coding-system*))
+ "Stop the server listening on PORT, then start a new SWANK server
+on PORT running in STYLE. If DONT-CLOSE is true then the listen socket
+will accept multiple connections, otherwise it will be closed after the
+ (stop-server port)
+ (sleep 5)
+ (create-server :port port :style style :dont-close dont-close
+ :coding-system coding-system))
(defun serve-connection (socket style dont-close external-format)
(let ((closed-socket-p nil))
@@ -1443,6 +1494,7 @@
:type ,(machine-type)
:version ,(machine-version))
:features ,(features-for-emacs)
+ :modules ,*modules*
:package (:name ,(package-name *package*)
:prompt ,(package-string-for-prompt *package*))
:version ,*swank-wire-protocol-version*))
@@ -1629,20 +1681,10 @@
(defun parse-package (string)
"Find the package named STRING.
Return the package or nil."
- (check-type string (or string null))
- (if (zerop (length string))
- nil
- (multiple-value-bind (name pos interned?)
- (let ((*package* *swank-io-package*))
- (ignore-errors (read-softly-from-string string)))
- (unwind-protect
- (and name
- (or (symbolp name)
- (stringp name))
- (= (length string) pos)
- (find-package name))
- (when interned?
- (unintern-in-home-package name))))))
+ ;; STRING comes usually from a (in-package STRING) form.
+ (ignore-errors
+ (find-package (let ((*package* *swank-io-package*))
+ (read-from-string string)))))
(defun unparse-name (string)
"Print the name STRING according to the current printer settings."
@@ -2017,7 +2059,7 @@
(defun safe-condition-message (condition)
"Safely print condition to a string, handling any errors during
- (let ((*print-pretty* t))
+ (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-right-margin* 65))
(format-sldb-condition condition)
(error (cond)
@@ -2053,8 +2095,9 @@
(loop for frame in (compute-backtrace start end)
for i from start
collect (list i (with-output-to-string (stream)
- (handler-case
- (print-frame frame stream)
+ (handler-case
+ (with-bindings *backtrace-printer-bindings*
+ (print-frame frame stream))
(t ()
(format stream "[error printing frame]")))))))
@@ -2138,11 +2181,12 @@
(defslimefun frame-locals-for-emacs (index)
"Return a property list ((&key NAME ID VALUE) ...) describing
the local variables in the frame INDEX."
- (mapcar (lambda (frame-locals)
- (destructuring-bind (&key name id value) frame-locals
- (list :name (prin1-to-string name) :id id
- :value (to-string value))))
- (frame-locals index)))
+ (with-bindings *backtrace-printer-bindings*
+ (mapcar (lambda (frame-locals)
+ (destructuring-bind (&key name id value) frame-locals
+ (list :name (prin1-to-string name) :id id
+ :value (to-string value))))
+ (frame-locals index))))
(defslimefun frame-catch-tags-for-emacs (frame-index)
(mapcar #'to-string (frame-catch-tags frame-index)))
@@ -2280,10 +2324,12 @@
;;;;; swank-require
-(defslimefun swank-require (module &optional filename)
+(defslimefun swank-require (modules &optional filename)
"Load the module MODULE."
- (require module (or filename (module-filename module)))
- nil)
+ (dolist (module (if (listp modules) modules (list modules)))
+ (unless (member (string module) *modules* :test #'string=)
+ (require module (or filename (module-filename module)))))
+ *modules*)
(defvar *find-module* 'find-module
"Pluggable function to locate modules.
@@ -2358,16 +2404,16 @@
;;;; Simple completion
-(defslimefun simple-completions (string buffer-package)
+(defslimefun simple-completions (string package)
"Return a list of completions for the string STRING."
- (let ((strings (all-completions string buffer-package #'prefix-match-p)))
+ (let ((strings (all-completions string package #'prefix-match-p)))
(list strings (longest-common-prefix strings))))
-(defun all-completions (string buffer-package test)
+(defun all-completions (string package test)
(multiple-value-bind (name pname intern) (tokenize-symbol string)
(let* ((extern (and pname (not intern)))
(pack (cond ((equal pname "") keyword-package)
- ((not pname) (guess-buffer-package buffer-package))
+ ((not pname) (guess-buffer-package package))
(t (guess-package pname))))
(test (lambda (sym) (funcall test name (unparse-symbol sym))))
(syms (and pack (matching-symbols pack extern test))))
@@ -2480,24 +2526,15 @@
(string< (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
(string< (package-name px) (package-name py)))))))))
-(let ((regex-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
- (defun compiled-regex (regex-string)
- (or (gethash regex-string regex-hash)
- (setf (gethash regex-string regex-hash)
- (if (zerop (length regex-string))
- (lambda (s) (check-type s string) t)
- (compile nil (slime-nregex:regex-compile regex-string)))))))
-(defun make-regexp-matcher (string case-sensitive)
- (let* ((case-modifier (if case-sensitive #'string #'string-upcase))
- (regex (compiled-regex (funcall case-modifier string))))
+(defun make-apropos-matcher (pattern case-sensitive)
+ (let ((chr= (if case-sensitive #'char= #'char-equal)))
(lambda (symbol)
- (funcall regex (funcall case-modifier symbol)))))
+ (search pattern (string symbol) :test chr=))))
(defun apropos-symbols (string external-only case-sensitive package)
(let ((packages (or package (remove (find-package :keyword)
- (matcher (make-regexp-matcher string case-sensitive))
+ (matcher (make-apropos-matcher string case-sensitive))
(with-package-iterator (next packages :external :internal)
(loop (multiple-value-bind (morep symbol) (next)
@@ -2875,15 +2912,13 @@
*inspectee-actions* (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)
*inspector-history* (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
-;; FIXME: Unused?
(defun valid-function-name-p (form)
- (or (and (not (null form))
- (not (eq form t))
- (symbolp form))
+ (or (symbolp form)
(and (consp form)
(second form)
(not (third form))
- (eq (first form) 'setf))))
+ (eq (first form) 'setf)
+ (symbolp (second form)))))
(defslimefun init-inspector (string)
(with-buffer-syntax ()
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-29 08:18:49 -0500 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2294
Updated version from http://joost.zeekat.nl/wp-content/javascript.el
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/javascript.el
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/javascript.el 2007-11-29 11:57:01 UTC (rev 2293)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/javascript.el 2007-11-29 13:18:49 UTC (rev 2294)
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
;;; javascript.el --- Major mode for editing JavaScript source text
+;; This version contains a few font-lock fixes for quoted strings
+;; and regular expressions by Joost Diepenmaat <joost(a)zeekat.nl>
+;; Joost's version - 2007-11-29
+;; Currently known issues:
+;; /* .. */ style comments inside quoted strings are shown as comments
+;; instead of quoted strings. Fixing this may get complicated.
;; Copyright (C) 2006 Karl Landström
;; Author: Karl Landström <kland(a)comhem.se>
@@ -8,9 +17,6 @@
;; Date: 2006-12-26
;; Keywords: languages, oop
-;; This version contains a few font-lock fixes for quoted strings
-;; and regular expressions by Joost Diepenmaat <joost(a)zeekat.nl>
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
@@ -117,6 +123,14 @@
(modify-syntax-entry ?' "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." table)
+ ;; partially disable comment detection. Our manual string detection
+ ;; won't work if there are automatically detected comments inside the
+ ;; string.
+ ;;
+ ;; note that we keep auto-detection of /* .. */ style comments since
+ ;; they are multi-line and can't easily be detected otherwise.
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14" table)
;; The syntax class of underscore should really be `symbol' ("_")
;; but that makes matching of tokens much more complex as e.g.
;; "\\<xyz\\>" matches part of e.g. "_xyz" and "xyz_abc". Defines
@@ -297,8 +311,10 @@
;; detect "autoquoted" object properties... clases with "switch { ... default: }"
;; may not be worth the trouble
- (list "\\(^[ \t]*\\|[,{][ \t]*\\)\\(\\w+\\):" 2 font-lock-string-face))
+ (list "\\(^[ \t]*\\|[,{][ \t]*\\)\\(\\w+\\):" 2 font-lock-string-face)
+ ;; find single-line comments
+ (list "\\(//.*\\)" 1 font-lock-comment-face))
"Level one font lock.")
(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-2
29 Nov '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-29 06:57:01 -0500 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2293
nischt is mit foo
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-11-29 08:48:29 UTC (rev 2292)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-11-29 11:57:01 UTC (rev 2293)
@@ -292,8 +292,6 @@
function letterKeyPressed(e) {
- alert('foo');
if (e.which == 0 || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {
// not a letter key
[bknr-cvs] r2292 - in branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble: src website
by bknr@bknr.net 29 Nov '07
by bknr@bknr.net 29 Nov '07
29 Nov '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-29 03:48:29 -0500 (Thu, 29 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2292
Keyboard event handling fixes, still not perfect.
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/make-letters.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/make-letters.lisp 2007-11-27 11:01:50 UTC (rev 2291)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/make-letters.lisp 2007-11-29 08:48:29 UTC (rev 2292)
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@
(set-rgb-fill 0 0 0))
(set-font bold-font 27)
(draw-centered-string 13 7 char-string)
- (set-font regular-font 11)
- (draw-centered-string 26 3 (princ-to-string score)))
+ (unless blank-used
+ (set-font regular-font 11)
+ (draw-centered-string 26 3 (princ-to-string score))))
(save-png pathname)
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp 2007-11-27 11:01:50 UTC (rev 2291)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp 2007-11-29 08:48:29 UTC (rev 2292)
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
(encode-json-plist (list :remaining-tiles (remaining-tile-count tile-bag)) stream))
(defmethod encode-json ((tile tile) stream)
- (encode-json-plist (list :letter (letter-name-of tile)
+ (encode-json-plist (list :letter (letter-of tile)
+ :letter-name (letter-name-of tile)
:value (value-of tile))
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-11-27 11:01:50 UTC (rev 2291)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-11-29 08:48:29 UTC (rev 2292)
@@ -35,51 +35,51 @@
function checkMoveLegality(placedTiles)
- // Given the board and list of placed tiles, either throw an error or
- // return if the move is legal.
+ // Given the board and list of placed tiles, either throw an error or
+ // return if the move is legal.
- var positions = map(function (placement) { return [ placement[0], placement[1] ] }, placedTiles)
- .sort(function (a, b) { return (a[0] - b[0]) || (a[1] - b[1])});
+ var positions = map(function (placement) { return [ placement[0], placement[1] ] }, placedTiles)
+ .sort(function (a, b) { return (a[0] - b[0]) || (a[1] - b[1])});
- if (filter(partial(operator.ne, positions[0][0]), map(function (position) { return position[0] }, positions)).length
- && filter(partial(operator.ne, positions[0][1]), map(function (position) { return position[1] }, positions)).length) {
- throw "not-in-a-row";
- }
+ if (filter(partial(operator.ne, positions[0][0]), map(function (position) { return position[0] }, positions)).length
+ && filter(partial(operator.ne, positions[0][1]), map(function (position) { return position[1] }, positions)).length) {
+ throw "not-in-a-row";
+ }
- var startOfPlacement = positions[0];
- var endOfPlacement = positions[positions.length - 1];
+ var startOfPlacement = positions[0];
+ var endOfPlacement = positions[positions.length - 1];
- for (var x = startOfPlacement[0]; x <= endOfPlacement[0]; x++) {
- for (var y = startOfPlacement[1]; y <= endOfPlacement[1]; y++) {
- if (!letterAt(x, y) && (findValue(positions, [ x, y ]) == -1)) {
- throw "placement-with-holes";
- }
- }
+ for (var x = startOfPlacement[0]; x <= endOfPlacement[0]; x++) {
+ for (var y = startOfPlacement[1]; y <= endOfPlacement[1]; y++) {
+ if (!letterAt(x, y) && (findValue(positions, [ x, y ]) == -1)) {
+ throw "placement-with-holes";
+ }
+ }
- if (findValue(positions, [ 7, 7 ]) == -1) {
- var found = false;
- for (var x = startOfPlacement[0]; !found && (x <= endOfPlacement[0]); x++) {
- for (var y = startOfPlacement[1]; !found && (y <= endOfPlacement[1]); y++) {
- if (((x > 0) && letterAt(x - 1, y))
- || ((x < 14) && letterAt(x + 1, y))
- || ((y > 0) && letterAt(x, y - 1))
- || ((y < 14) && letterAt(x, y + 1))) {
- found = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- throw "not-touching-other-tile";
- }
+ if (findValue(positions, [ 7, 7 ]) == -1) {
+ var found = false;
+ for (var x = startOfPlacement[0]; !found && (x <= endOfPlacement[0]); x++) {
+ for (var y = startOfPlacement[1]; !found && (y <= endOfPlacement[1]); y++) {
+ if (((x > 0) && letterAt(x - 1, y))
+ || ((x < 14) && letterAt(x + 1, y))
+ || ((y > 0) && letterAt(x, y - 1))
+ || ((y < 14) && letterAt(x, y + 1))) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ throw "not-touching-other-tile";
+ }
+ }
function getFieldScore(x, y) {
- return boardScoring[x][y] || 'standard';
+ return boardScoring[x][y] || 'standard';
var theirTrays;
@@ -91,235 +91,246 @@
var border = 10;
function makeBoard() {
- var container = $('playfield');
- board = [];
- for (x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
- board[x] = [];
- for (y = 0; y < 15; y++) {
- var element = DIV();
- element.style.position = 'absolute';
- element.style.width = '40px';
- element.style.height = '40px';
- var imageName = (x == 7 && y == 7) ? "start-field" : getFieldScore(x, y);
- element.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/' + imageName + '.png)';
- element.x = x;
- element.y = y;
- setElementPosition(element, { x: border + x * 44, y: border + y * 44 });
- YAHOO.util.Event.on(element, 'click', emptyTileClicked)
- board[x][y] = element;
- }
- appendChildNodes(container, board[x]);
+ var container = $('playfield');
+ board = [];
+ for (x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
+ board[x] = [];
+ for (y = 0; y < 15; y++) {
+ var element = DIV();
+ element.style.position = 'absolute';
+ element.style.width = '40px';
+ element.style.height = '40px';
+ var imageName = (x == 7 && y == 7) ? "start-field" : getFieldScore(x, y);
+ element.style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/' + imageName + '.png)';
+ element.x = x;
+ element.y = y;
+ setElementPosition(element, { x: border + x * 44, y: border + y * 44 });
+ YAHOO.util.Event.on(element, 'click', emptyTileClicked)
+ board[x][y] = element;
+ appendChildNodes(container, board[x]);
+ }
- var shuffleButton = DIV(null, "shuffle");
- shuffleButton.style.color = 'white';
- shuffleButton.style.position = 'absolute';
- shuffleButton.onclick = shuffleMyTray;
- setElementPosition(shuffleButton, { x: border + 480, y: border + 665 });
- appendChildNodes(container, shuffleButton);
+ var shuffleButton = DIV(null, "shuffle");
+ shuffleButton.style.color = 'white';
+ shuffleButton.style.position = 'absolute';
+ shuffleButton.onclick = shuffleMyTray;
+ setElementPosition(shuffleButton, { x: border + 480, y: border + 665 });
+ appendChildNodes(container, shuffleButton);
- var gameLog = DIV({ id: 'gameLog' }, "");
- gameLog.style.position = 'absolute';
- gameLog.style.width = '280px';
- gameLog.style.height = '250px';
- gameLog.style.textAlign = 'left';
- gameLog.style.overflowY = 'scroll';
- setElementPosition(gameLog, { x: border + 680, y: border + 400 });
- appendChildNodes($('playfield'), gameLog);
+ var gameLog = DIV({ id: 'gameLog' }, "");
+ gameLog.style.position = 'absolute';
+ gameLog.style.width = '280px';
+ gameLog.style.height = '250px';
+ gameLog.style.textAlign = 'left';
+ gameLog.style.overflowY = 'scroll';
+ setElementPosition(gameLog, { x: border + 680, y: border + 400 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), gameLog);
+ var nextTurn = DIV({ id: 'nextTurn' }, "");
+ nextTurn.style.position = 'absolute';
+ nextTurn.style.width = '280px';
+ nextTurn.style.textAlign = 'left';
+ setElementPosition(nextTurn, { x: border + 680, y: border + 665 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), nextTurn);
function setLetter(x, y, letter, isBlank) {
- var image = IMG({ src: 'images/' + letter + (isBlank ? "-blank" : "") + '.png'});
- image.style.position = 'absolute';
- image.style.top = '3px';
- image.style.left = '3px';
- setElementPosition(image, { x: border + x * 44 + 3, y: border + y * 44 + 3 });
- appendChildNodes($('playfield'), image);
- board[x][y].letterNode = image;
- board[x][y].letter = letter;
+ var image = IMG({ src: 'images/' + letter + (isBlank ? "-blank" : "") + '.png'});
+ image.style.position = 'absolute';
+ image.style.top = '3px';
+ image.style.left = '3px';
+ setElementPosition(image, { x: border + x * 44 + 3, y: border + y * 44 + 3 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), image);
+ board[x][y].letterNode = image;
+ board[x][y].letter = letter;
function placeLetter(x, y, tile) {
- var mask = IMG({ src: 'images/mask.png'});
- mask.style.position = 'absolute';
- mask.style.top = '3px';
- mask.style.left = '3px';
- mask.style.zIndex = '20';
- appendChildNodes(board[x][y], mask);
- board[x][y].letterNode = tile;
- board[x][y].letter = tile.letter;
- board[x][y].justPlaced = true;
- tile.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(tile, { points: { to: [ border + x * 44 + 3,
- border + y * 44 + 3 ]}},
- 0.15,
- YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBoth);
- tile.anim.animate();
+ var mask = IMG({ src: 'images/mask.png'});
+ mask.style.position = 'absolute';
+ mask.style.top = '3px';
+ mask.style.left = '3px';
+ mask.style.zIndex = '20';
+ appendChildNodes(board[x][y], mask);
+ board[x][y].letterNode = tile;
+ board[x][y].letter = tile.letter;
+ board[x][y].justPlaced = true;
+ tile.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(tile, { points: { to: [ border + x * 44 + 3,
+ border + y * 44 + 3 ]}},
+ 0.15,
+ YAHOO.util.Easing.easeBoth);
+ tile.anim.animate();
function letterAt(x, y) {
- return board[x][y].letter && !board[x][y].justPlaced;
+ return board[x][y].letter && !board[x][y].justPlaced;
function Cursor()
- var image = new IMG({ src: 'images/cursor.png' });
- image.style.position = 'absolute';
- image.style.top = '-3px';
- image.style.left = '-3px';
+ var image = new IMG({ src: 'images/cursor.png' });
+ image.style.position = 'absolute';
+ image.style.top = '-3px';
+ image.style.left = '-3px';
- this.image = image;
- this.x = -1;
- this.y = -1;
- this.direction = 0;
+ this.image = image;
+ this.x = -1;
+ this.y = -1;
+ this.direction = 0;
- this.set = function(x, y) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- appendChildNodes(board[x][y], this.image);
- board[x][y].cursor = this.image;
- };
+ this.set = function(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ appendChildNodes(board[x][y], this.image);
+ board[x][y].cursor = this.image;
+ };
- this.clear = function() {
- if (this.x != -1) {
- removeElement(board[this.x][this.y].cursor);
- board[this.x][this.y].cursor = undefined;
- this.x = this.y = -1;
- this.direction = 0;
- }
- };
+ this.clear = function() {
+ if (this.x != -1) {
+ removeElement(board[this.x][this.y].cursor);
+ board[this.x][this.y].cursor = undefined;
+ this.x = this.y = -1;
+ this.direction = 0;
+ }
+ };
- this.advance = function(isHoriz) {
- var horizontal = 1;
- var vertical = 2;
- var direction = this.direction;
- if (direction == 0) {
- // Direction not determined
- if (isHoriz != undefined) {
- direction = isHoriz ? horizontal : vertical;
- } else if (((this.y < 14) && letterAt(this.x, this.y + 1))
- || ((this.y > 1)
- && letterAt(this.x, this.y - 1)
- && !letterAt(this.x, this.y - 2))
- || ((this.x > 1)
- && letterAt(this.x - 1, this.y)
- && letterAt(this.x - 2, this.y))) {
- direction = vertical;
- } else {
- direction = horizontal;
- }
- }
- var x = this.x;
- var y = this.y;
- this.clear();
- this.direction = direction;
- if (this.direction == horizontal) {
- x++;
- } else {
- y++;
- }
- if ((x != 15) && (y != 15)) {
- this.set(x, y);
- }
- };
+ this.advance = function(isHoriz) {
+ var horizontal = 1;
+ var vertical = 2;
+ var direction = this.direction;
+ if (direction == 0) {
+ // Direction not determined
+ if (isHoriz != undefined) {
+ direction = isHoriz ? horizontal : vertical;
+ } else if (((this.y < 14) && letterAt(this.x, this.y + 1))
+ || ((this.y > 1)
+ && letterAt(this.x, this.y - 1)
+ && !letterAt(this.x, this.y - 2))
+ || ((this.x > 1)
+ && letterAt(this.x - 1, this.y)
+ && letterAt(this.x - 2, this.y))) {
+ direction = vertical;
+ } else {
+ direction = horizontal;
+ }
+ }
+ var x = this.x;
+ var y = this.y;
+ this.clear();
+ this.direction = direction;
+ if (this.direction == horizontal) {
+ x++;
+ } else {
+ y++;
+ }
+ if ((x != 15) && (y != 15)) {
+ this.set(x, y);
+ }
+ };
var cursor = new Cursor;
function emptyTileClicked() {
- cursor.clear();
- cursor.set(this.x, this.y);
+ cursor.clear();
+ cursor.set(this.x, this.y);
var move = [];
function makeMove(x, y, letter, isBlank) {
- move[move.length] = [x, y, letter, isBlank];
- try {
- checkMoveLegality(move);
- $('move').onclick = submitMove;
- $('move').innerHTML = move.toString();
- }
- catch (e) {
- $('move').onclick = undefined;
- $('move').innerHTML = e.toString();
- }
+ move[move.length] = [x, y, letter, isBlank];
+ try {
+ checkMoveLegality(move);
+ $('move').onclick = submitMove;
+ $('move').innerHTML = move.toString();
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ $('move').onclick = undefined;
+ $('move').innerHTML = e.toString();
+ }
function clearMove() {
- move = [];
- $('move').onclick = null;
- $('move').innerHTML = '[no move]';
+ move = [];
+ $('move').onclick = null;
+ $('move').innerHTML = '[no move]';
function submitMove()
- var queryString = MochiKit.Base.queryString({ move: move.toString(), game: gameID });
- var res = MochiKit.Async.doXHR("/place-tiles",
- { method: 'POST',
- sendContent: queryString,
- headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } });
- res.addCallbacks(moveSuccess, moveFailure);
+ var queryString = MochiKit.Base.queryString({ move: move.toString(), game: gameID });
+ var res = MochiKit.Async.doXHR("/place-tiles",
+ { method: 'POST',
+ sendContent: queryString,
+ headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } });
+ res.addCallbacks(moveSuccess, moveFailure);
function moveSuccess(result)
- var response;
- try {
- response = eval('(' + result.responseText + ')');
- }
- catch (e) {
- alert("invalid JSON reply: " + result.responseText);
- return;
- }
- if (response.error) {
- alert(response.error);
- } else {
- clearMove();
- makeMyTray(map(function (entry) { return entry.letter }, response.tray))
- }
+ var response;
+ try {
+ response = eval('(' + result.responseText + ')');
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ alert("invalid JSON reply: " + result.responseText);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (response.error) {
+ alert(response.error);
+ } else {
+ clearMove();
+ makeMyTray(response.tray);
+ }
function moveFailure(e)
- alert('failed: ' + e);
+ alert('failed: ' + e);
-var specialKeyCodes = { 59: 'LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_DIAERESIS',
+function letterKeyPressed(e) {
+ alert('foo');
-function letterKeyPressed(type, args, obj) {
- var letter = specialKeyCodes[args[0]] || String.fromCharCode(args[0]);
- var x = cursor.x;
- var y = cursor.y;
- var tilePosition = -1;
+ if (e.which == 0 || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {
+ // not a letter key
+ return;
+ }
+ var letter = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toUpperCase();
+ var x = cursor.x;
+ var y = cursor.y;
+ var tilePosition = -1;
+ for (var i = 0; (tilePosition == -1) && (i < tray.length); i++) {
+ if (tray[i].letter == letter) {
+ tilePosition = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tilePosition == -1) {
for (var i = 0; (tilePosition == -1) && (i < tray.length); i++) {
- if (tray[i].letter == letter) {
- tilePosition = i;
- }
+ if (tray[i].letter == undefined) {
+ tilePosition = i;
+ }
- if (tilePosition == -1) {
- for (var i = 0; (tilePosition == -1) && (i < tray.length); i++) {
- if (tray[i].letter == undefined) {
- tilePosition = i;
- }
- }
+ }
+ if (tilePosition == -1) {
+ alert("You don't have letter + '" + letter + "'!");
+ } else {
+ var isHoriz;
+ if (move.length > 0) {
+ isHoriz = (move[0][0] != x);
- if (tilePosition == -1) {
- alert("You don't have that letter!");
- } else {
- var isHoriz;
- if (move.length > 0) {
- isHoriz = (move[0][0] != x);
- }
- cursor.advance(isHoriz);
- if (!letterAt(x, y)) {
- var tile = tray[tilePosition];
- tray.splice(tilePosition, 1);
- placeLetter(x, y, tile);
- makeMove(x, y, letter, tile.letter == undefined);
- }
+ cursor.advance(isHoriz);
+ if (!letterAt(x, y)) {
+ var tile = tray[tilePosition];
+ tray.splice(tilePosition, 1);
+ placeLetter(x, y, tile);
+ makeMove(x, y, tile.letterName, tile.letterName == undefined);
+ }
var leftKey = 37;
@@ -329,180 +340,176 @@
var backspaceKey = 8;
function functionKeyPressed(type, args, obj) {
- var x = cursor.x;
- var y = cursor.y;
+ var x = cursor.x;
+ var y = cursor.y;
- switch (args[0]) {
- case rightKey:
- while (x < 14)
- if (!letterAt(++x, y))
- break;
- break;
- case leftKey:
- while (x > 0)
- if (!letterAt(--x, y))
- break;
- break;
- case upKey:
- while (y > 0)
- if (!letterAt(x, --y))
- break;
- break;
- case downKey:
- while (y < 14)
- if (!letterAt(x, ++y))
- break;
- break;
- }
- if ((x >= 0) && (x <= 14) && (y >= 0) && (y <= 14)) {
- cursor.clear();
- cursor.set(x, y);
- }
- YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(args[1]);
+ switch (args[0]) {
+ case rightKey:
+ while (x < 14)
+ if (!letterAt(++x, y))
+ break;
+ break;
+ case leftKey:
+ while (x > 0)
+ if (!letterAt(--x, y))
+ break;
+ break;
+ case upKey:
+ while (y > 0)
+ if (!letterAt(x, --y))
+ break;
+ break;
+ case downKey:
+ while (y < 14)
+ if (!letterAt(x, ++y))
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((x >= 0) && (x <= 14) && (y >= 0) && (y <= 14)) {
+ cursor.clear();
+ cursor.set(x, y);
+ }
+ YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(args[1]);
function clearBoard() {
- for (x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
- for (y = 0; y < 15; y++) {
- var letterNode = board[x][y].letterNode;
- if (letterNode) {
- letterNode.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(letterNode, { points: { to: [ border + 7 * 44 + 3,
- border + 7 * 44 + 3 ]}},
- 0.15);
- letterNode.anim.onComplete.subscribe(function () { removeElement(this); });
- letterNode.anim.animate();
- }
- }
+ for (x = 0; x < 15; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; y < 15; y++) {
+ var letterNode = board[x][y].letterNode;
+ if (letterNode) {
+ letterNode.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(letterNode, { points: { to: [ border + 7 * 44 + 3,
+ border + 7 * 44 + 3 ]}},
+ 0.15);
+ letterNode.anim.onComplete.subscribe(function () { removeElement(this); });
+ letterNode.anim.animate();
+ }
+ }
function trayClick(letter) {
- this.clicked = !this.clicked;
- this.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(this, { points: { by: [ 0, (this.clicked ? 15 : -15 ) ]}}, 0.15);
- this.anim.animate();
+ this.clicked = !this.clicked;
+ this.anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(this, { points: { by: [ 0, (this.clicked ? 15 : -15 ) ]}}, 0.15);
+ this.anim.animate();
function makeMyTray(letters) {
- map(removeElement, tray);
- tray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
- var element = IMG({src: 'images/' + letters[i] + '.png'});
- element.letter = letters[i];
- element.style.position = 'absolute';
- element.style.width = '34px';
- element.style.height = '34px';
- element.style.zIndex = '10';
- element.onclick = trayClick;
- setElementPosition(element, { x: border + 194 + i * 40, y: border + 665 });
- tray[i] = element;
- }
- appendChildNodes($('playfield'), tray);
+ map(removeElement, tray);
+ tray = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
+ var element = IMG({src: 'images/' + letters[i].letterName + '.png'});
+ element.letter = letters[i].letter;
+ element.letterName = letters[i].letterName;
+ element.style.position = 'absolute';
+ element.style.width = '34px';
+ element.style.height = '34px';
+ element.style.zIndex = '10';
+ element.onclick = trayClick;
+ setElementPosition(element, { x: border + 194 + i * 40, y: border + 665 });
+ tray[i] = element;
+ }
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), tray);
function shuffleMyTray() {
- var count = tray.length;
- var newTray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- do {
- index = Math.floor(Math.random() * count);
- } while (newTray[index]);
- newTray[index] = tray[i];
- newTray[index].anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(tray[i], { points: { to: [ border + 194 + i * 40,
- border + 665 ] }},
- 0.5);
- newTray[index].anim.animate();
- newTray[index].clicked = false;
- }
- tray = newTray;
+ var count = tray.length;
+ var newTray = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ do {
+ index = Math.floor(Math.random() * count);
+ } while (newTray[index]);
+ newTray[index] = tray[i];
+ newTray[index].anim = new YAHOO.util.Motion(tray[i], { points: { to: [ border + 194 + i * 40,
+ border + 665 ] }},
+ 0.5);
+ newTray[index].anim.animate();
+ newTray[index].clicked = false;
+ }
+ tray = newTray;
var otherPlayerIndex = 0;
function makeTheirTray (name, tileCount) {
- var tray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) {
- var element = IMG({src: 'images/null.png'});
- element.style.position = 'absolute';
- element.style.width = '34px';
- element.style.height = '34px';
- element.style.zIndex = '10';
- setElementPosition(element, { x: border + 680 + i * 40, y: border + 80 * otherPlayerIndex });
- tray[i] = element;
- }
- appendChildNodes($('playfield'), tray);
+ var tray = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) {
+ var element = IMG({src: 'images/null.png'});
+ element.style.position = 'absolute';
+ element.style.width = '34px';
+ element.style.height = '34px';
+ element.style.zIndex = '10';
+ setElementPosition(element, { x: border + 680 + i * 40, y: border + 80 * otherPlayerIndex });
+ tray[i] = element;
+ }
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), tray);
- var nameTag = DIV(null, name);
- nameTag.style.position = 'absolute';
- nameTag.style.width = '200px';
- nameTag.style.textAlign = 'left';
- setElementPosition(nameTag, { x: border + 680, y: border + 80 * otherPlayerIndex + 50 });
- appendChildNodes($('playfield'), nameTag);
- otherPlayerIndex++;
+ var nameTag = DIV(null, name);
+ nameTag.style.position = 'absolute';
+ nameTag.style.width = '200px';
+ nameTag.style.textAlign = 'left';
+ setElementPosition(nameTag, { x: border + 680, y: border + 80 * otherPlayerIndex + 50 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), nameTag);
+ otherPlayerIndex++;
function renderMoveAsText(move)
- var retval = move.participantLogin;
- if (move.type == 'move') {
- retval += " score: " + move.score;
- for (var i = 0; i < move.words.length; i++) {
- retval += " " + move.words[i][0] + "(" + move.words[i][1] + ")";
- }
- } else {
- retval += move.type;
+ var retval = move.participantLogin;
+ if (move.type == 'move') {
+ retval += " score: " + move.score;
+ for (var i = 0; i < move.words.length; i++) {
+ retval += " " + move.words[i][0] + "(" + move.words[i][1] + ")";
+ } else {
+ retval += move.type;
+ }
- return retval;
+ return retval;
function drawGameState (gameState) {
- for (var i = 0; i < gameState.board.length; i++) {
- var x = gameState.board[i][0];
- var y = gameState.board[i][1];
- var char = gameState.board[i][2];
- setLetter(x, y, char, gameState.board[i].length > 3);
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.board.length; i++) {
+ var x = gameState.board[i][0];
+ var y = gameState.board[i][1];
+ var char = gameState.board[i][2];
+ setLetter(x, y, char, gameState.board[i].length > 3);
+ }
+ var firstParticipant = gameState.participants[0];
+ replaceChildNodes($('nextTurn'),
+ "It is "
+ + ((typeof firstParticipant.remainingTiles == 'number') ? (firstParticipant.name + "s") : "your")
+ + " turn");
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.participants.length; i++) {
+ var participant = gameState.participants[i];
+ if (typeof participant.remainingTiles == 'number') {
+ makeTheirTray(participant.name, participant.remainingTiles);
+ } else {
+ makeMyTray(participant.remainingTiles);
- for (var i = 0; i < gameState.participants.length; i++) {
- var participant = gameState.participants[i];
- if (typeof participant.remainingTiles == 'number') {
- makeTheirTray(participant.name, participant.remainingTiles);
- } else {
- makeMyTray(map(function (entry) { return entry.letter }, participant.remainingTiles));
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < gameState.moves.length; i++) {
- appendChildNodes($('gameLog'), DIV(null, renderMoveAsText(gameState.moves[i])));
- }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.moves.length; i++) {
+ appendChildNodes($('gameLog'), DIV(null, renderMoveAsText(gameState.moves[i])));
+ }
var legalLetters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("");
function init() {
- makeBoard();
+ makeBoard();
- var letterKeyCodes = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < legalLetters.length; i++) {
- letterKeyCodes[i] = legalLetters[i].charCodeAt(0);
- }
- // add mozilla key codes
- letterKeyCodes.push(59); // u"
- letterKeyCodes.push(192); // o"
- letterKeyCodes.push(222); // a"
- var letterKeyListener = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document,
- { keys: letterKeyCodes },
- { fn: letterKeyPressed, scope: this, correctScope: true });
- letterKeyListener.enable();
+ // does not work for ie (document.body needed)?
+ YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, 'keypress', letterKeyPressed);
- var functionKeyListener = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document,
- { keys: [ leftKey, upKey, rightKey, downKey, backspaceKey ] },
- { fn: functionKeyPressed, scope: this, correctScope: true });
- functionKeyListener.enable();
+ var functionKeyListener = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document,
+ { keys: [ leftKey, upKey, rightKey, downKey, backspaceKey ] },
+ { fn: functionKeyPressed, scope: this, correctScope: true });
+ functionKeyListener.enable();
- var moveDisplay = DIV({ id: 'move' }, "[no move yet]");
- moveDisplay.style.color = 'white';
- moveDisplay.style.position = 'absolute';
- setElementPosition(moveDisplay, { x: border + 550, y: border + 665 });
- appendChildNodes(document.body, moveDisplay);
- var d = loadJSONDoc("/game/" + gameID);
- d.addCallbacks(drawGameState, function (error) { alert("Request error: " + error.message); });
+ var moveDisplay = DIV({ id: 'move' }, "[no move yet]");
+ moveDisplay.style.color = 'white';
+ moveDisplay.style.position = 'absolute';
+ setElementPosition(moveDisplay, { x: border + 550, y: border + 665 });
+ appendChildNodes(document.body, moveDisplay);
+ var d = loadJSONDoc("/game/" + gameID);
+ d.addCallbacks(drawGameState, function (error) { alert("Request error: " + error.message); });
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-27 06:01:50 -0500 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2291
Add Javascript development aids.
Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/javascript.el
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/javascript.el 2007-11-26 12:43:25 UTC (rev 2290)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/javascript.el 2007-11-27 11:01:50 UTC (rev 2291)
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+;;; javascript.el --- Major mode for editing JavaScript source text
+;; Copyright (C) 2006 Karl Landström
+;; Author: Karl Landström <kland(a)comhem.se>
+;; Maintainer: Karl Landström <kland(a)comhem.se>
+;; Version: 2.0 Beta 8
+;; Date: 2006-12-26
+;; Keywords: languages, oop
+;; This version contains a few font-lock fixes for quoted strings
+;; and regular expressions by Joost Diepenmaat <joost(a)zeekat.nl>
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The main features of this JavaScript mode are syntactic
+;; highlighting (enabled with `font-lock-mode' or
+;; `global-font-lock-mode'), automatic indentation and filling of
+;; comments.
+;; This package has (only) been tested with GNU Emacs 21.4 (the latest
+;; stable release).
+;; Installation:
+;; Put this file in a directory where Emacs can find it (`C-h v
+;; load-path' for more info). Then add the following lines to your
+;; Emacs initialization file:
+;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js\\'" . javascript-mode))
+;; (autoload 'javascript-mode "javascript" nil t)
+;; General Remarks:
+;; This mode assumes that block comments are not nested inside block
+;; comments and that strings do not contain line breaks.
+;; Exported names start with "javascript-" whereas private names start
+;; with "js-".
+;; Changes:
+;; See javascript.el.changelog.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cc-mode)
+(require 'font-lock)
+(require 'newcomment)
+(defgroup javascript nil
+ "Customization variables for `javascript-mode'."
+ :tag "JavaScript"
+ :group 'languages)
+(defcustom javascript-indent-level 4
+ "Number of spaces for each indentation step."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'javascript)
+(defcustom javascript-auto-indent-flag t
+ "Automatic indentation with punctuation characters. If non-nil, the
+current line is indented when certain punctuations are inserted."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'javascript)
+;; --- Keymap ---
+(defvar javascript-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap used in JavaScript mode.")
+(unless javascript-mode-map
+ (setq javascript-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+(when javascript-auto-indent-flag
+ (mapc (lambda (key)
+ (define-key javascript-mode-map key 'javascript-insert-and-indent))
+ '("{" "}" "(" ")" ":" ";" ",")))
+(defun javascript-insert-and-indent (key)
+ "Run command bound to key and indent current line. Runs the command
+bound to KEY in the global keymap and indents the current line."
+ (interactive (list (this-command-keys)))
+ (call-interactively (lookup-key (current-global-map) key))
+ (indent-according-to-mode))
+;; --- Syntax Table And Parsing ---
+(defvar javascript-mode-syntax-table
+ (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
+ (c-populate-syntax-table table)
+ ;; switch off build-in quoted string detection
+ ;; since that just makes it really hard to detect
+ ;; regular expressions and comments
+ ;;
+ ;; this also has the benefit that multiline strings
+ ;; are now not recognized as strings (since javascript does
+ ;; not allow them)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?' "." table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." table)
+ ;; The syntax class of underscore should really be `symbol' ("_")
+ ;; but that makes matching of tokens much more complex as e.g.
+ ;; "\\<xyz\\>" matches part of e.g. "_xyz" and "xyz_abc". Defines
+ ;; it as word constituent for now.
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" table)
+ table)
+ "Syntax table used in JavaScript mode.")
+(defun js-re-search-forward-inner (regexp &optional bound count)
+ "Auxiliary function for `js-re-search-forward'."
+ (let ((parse)
+ (saved-point (point-min)))
+ (while (> count 0)
+ (re-search-forward regexp bound)
+ (setq parse (parse-partial-sexp saved-point (point)))
+ (cond ((nth 3 parse)
+ (re-search-forward
+ (concat "\\([^\\]\\|^\\)" (string (nth 3 parse)))
+ (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t))
+ ((nth 7 parse)
+ (forward-line))
+ ((or (nth 4 parse)
+ (and (eq (char-before) ?\/) (eq (char-after) ?\*)))
+ (re-search-forward "\\*/"))
+ (t
+ (setq count (1- count))))
+ (setq saved-point (point))))
+ (point))
+(defun js-re-search-forward (regexp &optional bound noerror count)
+ "Search forward but ignore strings and comments. Invokes
+`re-search-forward' but treats the buffer as if strings and
+comments have been removed."
+ (let ((saved-point (point))
+ (search-expr
+ (cond ((null count)
+ '(js-re-search-forward-inner regexp bound 1))
+ ((< count 0)
+ '(js-re-search-backward-inner regexp bound (- count)))
+ ((> count 0)
+ '(js-re-search-forward-inner regexp bound count)))))
+ (condition-case err
+ (eval search-expr)
+ (search-failed
+ (goto-char saved-point)
+ (unless noerror
+ (error (error-message-string err)))))))
+(defun js-re-search-backward-inner (regexp &optional bound count)
+ "Auxiliary function for `js-re-search-backward'."
+ (let ((parse)
+ (saved-point (point-min)))
+ (while (> count 0)
+ (re-search-backward regexp bound)
+ (when (and (> (point) (point-min))
+ (save-excursion (backward-char) (looking-at "/[/*]")))
+ (forward-char))
+ (setq parse (parse-partial-sexp saved-point (point)))
+ (cond ((nth 3 parse)
+ (re-search-backward
+ (concat "\\([^\\]\\|^\\)" (string (nth 3 parse)))
+ (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)) t))
+ ((nth 7 parse)
+ (goto-char (nth 8 parse)))
+ ((or (nth 4 parse)
+ (and (eq (char-before) ?/) (eq (char-after) ?*)))
+ (re-search-backward "/\\*"))
+ (t
+ (setq count (1- count))))))
+ (point))
+(defun js-re-search-backward (regexp &optional bound noerror count)
+ "Search backward but ignore strings and comments. Invokes
+`re-search-backward' but treats the buffer as if strings and
+comments have been removed."
+ (let ((saved-point (point))
+ (search-expr
+ (cond ((null count)
+ '(js-re-search-backward-inner regexp bound 1))
+ ((< count 0)
+ '(js-re-search-forward-inner regexp bound (- count)))
+ ((> count 0)
+ '(js-re-search-backward-inner regexp bound count)))))
+ (condition-case err
+ (eval search-expr)
+ (search-failed
+ (goto-char saved-point)
+ (unless noerror
+ (error (error-message-string err)))))))
+(defun js-continued-var-decl-list-p ()
+ "Return non-nil if point is inside a continued variable declaration
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((start (save-excursion (js-re-search-backward "\\<var\\>" nil t))))
+ (and start
+ (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\n" start t))
+ (not (save-excursion
+ (js-re-search-backward
+ ";\\|[^, \t][ \t]*\\(/[/*]\\|$\\)" start t))))))
+;; --- Font Lock ---
+(defun js-inside-param-list-p ()
+ "Return non-nil if point is inside a function parameter list."
+ (condition-case err
+ (save-excursion
+ (up-list -1)
+ (and (looking-at "(")
+ (progn (backward-word 1)
+ (or (looking-at "function")
+ (progn (backward-word 1) (looking-at "function"))))))
+ (error nil)))
+(defconst js-function-heading-1-re
+ "^[ \t]*function[ \t]+\\(\\w+\\)"
+ "Regular expression matching the start of a function header.")
+(defconst js-function-heading-2-re
+ "^[ \t]*\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]*:[ \t]*function\\>"
+ "Regular expression matching the start of a function entry in
+ an associative array.")
+(defconst js-keyword-re
+ (regexp-opt '("abstract" "break" "case" "catch" "class" "const"
+ "continue" "debugger" "default" "delete" "do" "else"
+ "enum" "export" "extends" "final" "finally" "for"
+ "function" "goto" "if" "implements" "import" "in"
+ "instanceof" "interface" "native" "new" "package"
+ "private" "protected" "public" "return" "static"
+ "super" "switch" "synchronized" "this" "throw"
+ "throws" "transient" "try" "typeof" "var" "void"
+ "volatile" "while" "with") 'words)
+ "Regular expression matching any JavaScript keyword.")
+(defconst js-basic-type-re
+ (regexp-opt '("boolean" "byte" "char" "double" "float" "int" "long"
+ "short" "void") 'words)
+ "Regular expression matching any predefined type in JavaScript.")
+(defconst js-constant-re
+ (regexp-opt '("false" "null" "true") 'words)
+ "Regular expression matching any future reserved words in JavaScript.")
+(defconst js-quoted-string-re "\\(\".*?[^\\]\"\\|'.*?[^\\]'\\)")
+(defconst js-quoted-string-or-regex-re "\\(/.*?[^\\]/\\w*\\|\".*?[^\\]\"\\|'.*?[^\\]'\\)")
+(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-1
+ (list
+ "\\<import\\>"
+ (list js-function-heading-1-re 1 font-lock-function-name-face)
+ (list js-function-heading-2-re 1 font-lock-function-name-face)
+ ;; detect literal strings following a + operator
+ (list (concat "+[ \t]*" js-quoted-string-re) 1 font-lock-string-face)
+ ;; detect literal strings used in "literal object" keys
+ (list (concat "[,{][ \t]*" js-quoted-string-re "[ \t]*:" ) 1 font-lock-string-face)
+ ;; detects strings and regexes when assigned, passed, returned
+ ;; used as an object key string (i.e. bla["some string"]), when used
+ ;; as a literal object value (i.e. key: "string"), used as an array
+ ;; element, or when they appear as the first expression on a line
+ ;; and a few other hairy cases
+ (list (concat "[=(:,;[][ \t]*" js-quoted-string-or-regex-re) 1 font-lock-string-face)
+ (list (concat "^[ \t]*" js-quoted-string-or-regex-re) 1 font-lock-string-face)
+ (list (concat "return[ \t]*" js-quoted-string-or-regex-re) 1 font-lock-string-face)
+ ;; detect "autoquoted" object properties... clases with "switch { ... default: }"
+ ;; may not be worth the trouble
+ (list "\\(^[ \t]*\\|[,{][ \t]*\\)\\(\\w+\\):" 2 font-lock-string-face))
+ "Level one font lock.")
+(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-2
+ (append js-font-lock-keywords-1
+ (list (list js-keyword-re 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (cons js-basic-type-re font-lock-type-face)
+ (cons js-constant-re font-lock-constant-face)))
+ "Level two font lock.")
+;; Limitations with variable declarations: There seems to be no
+;; sensible way to highlight variables occuring after an initialized
+;; variable in a variable list. For instance, in
+;; var x, y = f(a, b), z
+;; z will not be highlighted.
+(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-3
+ (append
+ js-font-lock-keywords-2
+ (list
+ ;; variable declarations
+ (list
+ (concat "\\<\\(const\\|var\\)\\>\\|" js-basic-type-re)
+ (list "\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]*\\([=;].*\\|,\\|/[/*]\\|$\\)"
+ nil
+ nil
+ '(1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+ ;; continued variable declaration list
+ (list
+ (concat "^[ \t]*\\w+[ \t]*\\([,;=]\\|/[/*]\\|$\\)")
+ (list "\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]*\\([=;].*\\|,\\|/[/*]\\|$\\)"
+ '(if (save-excursion (backward-char) (js-continued-var-decl-list-p))
+ (backward-word 1)
+ (end-of-line))
+ '(end-of-line)
+ '(1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+ ;; formal parameters
+ (list
+ (concat "\\<function\\>\\([ \t]+\\w+\\)?[ \t]*([ \t]*\\w")
+ (list "\\(\\w+\\)\\([ \t]*).*\\)?"
+ '(backward-char)
+ '(end-of-line)
+ '(1 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+ ;; continued formal parameter list
+ (list
+ (concat "^[ \t]*\\w+[ \t]*[,)]")
+ (list "\\w+"
+ '(if (save-excursion (backward-char) (js-inside-param-list-p))
+ (backward-word 1)
+ (end-of-line))
+ '(end-of-line)
+ '(0 font-lock-variable-name-face)))))
+ "Level three font lock.")
+(defconst js-font-lock-keywords
+ '(js-font-lock-keywords-3 js-font-lock-keywords-1 js-font-lock-keywords-2
+ js-font-lock-keywords-3)
+ "See `font-lock-keywords'.")
+;; --- Indentation ---
+(defconst js-possibly-braceless-keyword-re
+ (regexp-opt
+ '("catch" "do" "else" "finally" "for" "if" "try" "while" "with")
+ 'words)
+ "Regular expression matching keywords that are optionally
+ followed by an opening brace.")
+(defconst js-indent-operator-re
+ (concat "[-+*/%<>=&^|?:]\\([^-+*/]\\|$\\)\\|"
+ (regexp-opt '("in" "instanceof") 'words))
+ "Regular expression matching operators that affect indentation
+ of continued expressions.")
+(defun js-looking-at-operator-p ()
+ "Return non-nil if text after point is an operator (that is not
+a comma)."
+ (save-match-data
+ (and (looking-at js-indent-operator-re)
+ (or (not (looking-at ":"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (js-re-search-backward "[?:{]\\|\\<case\\>" nil t)
+ (looking-at "?")))))))
+(defun js-continued-expression-p ()
+ "Returns non-nil if the current line continues an expression."
+ (save-excursion
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (or (js-looking-at-operator-p)
+ (and (js-re-search-backward "\n" nil t)
+ (progn
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (backward-char)
+ (and (> (point) (point-min))
+ (save-excursion (backward-char) (not (looking-at "[/*]/")))
+ (js-looking-at-operator-p)
+ (and (progn (backward-char)
+ (not (looking-at "++\\|--\\|/[/*]"))))))))))
+(defun js-end-of-do-while-loop-p ()
+ "Returns non-nil if word after point is `while' of a do-while
+statement, else returns nil. A braceless do-while statement
+spanning several lines requires that the start of the loop is
+indented to the same column as the current line."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (when (looking-at "\\s-*\\<while\\>")
+ (if (save-excursion
+ (skip-chars-backward "[ \t\n]*}")
+ (looking-at "[ \t\n]*}"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (backward-list) (backward-word 1) (looking-at "\\<do\\>"))
+ (js-re-search-backward "\\<do\\>" (point-at-bol) t)
+ (or (looking-at "\\<do\\>")
+ (let ((saved-indent (current-indentation)))
+ (while (and (js-re-search-backward "^[ \t]*\\<" nil t)
+ (/= (current-indentation) saved-indent)))
+ (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\<do\\>")
+ (not (js-re-search-forward
+ "\\<while\\>" (point-at-eol) t))
+ (= (current-indentation) saved-indent)))))))))
+(defun js-ctrl-statement-indentation ()
+ "Returns the proper indentation of the current line if it
+starts the body of a control statement without braces, else
+returns nil."
+ (save-excursion
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (when (save-excursion
+ (and (not (looking-at "[{]"))
+ (progn
+ (js-re-search-backward "[[:graph:]]" nil t)
+ (forward-char)
+ (when (= (char-before) ?\)) (backward-list))
+ (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+ (skip-syntax-backward "w")
+ (looking-at js-possibly-braceless-keyword-re))
+ (not (js-end-of-do-while-loop-p))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ (+ (current-indentation) javascript-indent-level)))))
+(defun js-proper-indentation (parse-status)
+ "Return the proper indentation for the current line."
+ (save-excursion
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (let ((ctrl-stmt-indent (js-ctrl-statement-indentation))
+ (same-indent-p (looking-at "[]})]\\|\\<case\\>\\|\\<default\\>"))
+ (continued-expr-p (js-continued-expression-p)))
+ (cond (ctrl-stmt-indent)
+ ((js-continued-var-decl-list-p)
+ (js-re-search-backward "\\<var\\>" nil t)
+ (+ (current-indentation) javascript-indent-level))
+ ((nth 1 parse-status)
+ (goto-char (nth 1 parse-status))
+ (if (looking-at "[({[][ \t]*\\(/[/*]\\|$\\)")
+ (progn
+ (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+ (when (= (char-before) ?\)) (backward-list))
+ (back-to-indentation)
+ (cond (same-indent-p
+ (current-column))
+ (continued-expr-p
+ (+ (current-column) (* 2 javascript-indent-level)))
+ (t
+ (+ (current-column) javascript-indent-level))))
+ (unless same-indent-p
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
+ (current-column)))
+ (continued-expr-p javascript-indent-level)
+ (t 0)))))
+(defun javascript-indent-line ()
+ "Indent the current line as JavaScript source text."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((parse-status
+ (save-excursion (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point-at-bol))))
+ (offset (- (current-column) (current-indentation))))
+ (when (not (nth 8 parse-status))
+ (indent-line-to (js-proper-indentation parse-status))
+ (when (> offset 0) (forward-char offset)))))
+;; --- Filling ---
+;; FIXME: It should be possible to use the more sofisticated function
+;; `c-fill-paragraph' in `cc-cmds.el' instead. However, just setting
+;; `fill-paragraph-function' to `c-fill-paragraph' does not work;
+;; inside `c-fill-paragraph', `fill-paragraph-function' evaluates to
+;; nil!?
+(defun js-backward-paragraph ()
+ "Move backward to start of paragraph. Postcondition: Point is at
+beginning of buffer or the previous line contains only whitespace."
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (while (not (or (bobp) (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")))
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (when (not (bobp)) (forward-line 1)))
+(defun js-forward-paragraph ()
+ "Move forward to end of paragraph. Postcondition: Point is at
+end of buffer or the next line contains only whitespace."
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (while (not (or (eobp) (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (when (not (eobp)) (backward-char 1)))
+(defun js-fill-block-comment-paragraph (parse-status justify)
+ "Fill current paragraph as a block comment. PARSE-STATUS is the
+result of `parse-partial-regexp' from beginning of buffer to
+point. JUSTIFY has the same meaning as in `fill-paragraph'."
+ (let ((offset (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) (current-indentation))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) (point-at-bol))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status))
+ (re-search-forward "*/")))
+ (narrow-to-region (save-excursion
+ (js-backward-paragraph)
+ (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (forward-line 1))
+ (point))
+ (save-excursion
+ (js-forward-paragraph)
+ (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (backward-char))
+ (point)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (delete-horizontal-space)
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (let ((fill-column (- fill-column offset))
+ (fill-paragraph-function nil))
+ (fill-paragraph justify))
+ ;; In Emacs 21.4 as opposed to CVS Emacs 22,
+ ;; `fill-paragraph' seems toadd a newline at the end of the
+ ;; paragraph. Remove it!
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (when (looking-at "^$") (backward-delete-char 1))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (indent-to offset)
+ (forward-line 1))))))
+(defun js-sline-comment-par-start ()
+ "Return point at the beginning of the line where the current
+single-line comment paragraph starts."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (while (and (not (bobp))
+ (looking-at "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*[[:graph:]]"))
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (unless (bobp) (forward-line 1))
+ (point)))
+(defun js-sline-comment-par-end ()
+ "Return point at end of current single-line comment paragraph."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (while (and (not (eobp))
+ (looking-at "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*[[:graph:]]"))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (unless (bobp) (backward-char))
+ (point)))
+(defun js-sline-comment-offset (line)
+ "Return the column at the start of the current single-line
+comment paragraph."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-line line)
+ (re-search-forward "//" (point-at-eol))
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ (current-column)))
+(defun js-sline-comment-text-offset (line)
+ "Return the column at the start of the text of the current
+single-line comment paragraph."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-line line)
+ (re-search-forward "//[ \t]*" (point-at-eol))
+ (current-column)))
+(defun js-at-empty-sline-comment-p ()
+ "Return non-nil if inside an empty single-line comment."
+ (and (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (not (looking-at "^.*//.*[[:graph:]]")))
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "//" (point-at-bol) t))))
+(defun js-fill-sline-comments (parse-status justify)
+ "Fill current paragraph as a sequence of single-line comments.
+PARSE-STATUS is the result of `parse-partial-regexp' from
+beginning of buffer to point. JUSTIFY has the same meaning as in
+ (when (not (js-at-empty-sline-comment-p))
+ (let* ((start (js-sline-comment-par-start))
+ (start-line (1+ (count-lines (point-min) start)))
+ (end (js-sline-comment-par-end))
+ (offset (js-sline-comment-offset start-line))
+ (text-offset (js-sline-comment-text-offset start-line)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region start end)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*" nil t)
+ (replace-match "")
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (let ((fill-paragraph-function nil)
+ (fill-column (- fill-column text-offset)))
+ (fill-paragraph justify))
+ ;; In Emacs 21.4 as opposed to CVS Emacs 22,
+ ;; `fill-paragraph' seems toadd a newline at the end of the
+ ;; paragraph. Remove it!
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (when (looking-at "^$") (backward-delete-char 1))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (indent-to offset)
+ (insert "//")
+ (indent-to text-offset)
+ (forward-line 1)))))))
+(defun js-trailing-comment-p (parse-status)
+ "Return non-nil if inside a trailing comment. PARSE-STATUS is
+the result of `parse-partial-regexp' from beginning of buffer to
+ (save-excursion
+ (when (nth 4 parse-status)
+ (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (not (bolp)))))
+(defun js-block-comment-p (parse-status)
+ "Return non-nil if inside a block comment. PARSE-STATUS is the
+result of `parse-partial-regexp' from beginning of buffer to
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (when (nth 4 parse-status)
+ (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status))
+ (looking-at "/\\*")))))
+(defun javascript-fill-paragraph (&optional justify)
+ "If inside a comment, fill the current comment paragraph.
+Trailing comments are ignored."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((parse-status (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point))))
+ (when (and (nth 4 parse-status)
+ (not (js-trailing-comment-p parse-status)))
+ (if (js-block-comment-p parse-status)
+ (js-fill-block-comment-paragraph parse-status justify)
+ (js-fill-sline-comments parse-status justify))))
+ t)
+;; --- Imenu ---
+(defconst js-imenu-generic-expression
+ (list
+ (list
+ nil
+ "function\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*("
+ 1))
+ "Regular expression matching top level procedures. Used by imenu.")
+;; --- Main Function ---
+(defun javascript-mode ()
+ "Major mode for editing JavaScript source text.
+Key bindings:
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map javascript-mode-map)
+ (set-syntax-table javascript-mode-syntax-table)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'javascript-indent-line)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) (list js-font-lock-keywords))
+ (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t)
+ ;; Comments
+ (setq comment-start "// ")
+ (setq comment-end "")
+ (set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function)
+ 'javascript-fill-paragraph)
+ ;; Imenu
+ (setq imenu-case-fold-search nil)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
+ js-imenu-generic-expression)
+ (setq major-mode 'javascript-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "JavaScript")
+ (run-hooks 'javascript-mode-hook))
+(provide 'javascript-mode)
+;;; javascript.el ends here
Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/js-mode.el
--- branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/js-mode.el 2007-11-26 12:43:25 UTC (rev 2290)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/js-mode.el 2007-11-27 11:01:50 UTC (rev 2291)
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+;;; js-mode.el --- minor mode for interacting with Mozilla
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Helmut Eller
+;; You can redistribute this file under the terms of the GNU General
+;; Public License.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file implements some commands for interacting with Mozilla
+;; from Emacs. Emacs uses a TCP connection to communicate with
+;; Mozilla. The available commands are:
+;; C-c : Sends a piece of Javascript code to Mozilla for evaluation
+;; and prints the result.
+;; C-M-x Evaluates the current function defintion in Mozilla.
+;; C-c C-e Evaluates the current line.
+;; C-c C-r Evaluates the current region
+;; C-c C-l Loads a javascript file.
+;; M-. Finds the source location of function definitions.
+;; M-, Returns to the origin of the last M-. command.
+;; C-c C-d Can be used to inspect the Javascript objects.
+;; This file also implements a simple debugger. The debugger is
+;; invoked when an error occurs. The debugger can show the backtrace,
+;; the values of local variables in frames and the source location
+;; corresponding to frames. It is also possible to invoke the
+;; debugger exlicitly by inserting the "debugger" keyword in javacript
+;; code. Furthermore, the debugger can be invoked on throw
+;; statements. Use C-c C-b t to enable debugging on throw.
+;; Installation:
+;; - First you have to load the server in Mozilla. You can add the
+;; file emacsslave.js to your rc file or make the neccessary
+;; modifications to conkeror itself. The server can be started with
+;; M-x start-server in Conkeror.
+;; - Put this file into your Emacs load path add something like this
+;; to your .emacs:
+;; (add-hook 'javascript-mode-hook 'js-mode)
+;; (autoload 'js-mode "js-mode" nil t)
+;; - Then open a javascript file and make sure js-mode is enabled. To
+;; connect to Mozilla type M-x js-connect.
+;; - Then you can try the commands from above.
+;; The code should work in Emacs 20.7 and Emacs 21. XEmacs
+;; compatibility is a bit problematic at the moment.
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl)
+ (unless (fboundp 'define-minor-mode)
+ (require 'easy-mmode)
+ (defalias 'define-minor-mode 'easy-mmode-define-minor-mode)))
+(require 'pp)
+(require 'cc-mode)
+(defvar js-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+(define-minor-mode js-mode
+ "Minor mode for interacting with Mozilla.
+Use \\[js-connect] to establish a connection with Mozilla.
+Some other commands are:
+ nil nil ())
+(add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist
+ '(js-mode (js-mozilla-connection " [js]" " js")))
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "M-C-x") 'js-eval-defun)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c :") 'js-interactive-eval)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'js-eval-current-line)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'js-eval-region)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-l") 'js-load-file)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'js-find-definitions)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "M-,") 'js-pop-find-definition-stack)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'js-inspect)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-b t") 'js-toggle-break-on-throw)
+(define-key js-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-b C-t") 'js-toggle-break-on-throw)
+;;; Generally useful stuff
+(defun js-symbol-at-point ()
+ "Return the symbol at point as string, or nil."
+ (save-restriction
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((string (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
+ (and string (not (equal string ""))
+ (substring-no-properties string))))))
+(defun js-read-symbol (prompt &optional query)
+ "Either read a symbol name or choose the one at point.
+The user is prompted if a prefix argument is in effect, if there is no
+symbol at point, or if QUERY is non-nil."
+ (cond ((or current-prefix-arg query (not (js-symbol-at-point)))
+ (read-from-minibuffer prompt (js-symbol-at-point)))
+ (t (js-symbol-at-point))))
+ (defvar js-old-window-config nil
+ "The window configuration before when before temp-buffer was displayed.
+Buffer local in temp-buffers."))
+;;; Networking
+(defvar js-mozilla-connection nil)
+(defun js-connect (port)
+ "Connect to Mozilla on PORT."
+ (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "Port: " "4007" nil t)))
+ (let ((socket (js-net-connect port)))
+ (setq js-mozilla-connection socket)
+ (js-eval `(mozilla_info) (lambda (info)
+ (message "Connected to: %s" (car info))))))
+(defun js-disconnect ()
+ "Close the connection to Mozilla."
+ (interactive)
+ (delete-process js-mozilla-connection)
+ (setq js-mozilla-connection nil))
+(defun js-connection ()
+ (when (not js-mozilla-connection)
+ (error "Not connected"))
+ js-mozilla-connection)
+(defun js-make-net-buffer (name)
+ "Make a buffer suitable for a network process."
+ (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer name)))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (when (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
+ (set-buffer-multibyte nil))
+ (buffer-disable-undo))
+ buffer))
+(defun js-net-connect (port)
+ (let* ((socket (open-network-stream "Mozilla" nil "localhost" port))
+ (buffer (js-make-net-buffer "*mozilla*")))
+ (set-process-buffer socket buffer)
+ (set-process-filter socket 'js-net-filter)
+ (set-process-sentinel socket 'js-net-sentinel)
+ (when (fboundp 'set-process-coding-system)
+ (set-process-coding-system socket 'no-conversion 'no-conversion))
+ socket))
+(defun js-net-send (string connection)
+ (let ((string (concat (js-net-encode-length (length string)) string)))
+ (process-send-string connection (string-make-unibyte string))))
+(defun js-net-encode-length (n)
+ (format "%06x" n))
+(defun js-net-filter (process string)
+ "Accept output from the socket and input all complete messages."
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert string))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (js-process-available-input)))
+(defun js-process-available-input ()
+ "Process all complete messages that have arrived from Mozilla."
+ (unwind-protect
+ (when (js-connection)
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer (js-connection))
+ (while (js-net-have-input-p)
+ (let ((event (condition-case error (js-net-read)
+ (error (js-net-panic error)))))
+ (save-current-buffer
+ (js-dispatch-event event))))))
+ (when (js-connection)
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer (js-connection))
+ (when (js-net-have-input-p)
+ (run-at-time 0 nil 'js-process-available-input))))))
+(defun js-net-panic (error)
+ (message "net-read error: %S" error)
+ (let ((string (buffer-string)))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (js-disconnect)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (ding)
+ (sleep-for 2)
+ (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*saved-connecton-buffer*")
+ (insert string)
+ (error "PANIC!" error))))
+(defun js-net-have-input-p ()
+ "Return true if a complete message is available."
+ (and (>= (buffer-size) 6)
+ (>= (- (buffer-size) 6) (js-net-read-length))))
+(defun js-net-read-length ()
+ (string-to-number (buffer-substring (point) (+ (point) 6)) 16))
+(defun js-net-read ()
+ (let* ((length (js-net-read-length))
+ (start (+ 6 (point)))
+ (end (+ start length)))
+ (let ((string (buffer-substring start end)))
+ (prog1 (read string)
+ (delete-region (point-min) end)))))
+(defun js-net-sentinel (process message)
+ (message "Mozilla connection closed unexpectedly: %s" message)
+ (when (eq process js-mozilla-connection)
+ (setq js-mozilla-connection nil))
+ (kill-buffer (process-buffer process)))
+(defun js-send (term)
+ (js-log-event (list 'send term))
+ (js-net-send (js-term-to-string term) (js-connection)))
+(defun js-term-to-string (term)
+ (etypecase term
+ (symbol (concat "'" (symbol-name term) "'"))
+ (string (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((print-escape-nonascii t)
+ (print-escape-newlines t))
+ (prin1 term (current-buffer))
+ (buffer-string))))
+ (number (number-to-string term))
+ (cons (concat "[" (mapconcat 'js-term-to-string term ", ") "]"))))
+;;; Event logging
+(defvar js-log-events t
+ "*Log protocol events to the *js-events* buffer.")
+(defvar js-log-buffer-name "*js-events*"
+ "The name of the js event buffer.")
+(defun js-log-event (event)
+ "Record the fact that EVENT occurred."
+ (when js-log-events
+ (with-current-buffer (js-events-buffer)
+ ;; trim?
+ (when (> (buffer-size) 100000)
+ (goto-char (/ (buffer-size) 2))
+ (re-search-forward "^(" nil t)
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (save-excursion
+ (js-pprint-event event (current-buffer)))
+ (goto-char (point-max)))))
+(defun js-pprint-event (event buffer)
+ "Pretty print EVENT in BUFFER with limited depth and width."
+ (let ((print-length 20)
+ (print-level 6)
+ (pp-escape-newlines t))
+ (pp event buffer)))
+(defun js-events-buffer ()
+ (get-buffer-create js-log-buffer-name))
+;;; RPCing
+(defvar js-continuations ()
+ "An alist of (ID . FUNCTION) functions waiting for results.")
+(defvar js-continuation-counter 0
+ "Counter to generate serial number for continuations.")
+(defun js-dispatch-event (event)
+ (js-log-event event)
+ (apply (car event) (cdr event)))
+(defun js-eval (term cont)
+ "Evaluate term in Mozilla and call the function CONT with the result."
+ (let ((id (incf js-continuation-counter))
+ (cont (lexical-let ((cont cont) (buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (lambda (status value)
+ (with-current-buffer (js-buffer-for-eval buffer)
+ (ecase status
+ (ok (funcall cont value))
+ (error (message "Evaluation aborted: %s" value))))))))
+ (push (cons id cont) js-continuations)
+ (js-send `(eval_for_emacs ,term ,id))))
+(defun js-buffer-for-eval (saved-buffer)
+ (let ((alive (buffer-name saved-buffer)))
+ (cond (alive saved-buffer)
+ (t (generate-new-buffer (format "*killed %s*" saved-buffer))))))
+(defun js-return (id status value)
+ (let ((rec (assq id js-continuations)))
+ (cond (rec (setq js-continuations (delete rec js-continuations))
+ (funcall (cdr rec) status value))
+ (t
+ (error "Unexpected reply: %S %S" id value)))))
+(defvar js-wait-tags ())
+(defun js-eval-wait (term)
+ "Evaluate TERM in Mozilla and wait until the result is available."
+ (let* ((id (incf js-continuation-counter))
+ (tag (gensym))
+ (unwind (lexical-let ((tag tag))
+ (lambda (status value)
+ (unless (memq tag js-wait-tags)
+ (error "Wait-tag not active: %S." tag))
+ (throw tag (list status value))))))
+ (push (cons id unwind) js-continuations)
+ (js-send `(eval_for_emacs ,term ,id))
+ (destructuring-bind (status value) (js-wait tag)
+ (ecase status
+ (ok value)
+ (error (error "Syncronous evaluation aborted: %s" value))))))
+(defun js-wait (wait-tag)
+ (let ((js-wait-tags (cons wait-tag js-wait-tags))
+ (debug-on-quit t)
+ (inhibit-quit nil))
+ (catch wait-tag
+ (while t (accept-process-output nil 0 10000)))))
+(defun js-show-result (result)
+ (message "%S" result))
+;;; Evaluation Commands
+(defun js-beginning-of-defun ()
+ "Move to the beginning of the current function.
+Point is placed before foo in the folling example:
+foo = function (bar)
+ ...
+ (interactive)
+ (c-beginning-of-defun 1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (when (looking-at "[ \t]*{")
+ (forward-line -1)))
+(defconst js-identifier
+ "[a-zA-Z_\\$][a-zA-Z0-9_\\$]*"
+ "Expression for matching Javascript identifiers.")
+(defun js-hack-defun (string)
+ "If STRING looks like function <name> { convert it to <name> = function {"
+ (cond ((string-match (concat "^function\\s +\\(" js-identifier "\\)\\s *(")
+ string)
+ (format "%s = function %s" (match-string 1 string)
+ (substring string (position ?\( string))))
+ (t string)))
+(defun js-eval-defun ()
+ "Evaluate the current function."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (c-end-of-defun)
+ (let ((end (point)))
+ (js-beginning-of-defun)
+ (let ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) end)))
+ (js-eval `(interactive_eval ,(js-hack-defun string))
+ (lambda (result) (message "%s" result)))))))
+(defun js-interactive-eval (string &optional insertp)
+ (interactive "Mjavascript eval: \nP")
+ (cond (insertp
+ (beginning-of-line 2)
+ (js-eval `(interactive_eval ,string) #'insert))
+ (t
+ (js-eval `(interactive_eval ,string)
+ (lambda (result) (message "%s" result))))))
+(defun js-eval-region (start end &optional insertp)
+ "Eval region in Mozilla.
+Insert the result in the current buffer when called with a prefix argument."
+ (interactive "r\nP")
+ (js-interactive-eval (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) insertp))
+(defun js-eval-current-line (&optional insertp)
+ "Eval the current line. See `js-eval-region'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (js-eval-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) insertp))
+(defun js-load-file (filename)
+ "Load the javascript file FILENAME in Mozilla."
+ (interactive (list (read-file-name "Load file: " nil nil
+ nil (file-name-nondirectory
+ (buffer-file-name)))))
+ (let ((url (concat "file:" (expand-file-name filename))))
+ (js-eval `(load_file_for_emacs ,url)
+ (lambda (message)
+ (message "Loaded: %s" message)))))
+;;;; Find definitions
+(defvar js-find-definition-history-ring (make-ring 20)
+ "History ring recording the definition-finding \"stack\".")
+(defun js-push-definition-stack ()
+ "Add MARKER to the edit-definition history stack.
+If MARKER is nil, use the point."
+ (ring-insert-at-beginning js-find-definition-history-ring (point-marker)))
+(defun js-pop-find-definition-stack ()
+ "Pop the edit-definition stack and goto the location."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (ring-empty-p js-find-definition-history-ring)
+ (let* ((marker (ring-remove js-find-definition-history-ring))
+ (buffer (marker-buffer marker)))
+ (if (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (progn (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+ (goto-char (marker-position marker)))
+ ;; If this buffer was deleted, recurse to try the next one
+ (js-pop-find-definition-stack)))))
+(defun js-find-definitions (name)
+ "Lookup the definition of the symbol at point."
+ (interactive (list (js-read-symbol "Name: ")))
+ (js-eval `(find_definitions ,name)
+ (lexical-let ((name name))
+ (lambda (defs) (js-show-definitions name defs)))))
+(defun js-show-definitions (name defs)
+ (unless (not defs)
+ (js-push-definition-stack))
+ (cond ((null defs) (message "No definitions for: %s" name) (ding))
+ ((null (cdr defs)) (js-goto-definition (car defs)))
+ (t (js-display-multiple-definitions defs))))
+(defun js-goto-definition (definition &optional other-window)
+ (destructuring-bind (filename line) definition
+ (let ((buffer (js-find-source-buffer filename)))
+ (cond (other-window (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer))
+ (t (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+ (goto-line line))))
+(defun js-find-source-buffer (filename)
+ (cond ((string-match "^file:" filename)
+ (find-file-noselect (substring filename (length "file:"))))
+ ((string-match "^\\(http\\|chrome\\):" filename)
+ (or (get-buffer filename)
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create filename)
+ (insert (js-eval-wait `(load_source ,filename)))
+ (not-modified)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (setq buffer-file-name filename)
+ (normal-mode)
+ (js-mode 1)
+ (current-buffer))))
+ (t (error "cannot resolve url: %s" filename))))
+(defun js-display-multiple-definitions (defs)
+ "Display a buffer to browse the list of definitions DEFS."
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*definitions*")
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (setq js-old-window-config (current-window-configuration))
+ (let ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key keymap (kbd "RET") 'js-show-definition-other-window)
+ (define-key keymap (kbd "SPC") 'js-pop-to-definition)
+ (define-key keymap [?q] 'js-quit)
+ (use-local-map keymap)
+ (dolist (def defs)
+ (destructuring-bind (file line) def
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (insert (format "%s:%d\n" file line))
+ (add-text-properties start (1- (point)) `(definition ,def)))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (let ((w (select-window (display-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+ (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer w)))))
+(defun js-quit ()
+ "Kill the current buffer and restore the old window configuration."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-window-configuration js-old-window-config)
+ (kill-buffer buffer)))
+(defun js-property-at-point (prop)
+ (or (get-text-property (point) prop)
+ (error "No %s at point" prop)))
+(defun js-pop-to-definition (definition)
+ "Jump to the definition at point and close the current window."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'definition)))
+ (delete-window)
+ (js-goto-definition definition))
+(defun js-show-definition-other-window (definition)
+ "Display the defintion at point in window."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'definition)))
+ (save-selected-window
+ (js-goto-definition definition t)
+ (let ((overlay (make-overlay (line-beginning-position)
+ (line-end-position))))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'face 'secondary-selection)
+ (run-with-timer 0.3 nil 'delete-overlay overlay))))
+;;; Debugger
+(defvar js-debugger-level 0)
+(define-derived-mode js-debugger-mode fundamental-mode "jsdbg"
+ "Mode to inspect backtraces.
+See also `js-toggle-break-on-throw'.
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'truncate-lines) t)
+ (set-syntax-table c++-mode-syntax-table))
+(let ((m js-debugger-mode-map))
+ (define-key m "v" 'js-debugger-show-source)
+ (define-key m "q" 'js-debugger-quit)
+ (define-key m "t" 'js-debugger-toggle-locals)
+ (define-key m "i" 'js-debugger-inspect-variable))
+(defun js-debugger-buffer ()
+ (get-buffer-create "*js-debugger*"))
+(defun js-debugger-activate (level)
+ (with-current-buffer (js-debugger-buffer)
+ (unless (equal js-debugger-level level)
+ (with-lexical-bindings (level)
+ (js-eval `(debugger_info_for_emacs 0 1)
+ (lambda (info)
+ (apply #'js-debugger-setup level info)))))))
+(defun js-debugger-setup (level message backtrace)
+ (with-current-buffer (js-debugger-buffer)
+ (unless (equal js-debugger-level level)
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (js-debugger-mode)
+ (js-mode 1)
+ (unless js-old-window-config
+ (setq js-old-window-config (current-window-configuration)))
+ (setq mode-name (format "js-debugger[%d]" js-debugger-level))
+ (insert message "\n")
+ (insert "\nBacktrace: \n")
+ (save-excursion (js-insert-backtrace backtrace))
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (when (and js-wait-tags
+ (y-or-n-p "Enter recursive edit? "))
+ (message "Entering recursive edit..")
+ (recursive-edit)))))
+(defun js-insert-backtrace (backtrace)
+ (mapc #'js-insert-frame backtrace))
+(defun js-insert-frame (frame)
+ (destructuring-bind (number text) frame
+ (let ((start (point-marker)))
+ (set-marker-insertion-type start nil)
+ (insert text)
+ (let ((end (point-marker)))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (set-marker-insertion-type end t)
+ (add-text-properties start end
+ (list 'frame number
+ 'text text
+ 'start start 'end end))))))
+(defun js-debugger-show-source (frame)
+ "Show the source buffer for the frame at point."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'frame)))
+ (js-eval `(frame_source_location ,frame)
+ (lambda (location)
+ (destructuring-bind (file baseline line) location
+ (js-show-definition-other-window (list file line))))))
+(defun js-debugger-quit ()
+ "Exit from the debugger and continue execution."
+ (interactive)
+ (js-eval `(debugger_quit)
+ (lambda (x)
+ (message "%S" x)
+ (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-window-configuration js-old-window-config)
+ (kill-buffer buffer)))))
+(defun js-debugger-toggle-locals (frame)
+ "Show the local variables for the current frame."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'frame)))
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (destructuring-bind (text start end detailsp)
+ (loop for p in '(text start end detailsp)
+ collect (get-text-property (point) p))
+ (cond ((not detailsp)
+ (let ((locals (js-eval-wait `(frame_locals ,frame))))
+ (goto-char end)
+ (let ((new-start (point)))
+ (insert-and-inherit text "\n")
+ (loop for l in locals for i from 0
+ do (js-insert-line-with-props (concat " " l )
+ `(local-var ,i)))
+ (delete-region start new-start)
+ (put-text-property start end 'detailsp t))))
+ (t
+ (goto-char end)
+ (let ((new-start (point)))
+ (insert-and-inherit text)
+ (delete-region start new-start)
+ (put-text-property start end 'detailsp nil))))
+ (goto-char start))))
+(defun js-insert-line-with-props (text props)
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (insert-and-inherit text)
+ (let ((end (point)))
+ (insert-and-inherit "\n")
+ (add-text-properties start end props))))
+(defun js-debugger-inspect-variable (frame var)
+ "Inspect the variable at point."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'frame)
+ (js-property-at-point 'local-var)))
+ (js-eval `(inspect_local_variable ,frame ,var)
+ 'js-open-inspector))
+(defun js-toggle-break-on-throw ()
+ "Enable or disable debugging on throws."
+ (interactive)
+ (js-eval `(toggle_break_on_throw) (lambda (m) (message "%s" m))))
+;;; Inspector
+(defvar js-inspect-hist ())
+(defun js-inspect (string)
+ "Evalute STRING and inspect the result."
+ (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "Inspect value (evaluated): "
+ nil nil nil 'js-inspect-hist)))
+ (js-eval `(init_inspector ,string) 'js-open-inspector))
+(define-derived-mode js-inspector-mode fundamental-mode "Javascript-Inspector"
+ "Mode to inspect Javascript objects.
+ (set-syntax-table java-mode-syntax-table)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'truncate-lines) t)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t))
+(let ((m js-inspector-mode-map))
+ (define-key m (kbd "RET") 'js-inspect-part)
+ (define-key m "l" 'js-inspector-last)
+ (define-key m "n" 'js-inspector-next)
+ (define-key m "a" 'js-inspector-apply-part)
+ (define-key m "q" 'js-quit-inspector))
+(defun js-inspector-buffer ()
+ (or (get-buffer "*Javascript Inspector*")
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Javascript Inspector*")
+ (setq js-inspector-mark-stack '())
+ (js-inspector-mode)
+ (js-mode 1)
+ (setq js-old-window-config (current-window-configuration))
+ (current-buffer))))
+(defun js-open-inspector (parts &optional point)
+ (with-current-buffer (js-inspector-buffer)
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (destructuring-bind (printed type lines) parts
+ (insert printed "\n")
+ (insert " [type: " type "]\n\n")
+ (save-excursion
+ (loop for (label text) in lines for i from 0
+ do (js-insert-line-with-props (concat label ": " text)
+ `(part ,i))))
+ (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (when point
+ (goto-char (min (point-max) point)))))))
+(defun js-inspect-part (id)
+ "Inspect the slot at point."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'part)))
+ (js-eval `(inspect_nth_part ,id) 'js-open-inspector)
+ (push (point) js-inspector-mark-stack))
+(defun js-inspector-next ()
+ "Inspect the next object in the history."
+ (interactive)
+ (js-eval `(inspector_next)
+ (lambda (parts)
+ (cond ((eq parts 'false)
+ (message "No next object")
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (push (point) js-inspector-mark-stack)
+ (js-open-inspector parts))))))
+(defun js-inspector-last ()
+ "Inspect the previous object."
+ (interactive)
+ (js-eval `(inspector_pop)
+ (lambda (result)
+ (cond ((eq result 'false)
+ (message "No previous object")
+ (ding))
+ (t
+ (let ((point (pop js-inspector-mark-stack)))
+ (js-open-inspector result point)))))))
+(defun js-inspector-apply-part (number &optional args)
+ "Call the function at the current slot and inspect the result.
+Call this command with a prefix argument to supply arguments."
+ (interactive (list (js-property-at-point 'part)
+ (if current-prefix-arg
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Argument vector: " "[]"))))
+ (let ((args (or args "[]")))
+ (js-eval `(inspector_apply_part ,number ,args) 'js-open-inspector)
+ (push (point) js-inspector-mark-stack)))
+(defun js-quit-inspector ()
+ "Close the inspector."
+ (interactive)
+ (js-eval `(quit_inspector)
+ (lambda (x)
+ (set-window-configuration js-old-window-config)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+;;; Portability kludges
+(unless (fboundp 'substring-no-properties)
+ (defun substring-no-properties (string &optional start end)
+ (let* ((start (or start 0))
+ (end (or end (length string)))
+ (string (substring string start end)))
+ (set-text-properties start end nil string)
+ string)))
+(unless (fboundp 'string-make-unibyte)
+ (defalias 'string-make-unibyte #'identity))
+(run-hooks 'js-load-hook)
+(provide 'js-mode)
+;;; js-mode.el ends here
Property changes on: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/js-mode.el
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/shellserver.xpi
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/trunk-reorg/thirdparty/emacs/shellserver.xpi
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
26 Nov '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-26 07:43:25 -0500 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2290
alpha test tweak
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.html
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.html 2007-11-26 12:42:03 UTC (rev 2289)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.html 2007-11-26 12:43:25 UTC (rev 2290)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<body onload="init()">
<div id="playfield">
- <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px;"><a style="color: white;" href="/login?login=user1">user1</a></div>
- <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 40px;"><a style="color: white;" href="/login?login=user2">user2</a></div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 20px;"><a style="color: white;" href="/login?login=hans">hans</a></div>
+ <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 40px;"><a style="color: white;" href="/login?login=marna">marna</a></div>
\ No newline at end of file
26 Nov '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-26 07:42:03 -0500 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2289
enhance error message
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp 2007-11-26 11:54:55 UTC (rev 2288)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/bknr/datastore/src/data/object.lisp 2007-11-26 12:42:03 UTC (rev 2289)
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
(defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) :before (newval (class persistent-class) object slotd)
(when (and (persistent-slot-p slotd)
(not (in-transaction-p)))
- (error "Attempt to set persistent slot outside of a transaction : (~A ~A)"
- (slot-definition-name slotd) (type-of object))))
+ (error "Attempt to set persistent slot ~A of ~A outside of a transaction"
+ (slot-definition-name slotd) object)))
(defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) :after (newval (class persistent-class) object slotd)
(when (in-anonymous-transaction-p)
[bknr-cvs] r2288 - in branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble: src website
by bknr@bknr.net 26 Nov '07
by bknr@bknr.net 26 Nov '07
26 Nov '07
Author: hhubner
Date: 2007-11-26 06:54:55 -0500 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 2288
Prepare for first pre-alpha user test
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/rules.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/rules.lisp 2007-11-26 11:24:22 UTC (rev 2287)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/rules.lisp 2007-11-26 11:54:55 UTC (rev 2288)
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
(defmethod print-object ((board board) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (board stream :type t :identity t)
(terpri stream)
- (dotimes (x 15)
- (dotimes (y 15)
+ (dotimes (y 15)
+ (dotimes (x 15)
(format stream "~C " (aif (at-xy board x y) (used-for it) #\.)))
(terpri stream))))
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/start-webserver.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/start-webserver.lisp 2007-11-26 11:24:22 UTC (rev 2287)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/start-webserver.lisp 2007-11-26 11:54:55 UTC (rev 2288)
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
:subsystems (list (make-instance 'store-object-subsystem)))
(unless (class-instances 'user)
(format t "creating test users and game~%")
- (let ((user1 (make-user "user1" :class 'player :full-name "User Eins"))
- (user2 (make-user "user2" :class 'player :full-name "User Zwei")))
+ (let ((user1 (make-user "hans" :class 'player :full-name "Hans"))
+ (user2 (make-user "marna" :class 'player :full-name "Marna")))
(make-game :de (list user1 user2)))))
(defparameter *website-directory*
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp 2007-11-26 11:24:22 UTC (rev 2287)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/src/web.lisp 2007-11-26 11:54:55 UTC (rev 2288)
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@
:score (score-of move)
:placed-tiles (placed-tiles-of move)
:words (mapcar (lambda (word-cons)
- (list :word (car word-cons)
- :score (cdr word-cons)))
+ (list (car word-cons) (cdr word-cons)))
(words-formed-of move)))
Modified: branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js
--- branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-11-26 11:24:22 UTC (rev 2287)
+++ branches/trunk-reorg/projects/scrabble/website/scrabble.js 2007-11-26 11:54:55 UTC (rev 2288)
@@ -118,12 +118,14 @@
setElementPosition(shuffleButton, { x: border + 480, y: border + 665 });
appendChildNodes(container, shuffleButton);
-// var clearButton = DIV(null, "clear");
-// clearButton.style.color = 'white';
-// clearButton.style.position = 'absolute';
-// clearButton.onclick = clearBoard;
-// setElementPosition(clearButton, { x: border + 480, y: border + 680 });
-// appendChildNodes(container, clearButton);
+ var gameLog = DIV({ id: 'gameLog' }, "");
+ gameLog.style.position = 'absolute';
+ gameLog.style.width = '280px';
+ gameLog.style.height = '250px';
+ gameLog.style.textAlign = 'left';
+ gameLog.style.overflowY = 'scroll';
+ setElementPosition(gameLog, { x: border + 680, y: border + 400 });
+ appendChildNodes($('playfield'), gameLog);
function setLetter(x, y, letter, isBlank) {
@@ -438,6 +440,21 @@
+function renderMoveAsText(move)
+ var retval = move.participantLogin;
+ if (move.type == 'move') {
+ retval += " score: " + move.score;
+ for (var i = 0; i < move.words.length; i++) {
+ retval += " " + move.words[i][0] + "(" + move.words[i][1] + ")";
+ }
+ } else {
+ retval += move.type;
+ }
+ return retval;
function drawGameState (gameState) {
for (var i = 0; i < gameState.board.length; i++) {
var x = gameState.board[i][0];
@@ -453,6 +470,9 @@
makeMyTray(map(function (entry) { return entry.letter }, participant.remainingTiles));
+ for (var i = 0; i < gameState.moves.length; i++) {
+ appendChildNodes($('gameLog'), DIV(null, renderMoveAsText(gameState.moves[i])));
+ }
var legalLetters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("");