Hi Hoan, I will test your patches more intensively tonight, but I read the patch, it was short enough to completely understand and it did not do anything which was hard to understand. Great. I hope to be able to generate a few test cases which make it possible to do some unit testing on the store in the future. This supports what you wrote and I´ll freely admit that our source base should be more helpful. Do you have any plans for other changes? Last time, you had more (like content-addressed blobs) which I did not understand. Maybe it is a good idea to quickly discuss proposed changes before they get checked in. I do not have any current plans, but if I happen to have enough time, I will propably work on database maintenance and operations so that BKNR based systems can be run for a long time without much nursery. The snapshotting mechanism currently eats disk space without bounds, and the blob garbage collection is not automated. Cheers, Hans