Hi Hans, thanks for the commits. If i got it right with-store does not apply to the STORE-OBJECT-SUBSYSTEM which is based on indices. Therfore it is not possible to use with-store for parallel stores based on all-store-objects and friends, right? In regards to the transaction log it does work for me, and it is a handy thing, but not what I was originally looking for. What I meant would be like:
DATASTORE> (with-store (store1) (make-object 'store-object)) => #<STORE-OBJECT ID: 0> DATASTORE> (with-store (store2) (make-object 'foo-store-object)) => #<FOO-STORE-OBJECT ID: 0> DATASTORE> (with-store (store1) (all-store-objects)) (#<STORE-OBJECT ID: 0>) DATASTORE> (with-store (store2) (all-store-objects)) (#<FOO-STORE-OBJECT ID: 0>)
This is not really meant as serial, but more like a multi threaded parallel execution. Obviously it would be possible to do this prepending a (restore), but this would bei a performance nightmare and require additional synchronization. From how I understand the code this would require to make indexed-class-indices and index-effective-slot-definition-indices dependant on the current *store* for persistent-class and persistent-effective-slot-definition. - Klaus P.S.: I begin to feel guilty for always nagging, so I have to emphasize again that I am really thankful for the commununication and your patience. Also bknr is already really helpful for me in its current form! If we can be improve it - even better. Am Samstag, 23. Februar 2008 17:49:16 schrieb Hans Hübner:
Hi Klaus,
I have just committed http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/2600 which adds multiple store support through the WITH-TRANSACTION macro. You need to use the :MAKE-DEFAULT NIL as initarg when making a store instance to prevent setting the *STORE* special variable. WITH-STORE must then be used to select a store to work with:
DATASTORE> (defvar *state* 0) *STATE* DATASTORE> (defvar store1 (make-instance 'store :directory "/tmp/store1/"
:make-default nil))
STORE1 DATASTORE> (defvar store2 (make-instance 'store :directory "/tmp/store2/"
:make-default nil))
STORE2 DATASTORE> (deftransaction foo (value) (setf *state* value)) FOO DATASTORE> (with-store (store1) (foo 1)) 1 DATASTORE> (with-store (store2) (foo 2)) 2 DATASTORE> (with-store (store1) (restore) *state*) reading store random state restoring #<STORE DIR: "/tmp/store1/"> loading transaction log /tmp/store1/current/transaction-log 1 DATASTORE> (with-store (store2) (restore) *state*) reading store random state restoring #<STORE DIR: "/tmp/store2/"> loading transaction log /tmp/store2/current/transaction-log 2 DATASTORE>
Let me know if that suits and works for you.