Hi, I've recently came across bknr while searching for a persistence layer for a small toy program I'm making (which isn't even web based), and found it quite interesting and with a nicely laid-out documentation (well, for the datastore, indexing and XML bits, less so for the web component). While playing around trying to understand the several pieces (mainly the datastore) I got stuck in the XML tutorial (tutorial.lisp in xml-impex) at: (parse-xml-file "xml-impex/tutorial.xml" (list (find-class 'book))) To reach that point I had to change (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :bknr-impex) to (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :bknr.impex). I always get the following error: The value NIL is not of type CXML::DTD. [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] I'm not entirely sure if this is a problem on my end, or if the tutorial is outdated. I'm using SBCL 1.0.35-3 in Fedora 12 FWIW, plus a recent svn tree. Any pointers are appreciated, and I'm of course more than happy to provide any further information if this is indeed something that shouldn't occur. Best regards, Frederico