Hi Hans, This is the smallest error scenario I have come up with: DATASTORE> (open-store "/home/viper/tmp/test-store/") initializing store random state restoring #<STORE DIR: "/home/viper/tmp/test-store/"> #<STORE DIR: "/home/viper/tmp/test-store/"> DATASTORE> (defclass test-object (store-object) ((test-slot :initform '(1 2 3))) (:metaclass persistent-class)) #<PERSISTENT-CLASS TEST-OBJECT> DATASTORE> (slot-value (make-instance 'test-object) 'test-slot) (1 2 3) DATASTORE> (deftransaction set-test-slot (object &rest args) (setf (slot-value object 'test-slot) args)) SET-TEST-SLOT DATASTORE> (slot-value (car (store-objects-with-class 'test-object)) 'test-slot) (1 2 3) DATASTORE> (set-test-slot (car (store-objects-with-class 'test-object)) 3 4 5) NIL DATASTORE> (slot-value (car (store-objects-with-class 'test-object)) 'test-slot) NIL Actually, looking in txn.lisp (line 422): ,@(let ((rest (member '&rest args))) (when rest `((declare (ignore ,(second rest)))))) And line 427 when making the transaction, make-args is called during macroexpansion, which does the following: (make-args '(foo &rest bar)) => (FOO) This is why I assumed that &rest args were left out for a reason but warnings/documentation was just forgotten. Vladimir On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:40 AM, Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Vladimir,
I have looked at the source of deftransaction and the method definitions for encode-object and decode-object for transactions - The &rest arguments seem to be passed to the transaction object as :args initarg, stored in the transaction file in the encoder and also read back in the decoder. So, the intention is that they are recorded. Did you see that not work?
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:36 AM, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
Deftransaction permits &rest args, but they don't seem to be recorded in the store. Is the correct behavior that &rest args should not be valid in a deftransaction lambda-list, or is this a bug in storing them?
Thanks, Vladimir
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