Hi Hans, Thank you for your feedback. 2010/6/3 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com>:
The quickhoney project works off the current trunk version. If you want to give it a try, load the :quickhoney system and evaluate (quickhoney::startup). To make your life easier, please check out the complete trunk from subversion and add all thirdparty/ directories to your asdf:*central-registry* (see src/make-core.lisp for a function that does that automatically).
I have several complete checkouts of trunk (some from 2006, I've used them to trace the code changes in XML impex), and I'm already using the thirdparty directories (which are quite convenient). I'm not able to get it running without some code massaging (e.g. hunchentoot changed the API, there is not start-server and stop-server, just start/stop upon an hunchentoot:acceptor instance), but that's minor. I've going to further investigate while I'm getting internal server errors on all pages. If it is supposed to work with trunk then there is something wrong on my end which I will try to fix.
The "bos" project is another customer project that I maintain, but it is deployed off a branch and I don't know if it works off the trunk. It is the project that I put most work into, so you may want to look at it to get some idea how the web environment is used.
Will do.
There is a "hello-web" project that is meant to be a template for new projects, but I have not maintained it in a while and it does not currently work.
I've also changed some parts of the code of that one, and at least it starts. But I get similar internal servers errors. If I reach a dead-end in terms of debugging I'll go into more detail.
One thing that I regret having done is that I used to import framework packages into my application. This makes it much harder to study source code, as the symbols do not immediately reflect the package that they're coming from. I've moved away from that practice a few years ago, but in the projects directory, you'll have to learn which of the symbols are actually from the framework packages.
Ok, no problem, SLIME helps a bit with that. Regards, Frederico