On 2/18/07, Hans Hübner <hans@huebner.org> wrote:

it is sad that you can't "even" install bknr.  As it seems, your
problem is related to asdf really.  You could try using the
"setup-registry" function from tools/make-core.lisp or manually
symlink bknr's asdf files to your system repository and try again.

What do you mean by "system repository"?
tools/make-core.lisp doesn't load, giving the error message: "
  READER-ERROR at 45 (line 3, column 22) on #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /usr/lib/sbcl/bknr-svn/tools/make-core.lisp" {AE2ABC9}>:
package "EXT" not found

I am aware that bknr does not come with a user friendly install
procedure, but I do not have the time to change that presently.

I'm willing to contribute some sort of script or documentation if I can actually figure out how to install bknr. However, I will need some help to install it.

Best regards,

2007/2/17, Marcin Tustin < mm3@zepler.net>:
> I'm trying to install bknr, but I can't get my lisp (sbcl) to find it.
> In brief, I've put bknr-svn in $SBCL_HOME, and I have the file
> $SBCL_HOME/bknr-svn/bknr/init.lisp looking as below.
> The problem is that once I load the file, (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :bknr)
> just drops me into the debugger with the message "debugger invoked on a
> ASDF:MISSING-COMPONENT in thread #<THREAD "initial thread" {A744531}>:
>   component "bknr" not found."
> ------------------
> init.lisp:
> (in-package :cl-user)
> (require :asdf)
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ;; Tweak this
> (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
>   #+allegro
>   (setf (logical-pathname-translations "bknr")
>     `(("**;*.*.*" "bknr/**/"))
>     (logical-pathname-translations "bknr-thirdparty")
>     `(("**;*.*.*" "thirdparty/**/"))
>     (logical-pathname-translations "eboy")
>     `(("**;*.*.*" "eboy/**/")))
>   #+cmu
>   (setf (logical-pathname-translations "bknr")
>     `(("**;*.*.*" "home:bknr-sputnik/bknr/**/"))
>     (logical-pathname-translations "bknr-thirdparty")
>     `(("**;*.*.*" "home:bknr-sputnik/thirdparty/**/"))
>     (logical-pathname-translations "eboy")
>     `(("**;*.*.*" "home:bknr-sputnik/eboy/**/")))
>   #+sbcl
>   (setf (logical-pathname-translations "bknr")
>       `(("**;*.*.*"
>          ,(merge-pathnames
>            (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "bknr-svn" "bknr"
> :wild-inferiors)
>                           :name    :wild
>                           :type    :wild
>                           :version :wild)
>             (POSIX-GETENV "SBCL_HOME"))))
>        (logical-pathname-translations "bknr-thirdparty")
>       `(("**;*.*.*"
>          ,(merge-pathnames
>            (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "bknr-svn" "thirdparty"
> :wild-inferiors)
>                           :name    :wild
>                           :type    :wild
>                           :version :wild)
>             (POSIX-GETENV "SBCL_HOME"))))
>        (logical-pathname-translations "eboy")
>       `(("**;*.*.*"
>          ,(merge-pathnames
>            (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "bknr-svn" "eboy"
> :wild-inferiors)
>                           :name    :wild
>                           :type    :wild
>                           :version :wild)
>             (POSIX-GETENV "SBCL_HOME"))))))
> (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
>   #-sbcl
>   (load #p"bknr-thirdparty:asdf;asdf")
>   #+sbcl
>   (require :asdf))
> (pushnew (translate-logical-pathname #p"bknr:src;") asdf:*central-registry*
> :test #'equal)
> (pushnew (translate-logical-pathname #p"eboy:src;") asdf:*central-registry*
> :test #'equal)
> (defparameter *patch-directory* "bknr:patches;")
> (defun load-patches (&optional (directory *patch-directory*))
>   (dolist (file (directory (merge-pathnames directory #p"patch-*.lisp")))
>     (warn "; Loading patch from file ~A~%" file)
>     (load file)))
> (defun fix-dpd ()
>   #+cmu
>   ;; Die Sache mit dem aktuellen Verzeichnis hat CMUCL noch immer nicht im
>   ;; Griff.  Nachbessern!
>   (setf *default-pathname-defaults*
>         (pathname
>          (concatenate 'string
>                       (nth-value 1 (unix:unix-current-directory))
>                       "/"))))
> (defun make-wild-pathname (type directory)
>   (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type type
>                   :name :wild
>                   :directory '(:relative :wild-inferiors))
>            directory))
> (defun setup-registry ()
>   (mapc #'(lambda (asd-pathname)
>         (pushnew (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory
> asd-pathname))
>              asdf:*central-registry*
>              :test #'equal))
>     (append (directory #p"bknr-thirdparty:**;*.asd")
>         (directory #p"bknr:**;*.asd"))))
> (defun clean-registry (&optional (dirs asdf:*central-registry*))
>   (let ((files (mapcan #'directory
>                (mapcan #'(lambda (dir)
>                     (when (pathnamep dir)
>                      (list (make-wild-pathname "fas" dir)
>                        (make-wild-pathname "lib" dir)
>                        (make-wild-pathname "x86f" dir)
>                        (make-wild-pathname "fasl" dir))))
>                    dirs))))
>     (dolist (file files)
>       (when (probe-file file)
>     (format t "Deleting binary file ~S~%" file)
>     (delete-file file)))))
> #+cmu
> (load-patches)
> (setup-registry)
> (fix-dpd)
> (pushnew :cl-gd-gif *features*)
> _______________________________________________
> bknr-devel mailing list
> bknr-devel@common-lisp.net
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