Are there any plans to add a lockfile to bknr.datastore stores? Right now it seems possible for multiple Lisp processes to open the same store, and I'm not sure the resulting behavior is desirable. Another problem I noticed (at least with SBCL on Linux) is that taking a store whose directory permissions are owned by some user and opening it as a process running as root (for example, if running a daemon that opens the store before doing setuid) causes that store to be erased for some reason. Vladimir

Hi Vladimir, On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 12:44 AM, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
Are there any plans to add a lockfile to bknr.datastore stores? Right now it seems possible for multiple Lisp processes to open the same store, and I'm not sure the resulting behavior is desirable.
No, there are no plans to do that, but I'm open to patches that add the functionality. I did not ever see the lack of a lock file as a problem, but I see how it is easily possible to seriously mess up a store by trying to open it from multiple processes.
Another problem I noticed (at least with SBCL on Linux) is that taking a store whose directory permissions are owned by some user and opening it as a process running as root (for example, if running a daemon that opens the store before doing setuid) causes that store to be erased for some reason.
Again, this is a problem I have not encountered, but I'm open to patches correcting the problem. Do you have an isolated test case that exposes the problem? Thanks, Hans

Hi Hans,
No, there are no plans to do that, but I'm open to patches that add the functionality. I did not ever see the lack of a lock file as a problem, but I see how it is easily possible to seriously mess up a store by trying to open it from multiple processes.
One thing I found in building a lock file mechanism for my application is that there's no way to do it portably in CL, which makes sense since some details are OS dependent (and even on Unix it might not work on NFS, etc.). So I don't know of the right way of doing it (maybe a lock file is not actually the right way), and I'd like to figure one out before putting any mechanisms in a library.
Again, this is a problem I have not encountered, but I'm open to patches correcting the problem. Do you have an isolated test case that exposes the problem?
I don't really have a test case for this beyond "make a store as non-root user, put some data in the log (and maybe a snapshot), then try to open that store as root." Thank you, Vladimir

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Vladimir Sedach <vsedach@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Hans,
No, there are no plans to do that, but I'm open to patches that add the functionality. I did not ever see the lack of a lock file as a problem, but I see how it is easily possible to seriously mess up a store by trying to open it from multiple processes.
One thing I found in building a lock file mechanism for my application is that there's no way to do it portably in CL, which makes sense since some details are OS dependent (and even on Unix it might not work on NFS, etc.). So I don't know of the right way of doing it (maybe a lock file is not actually the right way), and I'd like to figure one out before putting any mechanisms in a library.
I think the best way, moving forward, would be to depend on iolib and use a simple POSIX open call with O_EXCL on a lock file placed in the store directory. It would be good to make the lock file implementation optional so that compiling without it is possible (i.e. on Window or Lisp implementations not supported by iolib).
Again, this is a problem I have not encountered, but I'm open to patches correcting the problem. Do you have an isolated test case that exposes the problem?
I don't really have a test case for this beyond "make a store as non-root user, put some data in the log (and maybe a snapshot), then try to open that store as root."
I tried the below and cannot reproduce the problem on OSX: (ql:quickload :bknr.datastore) (defpackage :store-user (:use :cl) (:export :test)) (in-package :store-user) (defclass test-object (bknr.datastore:store-object) ((a :initarg :a :reader a)) (:metaclass bknr.datastore:persistent-class)) (defun test () (make-instance 'bknr.datastore:mp-store :directory "/tmp/object-store/" :subsystems (list (make-instance 'bknr.datastore:store-object-subsystem))) (make-instance 'test-object :a 1) (bknr.datastore:snapshot) (print (bknr.datastore:all-store-objects)) (bknr.datastore:close-store)) (eval (read-from-string "(progn (store-user:test) (sb-ext:exit))")) panadol 1019_% sbcl --load reproduce-bug.lisp This is SBCL, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>. SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the distribution for more information. ; adding components under ~/lisp-libs/ to asdf registry To load "bknr.datastore": Load 1 ASDF system: bknr.datastore ; Loading "bknr.datastore" .......... initializing store random state restoring #<MP-STORE DIR: "/tmp/object-store/"> (#<TEST-OBJECT ID: 0>) panadol 1020_% sudo sbcl --load reproduce-bug.lisp This is SBCL, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>. SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the distribution for more information. ; adding components under ~/lisp-libs/ to asdf registry To load "bknr.datastore": Load 1 ASDF system: bknr.datastore ; Loading "bknr.datastore" .......... restoring #<MP-STORE DIR: "/tmp/object-store/"> ; loading snapshot file /tmp/object-store/current/store-object-subsystem-snapshot loading transaction log /tmp/object-store/current/transaction-log (#<TEST-OBJECT ID: 0> #<TEST-OBJECT ID: 1>) Can you determine some more details about the problem using this test? Thanks, -Hans
participants (2)
Hans Hübner
Vladimir Sedach