We had a conversation on this a while back.
Same code (as we discussed), diffed against the latest.
The unit-test still passes.
ASD file has to be modded to remove a clash with the default
condition-var struct
Attached are the diff files - I hope they are in the right form. I'd
like to get this code out there - please let me know if any changes are
--- ..\bordeaux-threads_new\bordeaux-threads.asd 2009-12-24 19:35:44.000000000 -0600
+++ bordeaux-threads.asd 2009-12-29 23:21:40.637166200 -0600
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
#-thread-support "unsupported")
(:file "default-implementations")
#+(and thread-support
- (or armedbear digitool ecl lispworks))
+ (or armedbear digitool ecl)
+ (not lispworks))
(:file "condition-variables"))))
:in-order-to ((test-op (load-op bordeaux-threads-test)))
:perform (test-op :after (op c)
--- ..\bordeaux-threads_new\src\impl-lispworks.lisp 2009-12-24 19:35:44.000000000 -0600
+++ src\impl-lispworks.lisp 2009-12-29 23:09:54.381383200 -0600
@@ -68,4 +68,191 @@
(mp:process-wait (format nil "Waiting for thread ~A to complete" thread)
(complement #'mp:process-alive-p) thread))
+; Lispworks condition support is simulated, albeit via a lightweight wrapper over
+; its own polling-based wait primitive. Waiters register with the condition variable,
+; and use MP:process-wait which queries for permission to proceed at its own (usspecified) interval.
+; http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw51/LWRM/html/lwref-445.htm
+; A wakeup callback (on notify) is provided to lighten this query to not have to do a hash lookup
+; on every poll (or have to serialize on the condition variable) and a mechanism is put
+; in place to unregister any waiter that exits wait for other reasons,
+; and to resend any (single) notification that may have been consumed before this (corner
+; case). Much of the complexity present is to support single notification (as recommended in
+; the spec); but a distinct condition-notify-all is provided for reference.
+; Single-notification follows a first-in first-out ordering
+; Performance: With 1000 threads waiting on one condition-variable, the steady-state hit (at least
+; as tested on a 3GHz Win32 box) is noise - hovering at 0% on Task manager.
+; While not true zero like a true native solution, the use of the Lispworks native checks appear
+; fast enough to be an equivalent substitute (thread count will cause issue before the
+; waiting overhead becomes significant)
+(defstruct condition-variable
+ (lock (mp:make-lock :name "For condition-variable") :type mp:lock :read-only t)
+ (wait-tlist (cons nil nil) :type cons :read-only t)
+ (wait-hash (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table :read-only t)
+ ; unconsumed-notifications is to track :remove-from-consideration
+ ; for entries that may have exited prematurely - notification is sent through
+ ; to someone else, and offender is removed from hash and list
+ (unconsumed-notifications (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table :read-only t))
+; make-condition-variable the default constructor for condition-variable
+(defmacro with-cv-access (condition-variable &body body)
+ (let ((cv-sym (gensym))
+ (slots '(lock wait-tlist wait-hash unconsumed-notifications)))
+ `(let ((,cv-sym ,condition-variable))
+ (with-slots ,slots
+ ,cv-sym
+ (macrolet ((locked (&body body) `(mp:with-lock (lock) ,@body)))
+ (labels ((,(gensym) () ,@slots))) ; Trigger expansion of the symbol-macrolets to ignore
+ ,@body)))))
+(defmacro defcvfun (function-name (condition-variable &rest args) &body body)
+ `(defun ,function-name (,condition-variable ,@args)
+ (with-cv-access ,condition-variable
+ ,@body)))
+#+lispworks (editor:setup-indent "defcvfun" 2 2 7) ; indent defcvfun
+; utility function thath assumes process is locked on condition-variable's lock.
+(defcvfun do-notify-single (condition-variable) ; assumes already locked
+ (let ((id (caar wait-tlist)))
+ (when id
+ (pop (car wait-tlist))
+ (unless (car wait-tlist) ; check for empty
+ (setf (cdr wait-tlist) nil))
+ (funcall (gethash id wait-hash)) ; call waiter-wakeup
+ (remhash id wait-hash) ; absence of entry = permission to proceed
+ (setf (gethash id unconsumed-notifications) t))))
+; Added for completeness/to show how it's done in this paradigm; but
+; The symbol for this call is not exposed in the api
+(defcvfun condition-notify-all (condition-variable)
+ (locked
+ (loop for waiter-wakeup being the hash-values in wait-hash do (funcall waiter-wakeup))
+ (clrhash wait-hash)
+ (clrhash unconsumed-notifications) ; don't care as everyone just got notified
+ (setf (car wait-tlist) nil)
+ (setf (cdr wait-tlist) nil)))
+; Currently implemented so as to notify only one waiting thread
+(defcvfun condition-notify (condition-variable)
+ (locked (do-notify-single condition-variable)))
+(defun delete-from-tlist (tlist element)
+ (let ((deleter
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (car tlist) (cdar tlist))
+ (unless (car tlist)
+ (setf (cdr tlist) nil)))))
+ (loop for cons in (car tlist) do
+ (if (eq element (car cons))
+ (progn
+ (funcall deleter)
+ (return nil))
+ (let ((cons cons))
+ (setq deleter
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (cdr cons) (cddr cons))
+ (unless (cdr cons)
+ (setf (cdr tlist) cons)))))))))
+(defun add-to-tlist-tail (tlist element)
+ (let ((new-link (cons element nil)))
+ (cond
+ ((car tlist)
+ (setf (cddr tlist) new-link)
+ (setf (cdr tlist) new-link))
+ (t
+ (setf (car tlist) new-link)
+ (setf (cdr tlist) new-link)))))
+(defcvfun condition-wait (condition-variable lock-)
+ (mp:process-unlock lock-)
+ (unwind-protect ; for the re-taking of the lock. Guarding all of the code
+ (let ((wakeup-allowed-to-proceed nil)
+ (wakeup-lock (mp:make-lock :name "wakeup lock for condition-wait")))
+ ; wakeup-allowed-to-proceed is an optimisation to avoid having to serialize all waiters and
+ ; search the hashtable. That it is locked is for safety/completeness, although
+ ; as wakeup-allowed-to-proceed only transitions nil -> t, and that missing it once or twice is
+ ; moot in this situation, it would be redundant even if ever a Lispworks implementation ever became
+ ; non-atomic in its assigments
+ (let ((id (cons nil nil))
+ (clean-exit nil))
+ (locked
+ (add-to-tlist-tail wait-tlist id)
+ (setf (gethash id wait-hash) (lambda () (mp:with-lock (wakeup-lock) (setq wakeup-allowed-to-proceed t)))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (mp:process-wait
+ "Waiting for notification"
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (mp:with-lock (wakeup-lock) wakeup-allowed-to-proceed)
+ (locked (not (gethash id wait-hash))))))
+ (locked (remhash id unconsumed-notifications))
+ (setq clean-exit t)) ; Notification was consumed
+ ; Have to call remove-from-consideration just in case process was interrupted
+ ; rather than having condition met
+ (unless clean-exit ; clean-exit is just an optimization
+ (locked
+ (when (gethash id wait-hash) ; not notified - must have been interrupted
+ ; Have to unsubscribe
+ (remhash id wait-hash)
+ (delete-from-tlist wait-tlist id))
+ ; note - it's possible to be removed from wait-hash/wait-tlist (in notify-single); but still have an unconsumed notification!
+ (when (gethash id unconsumed-notifications) ; Must have exited for reasons unrelated to notification
+ (remhash id unconsumed-notifications) ; Have to pass on the notification to an eligible waiter
+ (do-notify-single condition-variable)))))))
+ (mp:process-lock lock-)))
+; Generally safe sanity check for the locks and single-notify
+(defun unit-test-lw-conditions ()
+ (let ((condition-variable (make-condition-variable))
+ (test-lock (make-lock))
+ (completed nil))
+ (loop for id from 0 to 5 do
+ (let ((id id))
+ (make-thread (lambda () (with-lock-held (test-lock) (condition-wait condition-variable test-lock) (push id completed) (condition-notify condition-variable))))))
+ (sleep 2)
+ (if completed
+ (print "Failed: Premature passage through condition-wait")
+ (print "Successfully waited on condition"))
+ (condition-notify condition-variable)
+ (sleep 2)
+ (if (and completed (eql (length completed) 6) (equal (sort completed #'<) (loop for id from 0 to 5 collect id)))
+ (print "Success: All elements notified")
+ (print (format nil "Failed: Of 6 expected elements, only ~A proceeded" completed)))
+ (with-cv-access condition-variable
+ (if (and
+ (not (or (car wait-tlist) (cdr wait-tlist)))
+ (zerop (hash-table-count wait-hash))
+ (zerop (hash-table-count unconsumed-notifications)))
+ (print "Success: condition variable restored to initial state")
+ (print "Error: condition variable retains residue from completed waiters")))
+ (setq completed nil)
+ (loop for id from 0 to 5 do
+ (let ((id id))
+ (make-thread (lambda () (with-lock-held (test-lock) (condition-wait condition-variable test-lock) (push id completed))))))
+ (sleep 2)
+ (condition-notify condition-variable)
+ (sleep 2)
+ (if (= (length completed) 1)
+ (print "Success: Notify-single only notified a single waiter to restart")
+ (print (format nil "Failure: Notify-single restarted ~A items" (length completed))))
+ (condition-notify condition-variable)
+ (sleep 2)
+ (if (= (length completed) 2)
+ (print "Success: second Notify-single only notified a single waiter to restart")
+ (print (format nil "Failure: Two Notify-singles restarted ~A items" (length completed))))
+ (loop for i from 0 to 5 do (condition-notify condition-variable))
+ (print "Note: In the case of any failures, assume there are outstanding waiting threads")
+ (values)))
I've just released version 0.7.0
Significant changes since last release:
* new function JOIN-THREAD
* MAKE-CONDITION-VARIABLE now takes a keyword argument NAME
* *default-special-bindings* now contains an alist mapping symbols to
forms to be evaluated rather than closures to be funcalled
* added *standard-io-bindings*
* support for Clisp and Scieneer Common Lisp
* nickname "threads" was removed because used by Clisp
* dependency on Alexandria(http://common-lisp.net/project/alexandria)
Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
I was using WITH-TIMEOUT the other day and it seems that it doesn't
quite hide the underlying implementation quite enough: on SBCL it
signals an SBCL-specific condition when it times out. Thus to handle
the timeout you have to either handle that specific condition or
something too broad (like CONDITION). Perhaps BT:WITH-TIMEOUT should
handle the underlying condition and signal a BT-defined condition so
this code can be written portably. I could provide a patch for SBCL
(and probably Allegro) if folks think this is a good idea.
Peter Seibel