i've got a macro that i need for debugging code and i think it would
be useful for b-t. it's called with-thread-name, that appends the
given string to the thread's name and restores the old name in an
it's useful when you have 10 nodes with 25 threads each and need to
debug stuff like sbcl hanging in CLOSE on a socket.
if you like the idea i can move it into b-t and package up as a darcs patch.
Hello All,
the appended patch stops bordeaux-threads from compiling successfully
for Lisp implementations which have no threading support enabled.
--- bordeaux-threads/src/allegro-orig.lisp 2006-06-06 03:44:26.000000000 +0100
+++ bordeaux-threads/src/allegro.lisp 2007-06-24 12:13:40.000000000 +0100
@@ -75,3 +75,6 @@
(mp:process-kill thread))
) ; end PROGN
+(error "This implementation of ALLEGRO does not support threads.")
--- bordeaux-threads/src/cmu-orig.…
[View More]lisp 2007-06-24 11:16:38.000000000 +0100
+++ bordeaux-threads/src/cmu.lisp 2007-06-24 12:13:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -84,3 +84,6 @@
(mp:destroy-process thread))
) ; end PROGN
+(error "This implementation of CMUCL does not support threads.")
--- bordeaux-threads/src/sbcl-orig.lisp 2007-06-24 10:46:12.000000000 +0100
+++ bordeaux-threads/src/sbcl.lisp 2007-06-24 12:13:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -74,3 +74,6 @@
(sb-thread:terminate-thread thread))
) ; end PROGN
+(error "This implementation of SBCL does not support threads.")
--- bordeaux-threads/src/openmcl-orig.lisp 2006-06-06 03:44:26.000000000 +0100
+++ bordeaux-threads/src/openmcl.lisp 2007-06-24 12:14:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -83,4 +83,7 @@
(defmethod destroy-thread ((thread ccl:process))
(ccl:process-kill thread))
-) ; end PROGN
\ No newline at end of file
+) ; end PROGN
+(error "This implementation of OpenMCL does not support threads.")
[View Less]
i'm about to implement a simple send/receive message api based on
condition variables and i wonder whether it fits the scope of
if you also think it does, then let me know and i'll send a patch.
another thing i'm missing and which is not strictly a primitive is a
read/write lock (even if it's a naiive implementation).
i know that these features are implementable in terms of the current
b-t api (i'm not sure about the read/write lock, though), but where
else would we …
[View More]put them then a threading lib?
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Here is a a little patch I needed to make UnCommonWeb work with Allegro
8.0. It's an implementation of make-recursive-lock and a small change to
with-recursive-lock-held when no timeout is specified.
/Henrik Hjelte
as the title sais... small changes here and there to make it load on
clisp and to provide a way for the apps to check for threads.
- attila
"- The truth is that I've been too considerate, and so became
unintentionally cruel...
- I understand.
- No, you don't understand! We don't speak the same language!"
(Ingmar Bergman - Smultronstället)
I'm writing CL-STM, and I was wondering if we could
change `condition-wait' to take the lock as an optional
argument? At the moment, I'm acquiring a dummy lock,
and then using `condition-wait' on it. What do you think?